Ellison Elementary Expectations and Settings Matrix
Everywhere / Hallways & Stairwell / School Grounds / Classroom Lunch / Washroom & Changerooms / Assemblies & Presentations / Entrance and ExitRespect Yourself /
- Give your best effort and set high expectations
- Be hygienic
- Dress appropriately
- Tie shoelaces
- Bring all school materials to school
- Ask for help if needed
- Always walk
- Stay in an orderly single file line
- Move quietly
- Stay on the right side
- Use handrail properly
- On the stairs, take one step at a time, without jumping
- Play safely & appropriately in designated areas
- Be helpful & courteous
- Stay on school grounds
- Pick up after yourself
- Stay away from parking lot and bike rack
- Walk all bikes, scooters, skateboards, etc. on and off property
- Have clean hands
- Use good table manners
- Stay in your seat
- Keep noise level down
- Only eat your own lunch
- Wash hands
- Flush
- Return to class quickly
- No food or unnecessary equipment in washroom
- Change quickly and quietly
- Stay focused
- Settle quickly
- Sit on your bottom
- Choose appropriate people to sit by
- Sit quietly & use Whole Body Listening
- Wait for teacher or supervisor permission before entering
- Use designated doors
- Remove hats
- Dress appropriately
Respect Others /
- Be kind and use good manners
- Share and include others
- Use Whole Body Listening
- Keep your hands & feet to yourself
- Respect others’ thoughts & opinions
- Ask before you borrow
- Keep hands & feet to yourself
- Use appropriate language & volume
- Keep personal space
- Move forward and look forward
- Leave displays and bulletin boards alone
- Stay quiet in the hallway to respect other classes
- Include others in activities & games
- Be a good sport and play safely
- Report unsafe behaviour
- Use equipment safely & return it to where you got it
- Leave others’ creations alone
- Keep hands and feet to self
- Practice good manners
- Be respectful to classroom monitors & supervisors
- Wipe off desk when finished eating
- Ask to use the washroom
- Use stalls properly
- Respect others’ privacy
- Report unsafe behaviour or vandalism to the office
- Use quiet voices
- Enter & exit quietly with your teacher
- Clap politely at appropriate times
- Look at the speaker or presentation
- Keep your hands & feet to yourself
- Stand to ask questions
- Be on time
- Carry equipment in school
- Enter & exit quickly & quietly
- Stay in line
- Hold the door for others, especially if you are first in line
Respect Your Environment /
- Reduce, reuse, & recycle
- Throw garbage in cans
- Take care of school property
- Respect our school neighbours
- Pick up litter
- Clean up after yourself
- Report vandalism & unsafe behavior
- Report any spills
- Pick up litter
- Clean up after yourself
- Be respectful to property
- Leave branches on trees
- Use garbage cans
- Stay out from under trees
- Clean up after yourself
- Sit on chairs only
- Put proper items into recycling & garbage
- Take food and lunch kits home daily
- Conserve water, soap, and paper
- Use garbage cans
- Pick up any paper on the floor
- Clean up after yourself
- Be quiet and respectful in the hallways
- Wear appropriate shoes
- Bring nothing in your hands or pockets
- Be focused
- Wipe your feet and brush off snow or debris before entering
- Enter & exit through the proper doors