Names: Kristy Nelson, Kathy Bouten, Betty Johnson

Lesson Title: Courtyard Observations

Standard: Living things are diverse with many different characteristics that enable them to grow, reproduce and survive.


·  Students will observe native MN plants, animals, and insects

·  Students will learn to use nature journals to record observations


1.  Read aloud excerpts from “One Small Square: Backyard” to get students excited to look at the world around them.

2.  Take kids out to the Courtyard on a “micro-hike”.

a.  Students find a 1 foot by 1 foot section to observe

b.  Students sketch the section in their journal

c.  Students record 10 observations about what they see

d.  Student use their magnifying glass to look closely at one small square of their larger section and sketch this as well

3.  Return to classroom to discuss observations.

4.  Compile a class Taxonomy of the students’ observations.