Honors Business Seminar

Expectations and Guidelines

Mr. Carbone & Mr. Merrilees



This collaborative project-based business course will allow students to more deeply integrate concepts learned in core business classes. Because students will have varied business course sequences prior to this class, the seminar course will enable them to broaden their knowledge of all business disciplines, such as operations, finance, marketing, human resources, and management.

Students will develop their leadership and communications skills through a range of business opportunities including case studies, professional business speakers and lectures.

Working in teams, students will develop a summative project that incorporates all facets of business learned throughout the program. In addition, each student will have the opportunity to work with an outside business mentor to gain insight on their projects, provide innovative solutions for the business and even have an opportunity to present their summative project upon completion.

The Respective Semesters

The first semester will focus on deepening our knowledgebase of the respective building blocks or units of business, such as management, finance, human resources, marketing, and operations. There will be a case study and/or other major assessment for each unit.

In the second semester, we will first complete the remaining building blocks. Then, we will focus on a major unit on management consulting. The second semester will conclude with the summative project.

Assessment Plan

We will have various forms of assessments that will give students opportunities to reflect and improve on their learning. These can include homework/classwork, projects, case studies, quizzes/mini cases and unit exams. The nature of these assignments and the grading policy, which is based on total points, is detailed below:

Unit Exams/Tests = 100 Points

There will be a test and/or project in each unit. Tests will not only assess skills and content, but also include open-ended and application problems.Students are expected to take all tests in-class on the determined test date. Test will be announced several days in advance.

Mini Cases & Quizzes = 25 Points

Generally, there will be weekly or bi-weekly mini cases or quizzes. These may be announced and unannounced. Also, there may be times when students will be permitted to utilize their notesto complete a mini case or quiz. Therefore, it is essential to keep an organized notebook with class notes from class discussions and lectures.

Classwork & Homework = 10 Points

Throughout the course, there will be a variety of homework and classwork assignments that students must complete. Students should expect to complete these assignments daily. Each homework assignment will be checked and graded. There may be notebook checks which count as classwork grades.

Projects = 100 to 200 Points*

Each semester, students will complete a variety of projects that pertain to the specific unit. These projects may require students to work collaboratively with their assigned groups or individually.

*In the second semester, there will be a summative project which will incorporate learning from throughout the year and will take a disproportionate share of time in that semester. As a result, it will count for 300-400 points –making it the equivalent of more than one major project.

Note: Point values may deviate from the above ranges based on the specific assignment.

Class Preparation

Please use a 3-ring binder with a folder for your notes, handouts, and assignments. You should bring your binder to every class.

Rules of the Class

Integrity is key/Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated

Respect everyone

Maintain high expectations and always do your best

Meet your commitments

Be on time

Always come prepared

No unauthorized computer use

Commitment and Absences

Except for excused absences, any work that is submitted late will receive a letter grade reduction for each day after the due date. In the case of excused absences, late work must be returned upon your return to school, even if class does not meet that day.

If you miss class for any reason, you must make up the missed work, determine what new assignments may have been given, and (if you miss a test or quiz) schedule a make-up to be taken within three school days of your return.

Always check School Wires to confirm assignments.

Communications and Extra Help

Please let your assigned teacher know if you need extra help. They can make themselves available either before or after school.

You may contact your assigned teacher via email at or .

If your parents wish to contact your assigned teacher for any reason, they can reach them by voicemail (201-327-8700 Mr. Carbone: x362 Mr. Merrilees: x227).

Good luck and let’s have a great year!

The unauthorized use of cell phones is strictly prohibited.

There is zero tolerance for cheating and academic dishonesty.

School policy, as outlined in the Student/Parent handbook, will be followed in such matters.

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