Castle Academy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Date presented: ______

Date ratified: ______

Signed: ______

Review date: ______

Named Staff

Year / Designated Senior Person / Deputy Designated Senior Persons / Nominated Governor/trust member/trust member / EMLC Trust member
2011 - 2012 / Mrs L Beard / Mrs L Greco / Ms K Green
2012 – Jun 2013 / Mrs L Greco / Mrs L Beard / Ms K Green
April 2013 / Mrs L Beard / Mr J Nairn (Locum) / Ms K Green
June 2013 / Mrs L Beard
Miss Z Birch
Mrs R Ryan / Ms K Green
July/September 2014 / Mrs L Beard
Mrs R Ryan / Chantelle Harrison
Iza Johnson
Emma Brandon-Smith / Mr A Hardy
September 2014 / Mrs Ruth Ryan / Mrs Lorna Beard (Head Teacher)
Ms Emma Brandon-Smith
Mrs Chantelle Harrison / Mr A Hardy
September 2015 / Mrs Ruth Ryan / Mrs Lorna Beard (Head Teacher)
Ms Emma Brandon-Smith / Mr A Hardy
Policy Review Dates
Review Date / Changes made
Yes/No / By whom / Date shared with staff
Jan 2012 / Yes – new policy / Mrs L Beard / 08.02.12
Feb 2012 / Yes – Safer recruitment training completed / Mrs L Beard / 21.02.12
April 2013 / No – Dates updated / Mrs L Beard / 25.04.13
July 2013 / Yes / Miss Z Birch / 9.13
July/September 2014 / Yes / Mrs Alex Preston / July 2014
January 2015 / Yes / Mrs Ruth Ryan / January 2015

Dates of staff training and details of course title and training provider

Training / Date of training / Person trained / Training provider
Refresher for Designated Senior Person / 08.10.12 / Mrs Lorna Beard / ACUTE
Designated Senior Person / 06.12.11 / Mrs Linda Greco / LASI
Designated Senior Person / 04.06.13 / Miss Z Birch
Mrs R Ryan / LASI
Safer Recruitment / 21.02.12 / Ms K Green
Mr B Salmon
Whole School
Awareness Raising / 06.02.12 / Whole staff / Mrs L Beard
Safeguarding children / 05.12.11 / Ms K Green
Mr B Salmon
Whole School Safeguarding Training / October 2013 / All staff / NCC
Designated Senior Person Training / 3.6.14 / Chantelle Harrison
Iza Johnson
Emma Brandon-Smith
Alex Preston / Northamptonshire County Council
Safer Recruitment / 20.1.14 / Debbie Bell
Fiona Morrison / NCC
Refresher for Designated Senior Person / 11.12.14 / Mrs Lorna Beard / NCC
Designated Safeguarding Lead Training / 29.04.15 / Mike Pennington / Lesley Pollard Learning
Refresher training for Designated Safeguarding Lead / 14.05.15 / Ruth Ryan / Lesley Pollard Learning
Whole School Safeguarding Training / 19.01.16 / Whole staff / Lesley Pollard Learning

Named staff and initial contacts:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Ruth Ryan –Vice Principal

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead/s: Lorna Beard – Principal and Emma Brandon-Smith – Child Support Worker

Nominated Safeguarding Governor/trust member/trust member/EMLC Trust member: Andy Hardy

Safeguarding, advice and training contacts:




Safeguarding Referrals must be made in one of the following ways:

·  By telephone contact to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub: 0300 126 1000;

·  By e-mail to: ;

·  In an emergency outside office hours, by contacting the Emergency Duty Team or the Police.

·  If a child is in immediate danger at any time, left alone or missing, you should contact the police directly and/or an ambulance using 999.

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (M.A.S.H)

The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) deals with referrals from professionals and members of the public who may have concerns about a child’s welfare following contact with the helpline that is now also based in the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub. It makes the process of dealing with referrals quicker and more effective by improving the way county council: Children’s social care, Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS), Youth Offending Service (YOS) and education, work alongside other partner agency colleagues including Northamptonshire police, Northamptonshire health partners, National Probation Service, and the East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) to share information.

For referrals regarding adults in education:

Local Authority Designated Officers

01604 367268

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults:

Any concerns relating to vulnerable adults contact the Adult Care Team

Email -

Call 01604 362 900



Castle Academy fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children and support

pupils in school. The pupils’ welfare and safety is of paramount importance. The aim of the policy

is to safeguard and promote our pupils’ welfare, safety and health by fostering an honest, open,

caring and supportive climate.

This policy is consistent with:

·  the legal duty on schools to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, as described in section 175 of the Education Act 2002 [or section 157 of the Education Act 2002 for independent schools and academies]

·  the statutory guidance ”Keeping Children Safe in Education – Statutory Guidance for Schools and Colleges” – July 2015

·  The government’s ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015’ which sets out statutory guidance for agencies

·  the Northamptonshire Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCBN) Procedures, which contain procedures and guidance for safeguarding children.

There are four main elements to our Child Protection Policy:

·  Prevention (e.g. positive, supportive school atmosphere, teaching and pastoral support to pupils, safer recruitment procedures);

·  Protection (by following agreed procedures, ensuring all staff are trained and supported to respond appropriately and sensitively to Child Protection concerns);

·  Support (to pupils and school staff and to children who may have been abused);

·  Working with parents (to ensure appropriate communications and actions are undertaken).

This policy applies to all staff, governor/trust member/trust members and visitors to the school. We recognise that child

protection is the responsibility of all staff. We ensure that all parents and other working partners

are aware of our child protection policy by highlighting it in our school prospectus and on our

school website, displaying appropriate information in our reception and by raising awareness at

meetings with parents.

Extended School Activities - Where the Governing Body provides services or activities directly

under the supervision or management of school staff, the school’s arrangements for child

protection will apply. Where services or activities are provided separately by another body, the

Governing Body will seek assurance in writing that the body concerned has appropriate policies

and procedures in place to safeguard and protect children and that there are arrangements to

liaise with the school on these matters where appropriate.

School Commitment

‘Education staff have a crucial role to play in helping identify welfare concerns, and indicators of possible abuse or neglect, at an early stage.’

(Working Together to Safeguard Children, 2015)

Castle Academy is committed to Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of all of its pupils and this is the responsibility of all school staff, governor/trust member/trust members and volunteers.

Castle Academy will therefore

·  Establish and maintain an ethos where children feel secure and are encouraged to talk, and are always listened to;

·  Ensure that staff are able to identify welfare concerns and take appropriate action to address their concerns

·  Ensure children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried or are in difficulty;

·  Include in the curriculum activities and opportunities for PSHE/Citizenship which equip children with the skills they need to stay safe from abuse (including online), and know to whom they can turn to for help;

·  Recognise that each pupil’s welfare is of paramount importance and that some children may be especially vulnerable to abuse e.g. those with special educational needs, those living in adverse circumstances e.g. those who witness violence;

·  Provide opportunities to establish effective working relationships with parents and colleagues from other agencies;

·  Operate safer recruitment procedures and make sure that all appropriate checks are carried out on new staff and volunteers who will work with children, including references, Criminal Record and prohibition from teaching checks.

We recognise that children who are abused or neglected may find it difficult to develop a sense of self-worth and to view the world in a positive way. Whilst at school, their behaviour may be challenging. We recognise that some children who have experienced abuse may harm others. We will always take a considered and sensitive approach in order that we can support all of our pupils.

Safeguarding in the Curriculum

The following areas are among those addressed in PSHE and in the wider curriculum:

*  Bullying/Cyberbullying

*  Keeping Safe in preparation for diversity issues e.g. Forced Marriage, Female Genital

*  Mutilation (FGM) and Honour Based Violence (HBV)

*  Relationships/Domestic Violence in preparation for Sexting, Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSE), Teenage Relationship Abuse,

*  Drug, alcohol and substance abuse

*  E Safety / Internet Safety

*  Extremism/Radicalisation

*  Fire and Water Safety

*  Protective Behaviours

*  Road Safety

*  Stranger Awareness

*  Other safeguarding issues as relevant.

The following Information is also made available to pupils:

*  SEAL materials

*  NSPCC posters

*  Protective Behaviours materials.

*  Online safety training is booked and provided for children and parents regularly.

The school also runs both school and class councils. These are viewed as positions of responsibility and the children are trained as to their role and understand the need to respond to their peers appropriately.

We constantly raise the awareness of our pupils to the methods of support on offer through assemblies and initiatives throughout the school and the school year. Class meetings and assemblies also serve as reminders.

Roles and Responsibilities

All adults working with or on behalf of children have a responsibility to safeguard and promote their welfare. This includes a responsibility to be alert to possible abuse and to record and report concerns without delay to staff identified with child protection responsibilities within the school.

The names of the Designated Safeguarding Leads for the current year are listed at the start of the document.

Governing Body and Trust Members

In accordance with the Statutory Guidance “Keeping Children Safe in Education” – July 2015 the Governing Body or Trust will ensure that:

·  The school has a safeguarding/child protection policy, procedures and training in place that are in accordance with local authority guidance and locally agreed inter-agency procedures, and comply with the law at all times. The policy is made available publicly;

·  The school operates safer recruitment procedures and ensures that all appropriate checks are carried out on staff and volunteers who work with children. Furthermore, the Principal. A nominated Governor/trust member/trust member or trust member and other staff involved in the recruitment process have undertaken appropriate Safer Recruitment training;

·  The school has procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff and volunteers that comply with guidance from the local authority and locally agreed inter-agency procedures;

·  There is a senior member of the school’s leadership team (Inclusion Manager) who is designated to take lead responsibility for dealing child protection/safeguarding (the “Designated Safeguarding Lead”) and that there is always cover for this role;

·  The Designated Safeguarding Lead undertakes local training (in addition to basic child protection training) and this is refreshed every two years;

·  The Principal, and all other staff and volunteers who work with children, undertake appropriate training which is regularly updated (at least every two years in compliance with the LSCBN protocol; and that new staff and volunteers who work with the children are made aware of the school’s arrangements for child protection and their responsibilities. The Local Authority pocket guide, ‘Making Children Safer, the keep children Safe in Education – 2014 – information for all School and College staff and the “Staff Code of Conduct” will be used as part of this induction;

·  Any deficiencies or weaknesses brought to the attention of the Governing Body or Trust member will be rectified without delay;

·  The Chair of Governor/trust member/trust members or Senior Trust member is nominated to be responsible for liaising with the LADO (Local Area Designated Officer-01604 367268) and/or partner agencies in the event of allegations of abuse being made against the head teacher;

·  Effective policies and procedures are in place and updated annually including a Behaviour Policy and “Code of Conduct” for staff and volunteers. Information is provided to the Local Authority (on behalf of the LSCBN) through the Annual Section 11 Safeguarding Return;

·  There is an individual member of the Governing body or Trust member who will champion issues to do with safeguarding children and child protection within the school, liaise with the Designate Safeguarding Lead, and provide information and reports to the Governing body;

·  The school contributes to inter-agency working in line with statutory guidance “Working Together to Safeguard Children” 2015 and Northamptonshire County Council’s “Thresholds and Pathways Document” including providing a co-ordinated offer of early help for children who require this. Safeguarding arrangements take into account the procedures and practice of the local authority and the Local Safeguarding Children Board for Northamptonshire (LSCBN).


The Principal of the school will ensure that:

·  The policies and procedures adopted by the Governing Body or the Trust are effectively implemented, and followed by all staff;

·  Sufficient resources and time are allocated to enable the Safeguarding Lead and other staff to discharge their responsibilities, including taking part in strategy discussions and other inter-agency meetings, and contributing to the assessment of children;

·  Allegations of abuse or concerns that a member of staff or adult working at school may pose a risk of harm to a child or young person are notified to the Local Designated Officer (LADO);

·  All staff and volunteers feel able to raise concerns about poor or unsafe practice in regard to children, and such concerns are addressed sensitively, confidentially and effectively in a timely manner in accordance with agreed whistle blowing policies;

·  All staff are made aware that they have an individual responsibility to pass on safeguarding concerns and that if all else fails to report these directly to Children’s Social Care Services or the Police.