Dear Exhibitor:

Thank you for submitting your exhibit booking form for the 2018 World Congress / ASRA’s 43rdAnnual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting to be held April 19-21, 2018in New York City, New York at the New York Marriott Marquis.

Please note the following information, attachmentsand forms for download relating to your exhibit:

1. Confirmation –Your booth number was included in the initial email inviting you to view your booth location on Map Dynamics, an invoice for the balance due will be emailed to you. payment received and balances due (if applicable). Any unpaid balance is due immediately. Refunds will be processed after the meeting.

2. Exhibit Floor Plan–You can view your booth location byclicking here.

3. Installation & Dismantle Fast Facts –Quick reference regarding setting up your booth (See Below). You can also view under Documents & Links on the online floorplan page.

4. Exhibitor Name Badge Registration–All exhibitors are required to be registered and will receive a badge displaying the exhibiting company name and their name. Click hereto register for exhibitor badges; deadline isApril 5th, 2018.

• Companies paying the exhibit fee will receive a predetermined number of exhibitor badges, depending on the size of booth space purchased: Two (2) exhibitor badges will be given for a 10x10 booth; Four (4) exhibitor badges will be given for a 10x20 booth; Six (6) exhibitor badges will be given for a 20x20 booth. Any additional exhibitor personnel, above these allocations, will be charged an exhibitor registration fee of $195. An additional badge form can be found under Documents & Links on the online floorplan page, or byclicking here.

•Exhibitors are allowed to attend main meeting sessions at no charge but please understand that priority seating will be given to paid participants; standard registration fees must be paid for participation in PBLD’s, workshops (only MDs can register for workshops), special events, etc. In order to receive CME credit, the company representative must register as a learner and pay the appropriate fees.

Absolutely no promotional activities or conversations will be permitted in the educational rooms immediately prior to, during, or after a CME session.

5. Hotel Room Reservation Info– ASRA has secured a reduced rate of $315 (plus tax/fees) for standard deluxe sleeping rooms at the New York Marriott Marquis. You are responsible for making your own reservations.Please click hereto make your room reservation or you may contact the hotel directly at 1-877-303-0104 (mention ASRA and the meeting name).The block will fill quickly and the rate is only available untilWednesday, March 28th or until sold out.

6. Exhibitor Profile– Please send a 100-word exhibitor company/product profile to,or you can supply directly on MapDynamics using your access code. We also need your company logo in 300 dpi (.eps, .jpg or .pdf format). Bothno later thanMarch 16th, 2018. This will be published in the list of exhibitors in the program guide and in the Meeting mobile app. Failure to provide the profile by the deadline will preclude your company from being listed in the program guide.

7. Program Guide Advertisements–for order form click on Documents/Links on the floorplan page. The printed program guide will be distributed to all attendees inNew York City. It contains useful information about the meeting and its events. This opportunity allows you to place four color advertisements. Rates are net (non-commissionable).

Space Commitment Due Date: March 16Ad Materials Due Date: March 23

8. Marketing Opportunities– There are a number of opportunities for companies to promote their products/services during the ASRA meeting. Pleaseclick hereto view the various marketing opportunities and to access the booking form.

9. Attendee List – All supporting companies will receive a list with the physical mailing address (no email or telephone) of all attendees who did not opt-out. A list of all those registered at that point will be sent approximately one monthprior to the meeting and then another list will be sent approximately two weeks after and this will include all those that attended (who once again did not opt-out).

10. Exhibit Schedule

Show management reserves the right to erect or eject/remove any booth not set by4:00 pm Thursday, April 19, 2018. Exhibitor will assume all costs incurred and associated with this set up.

Wednesday, April 18 / Island Exhibit Set-Up (by appointment) / 8:00 am
Wednesday, April 18 / Exhibitor Set Up / 12:00 pm
Thursday, April 19 / Exhibit Set-Up / 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday, April 19 / Exhibit Hall Open / 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Wine & Bubbly
Friday, April 20 / Exhibit Hall Open / 7:30 am – 10:15 am
2:30 pm – 3:45pm
Saturday, April 21 / Exhibit Hall Open / 7:30 am – 10:15 am
Dismantle / 10:30 am – 4:00 pm

Pleaseclick hereto view a complete copy ofASRA’s 43ndAnnual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting Schedule-at-a-Glance.

11. Exhibitor Service Contractor

Levy Exposition Serviceshas been selected to serve as the official service/drayage contractor. Their service kit will be emailed to you soon. All exhibitor-related questions regarding, set-up information, shipping and drayage, furnishings, shipping, labor, electricity and physical logistics should be directed toLevy Exposition Services, they can be reachedat 253-437-0031 or via . All boxes should be addressed as follows and shipped to the advanced warehouse no later than April 13, 2018

ASRA 2018World Congress / RA Meeting

Exhibiting Company/Booth #

Levy Exposition Services, Inc.

c/o Liberty CFS NV Inc.

21 Picone Blvd.

Farmingdale, NY 11735

12. Security Service

ASRA will provide security service for the exhibit hall to control admission and to serve as a deterrent to theft and damage. However, each exhibitor must make provisions to safeguard his goods from the time they are placed in his/her booth until he/she removes them.

Neither ASRA, Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc., Levy Exposition Services, northe New York Marriott Marquis will be responsible for loss or damage due to any cause.

We thank you for your support and participation. Please call if we may provide additional information or assistance.


Jack EdelmanRick Gabler

Exhibit Managers

Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc.

East Holly Ave., Box 56, Pitman, NJ 08071 ~ 856-256-2300 ~ Fax: 856-589-7463

Fast Facts for Installation and Dismantle (I & D)

43th Annual Regional Anesthesiology & Acute Pain Medicine Meeting

New York Marriott Marquis

New York, NY  April 19-21, 2018

Exhibit Management

Anthoy J Jannetti, Inc.

East Holly Ave, Box 56

Pitman, NJ 08071


856-589-7463 fax

Exhibit Managers

Jack Edelman ext 2313

Rick Gabler ext 2314

Exhibit Coordinator

Service Contractor

Levy Exposition Services

14900 Interurban Avenue, S., Suite 271

Seattle, WA 98168

Account Executive

Dustin Moody


Heidi Perret ext 2375

Setup and Exhibit Hours:

Wednesday, April 18 / Island Exhibit Set-Up (by appointment)
Exhibitor Set-Up / 8:00 am
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Thursday, April 19 / Exhibit Set-Up / 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday, April 19 / Exhibit Hall Open / 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Wine & Bubbly
Friday, April 20 / Exhibit Hall Open / 7:30 am – 10:15 am
2:30 pm – 3:45pm
Saturday, April 21 / Exhibit Hall Open / 7:30 am – 10:15 am
Dismantle / 10:30 am – 4:00 pm

Advanced Shipping Address:Direct to Show Site Shipping Address:

(Late charges may apply after April 13, 2018(DO NOTdeliver prior to8:00 am on April 18, 2018 – it will be REFUSED)

Exhibiting Company Name & Booth # Exhibiting Company Name & Booth #

ASRA 2018 World Congress / RA &ASRA2018 World Congress / RA &

Acute Pain Medicine MeetingAcute Pain Medicine Meeting

Levy Exposition Services, Inc.New York Marriott Marquis

c/o Liberty CFS NV Inc.c/o Levy Exposition Services, Inc.

21 Picone Blvd.1535 Broadway

Farmingdale, NY 11735New York, NY 10036

Color Scheme – Drapes: Burgundy & White Venue is carpeted.