Exercising in the Workplace

Did you know over 15 million Canadians spend approximately half of their waking hours at work? (Health Canada 2001).

A good Workplace Wellness Program is fast becoming an important aspect of the effective workplace. Employers know that helping their employees stay healthy and fit is great for business and employees know they are more productive and enjoy their workday more when they get in a little exercise at work.

It's a win - win situation for everyone. Higher productivity, lower health care costs, healthier employees, and a more enjoyable workplace. Exercise breaks are the answer as they allow for better mental clarity throughout the day and you get more done.

Here are some great reasons for at-work exercise programs:

1. Fit employees are less likely to get sick. A person who is physically fit is generally more resistant to the "bug going around" than a person who is not fit. Reduced absenteeism and reduced health care expenditures are the result of a fit employee base.

2. Fit employees have more energy. One of the many benefits of regular exercise is increased and sustained energy throughout the day. This energy allows you to stay focused on the task at handing, bringing your best to each task.

3. Fit employees tend to have better attitudes. Fit employees generally "feel good". They tend to have a physical and mental "balance" that results in a more positive attitude in the workplace.

4. Fit employees are less stressed. Regular exercise releases the physical AND emotional tensions that life brings our way, thus a fit employee tends to have lower overall stress levels than an employee who does not engage in regular exercise.

5. Encouraging fitness demonstrates a concern for employee's well-being, and pays off! It has been shown that employee turnover is significantly lower among employees that take advantage of a wellness program implemented by their employer.

You probably know a few tricks for staying active at work. Taking the stairs when you can, parking further away from the door and walking around the office when you can are good places to start. Beyond that, there are a few other options to keep you moving:

  • A stability ball can be kept in the office as a tool to fit in quick stretch or strength exercises during the day.
  • Set an alarm to go off every hour to remind you to stand up and move around. Even if you just swing your arms or take a deep breath, you'll feel more alert.
  • Use the restroom on another floor and take the stairs
  • Use a pedometer and keep track of how many steps you take. Aim for 6,000 to 10,000 steps a day.
  • Get a headset for your phone so you can move around while you talk.

Be creative. Any movement is better than none, so don't feel like you have to do sprints all day long. Adding short bouts of exercise throughout the day will help you burn more calories and will also reduce stress.

Stress & Exercise

Long hours and a heavy workload can cause stress especially if it's combined with household responsibilities like looking after kids, taking care of aging parents, cleaning, fixing dinner, etc.Not only can it lead to anxiety and depression but also obesity, accelerated ageing, hypertension, insomnia and many other stress-induced psychological as well as physiological diseases or conditions.

Exercising increases the amount of endorphins the brain releases, improving mood and reducing the symptoms of stress. Physical exercise also helps you get relief from muscular pains by releasing toxins accumulated in the body from prolonged stress. It can also improve your sleep quality which in turn reduces stress.

University of Bristol researchers found that employees who enjoyed a workout before going to work were better equipped to handle whatever the day threw at them. The research, published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management, is the first of its kind to prove that exercise during work hours has mental, as well as physical benefits.

Here are 3 simple stress reducing exercises that you can perform while at your workplace:

Stairs: Climbing stairs up and down for 7 minutes. The best time to perform stair work is right before your lunch or afternoon snack.

Squats: The right way to perform squats is by bending your knees to a sitting position with your upperbody & lower back erect and standing back up again. Inhale as you stand up, exhale as you sit. Perform 25 squats at a time, repeating it at least twice a day.

Raised-hand toe-touch: Stand erect with feet close together. Raise your hands straight above your head and arch back. Bend forward from your hips making your palms touch your feet. Do not bend the knees. Slowly return to the starting position. Inhale as you arch the back and exhale when you reach down to your feet. Perform 30 - 50 counts.

Perform at least 2 out of these 3 stress-slayer exercises at work, whenever you get 5 minutes free time. Avoid exercising immediately after your meals - let an hour pass. These 3 simple exercises can keep you remarkably refreshed, energetic & stress-free!

Exercising at work may seem impossible, but it's one option for staying fit and keeping your energy up. It takes some creativity, but there are opportunities to exercise at work if you pay attention. All it takes is a little planning and some inspiration to squeeze in a little movement all day long.

Works Cited:

Selfgrowth.com - Bob Doyle

Daily News & Analysis–Parth Adhyaru

University of Toronto, Environmental Health & Safety

Workplace Wellness: