Project Plan
- Create a comprehensive database of green building incentives (grants, rebates, etc.) applicable to Vail Resorts in all domestic operational markets and international (if relevant).
- Create a ROI spreadsheet with all relevant technologies
- Research Plan
- Database of green building incentives (Excel format)
- Add to Green Building Standards Handbook that MBA students are working on
- Green technologies’ ROI models
- Executive Summary
- PowerPoint Presentation
Critical Milestones and Event Dates
- September 23rd ~ Hitachi Consulting check-in
- September 30th ~ Research Plan complete
- October 28th ~ Technologies related to incentives identified & researched
- November 4th ~ Quantitative analysis (ROI) of technologies complete
- November 9th ~ Incentives database complete
- November 11th ~ Relevant incentives incorporated into handbook
- November 18th ~ Hitachi Consulting presentation review
- December 2nd ~ Executive Summary Completed
- December 9th ~ Present project findings to Vail Resorts
- December 9th ~ Course final presentation
- In Scope:
- Database to Include:
- Colorado (Eagle, Summit, Pitkin and BroomfieldCounties)
- Wyoming (TetonCounty)
- New Mexico (Santa Fe)
- Florida (Miami)
- Vermont (Stowe)
- California (So. Lake Tahoe)
- Nevada (So. Lake Tahoe)
- If feasible: Caribbean locations
- St. Lucia, West Indies
- Rum Cay, Bahamas
- Turks and Caicos
- Dominican Republic
- Data Points/Category Headers:
(Not necessarily in this order)
- Geographic location (specific to utility, local, state, region, grant, etc.)
- Incentive type (electricity, fuels, etc.)
- Technology types
- Eligible Efficiency
- Eligible Renewable
- Applicable sectors (i.e., residential, commercial, etc.)
- Incentive availability – date enacted/date expires (i.e., expires January 1, 2010)
- Type of incentive (i.e., windows, insulation, PV, etc.)
- System/Project Parameters (i.e., financial limitations, size of project, only available if not coupled with another incentive, etc.)
- Installation requirements
- Compounding incentives (i.e., PV in Colorado can benefit from federal and Xcel incentives in their service areas)
- Corresponding laws/legislation
- Resources
- Out of Scope
- Any States not included in scope
- Any Counties not included in scope
- Creating the “Handbook”
- Reduce Vail’s energy consumption by 10%
- Single family residential