The Board of Aldermen of the City of Springhill, Louisiana met in regular session in the Council Chambers at Springhill City Hall on Monday, November 13, 2017 at 5:00 P.M. with Mayor Carroll Breauxpresiding.
PRESENT:Dimettera Frazier,Dennis Smith, Ross Fleming, Adam Harris,and Ronnie Dees, Aldermen.
Mayor Breauxopened the meeting with prayer.
Alderman Dennis Smithled the Pledge of Allegiance.
MOTION was made by Dimettera Frazier, seconded by Dennis Smith to adopt the minutes from the last regular meeting held on Monday, October 9, 2017.
MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Adam Harris to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with James Purpera for the renewal of the state capital outlay funding consulting services for one year.
MOTION was made by Dimettera Frazier, seconded by Adam Harris to accept the Police Chief’s recommendation to hire Logan Curtis as a part time dispatcher.
MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Dimettera Frazier to accept the Police Chief’s recommendation to appoint Joshua Vaughan and David Silvers as reserve officers.
MOTION was made by Dennis Smith, seconded by Ross Fleming to pay the bills for October 2017 totaling $70,233.43.
At this time Mayor Breaux asked to have the agenda amended for one item of city business that was not on the agenda for the consideration of an equipment purchase for the police department.
MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Dimettera Frazier to amend the agenda for this item of business.
MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Dennis Smith, to discuss the purchase of equipment for the police department.
Discussion followed with questions being asked from the various Aldermen and the Police Chief explaining what equipment would be purchased and that the funds would come from monies derived from bond and fine forfeitures that were returned to the City from the court system and placed in the police supervision bank account.
MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Dimettera Frazier, to amend the original motion to accept the Police Chief’s recommendation to purchase the piece of equipment for the police department.
Meeting adjourned.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Breaux mentioned to the Council about Regions Bank approaching him about some drainage issues at the back of their property so he has spoken with Cody Goodwin with Goodwin Engineering to look into the matter and report back to the Council at the next meeting in December.
Also the water storage tank on Timothy Church Road is going to have to be replaced and Mike Dunaway, Public Works Director has spoken with KSA Alliance, Inc. about the matter and Mayor Breaux is also going to speak with Cody Goodwin from Goodwin Engineering to check into it. This will also be brought back to the Council when more information is available.
Meeting adjourned.
Shelli Malone, City Clerk Carroll Breaux, Mayor