Writing 8Name:


Editing: Word Form

A word form error occurs when you have the correct word but the wrong form of that word. Sometimes a dictionary can help you find the correct word form. In other cases, you should memorize the common forms.

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in parentheses.

About My City

1. One thing I like about my city is that it is a very ______(peace) place to live.

2. When I'm downtown, it's ______(noise), but I am ______(safety) even at night.

3. There may be some ______(danger) parts of town, but I've never seen them.

4. I often go jogging, even at night, because I want to stay ______(health).

5. It's a wonderful feeling to live in ______(peace).

Exercise 2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in parentheses.

Suggestions for Schools with International Students

1. 1 have some ______(suggest) to help international students.

2. Of course, all students who are living far from home are sometimes ______(homesickness) and ______(loneliness).

3. I______(suggestion) that we form a club, which will help students deal with their ______(loneliness).

4. If students have more friends, they will probably be ______(success) in classes, too.

5. We are in ______(agree) that most students want to ______(success) in school.

Exercise 3. “–ed” and “–ing” Adjectives. Write C for correct or I for incorrect. Then correct the mistakes.

Book Reviews

1.I thought Gone with the Wind was really excited.

2.When I read Anna Karenina, I was confusing because there were so many characters.

3.When I was a child, I was depressed when Charlotte died in Charlotte's Web.

4.In high school, we read The Old Man and the Sea. I was really boring.

5.Shogun was really interested to me. I couldn't put it down.

Almost/ Most

No:Almost Americans have a TV.

Yes:Almost all Americans have a TV.

Yes:Most Americans have a TV.

 “Almost” means nearly or about 80 percent to 99 percent. It cannot be used directly before a noun. It is often used before the word “all”.

 “Almost” can come directly before adjectives or the pronouns everyone and everybody:

My daughter is almost tall enough to reach the TV.

It seems that almost everyone has a TV.

 Use most with a noun.

Exercise 4.Choose “almost” or “most” in the following sentences.

School Schedules

1.(Almost/ Most) schools in North America begin in the fall and finish in the spring.

2.(Almost/ Most) all schools in Japan begin the school year in April.

3. There is some kind of vacation around New Year's Day in (almost/ most) countries.

4. In Korea, (almost/ most) high school students study at school until 7 or 8 P.M.

5. (Almost/ Most) everyone wants a break, but after a long vacation, students are (almost/ most) ready to come back to school.

This l These and Another/ Other

Can you find the problems in the following sentences?

No:This problems must be solved.

Yes:These problems must be solved.

No:There is other reason why I love baseball.

Yes:There is another reason why I love baseball.

Yes:There are other reasons why I love baseball.

No:I have another sisters living in Ohio.

Yes:I have another sister living in Ohio.

Yes:I have other sisters living in Ohio.

Use the correct form of this / these and another / other. Here are the correct forms:

this + singular nounthese + plural noun

another + singular nounother + plural noun

Exercise 5.Write C for correct and I for incorrect. Then correct the mistakes.

Sports Facts

1.Baseball uses a bat. Another sport that uses a bat is cricket.

2.In American football, you can make points with a touchdown and an extra point kick. Another ways to get points in these game are with a field goal or a safety.

3.Volleyball uses a high net. Other sport that uses a high net is badminton.

4.Soccer is very popular in Sweden. Other popular sports there are skiing, tennis, badminton, and table tennis.

5.Golf is becoming more popular in the United States. Another sports gaining popularity are rollerblading and walking. You can do this sports alone or with a friend.

Ex. 6 Agreement. Finish these sentences using the verb in parenthesis. Use only present tense.

1)(be) Mathematics

2)(want) A number of people in the world

3)(be) The number of trees in the field


5)(be) Washing dishes

6) (be) There

7)(be) It

8) (influence) Politics

9)(state) The news broadcast

10)(sound) The news from my home town

Ex. 7. Nouns. Write the plural OR singular form – whichever is not shown.

  1. knife
  2. mouse
  3. clothes
  4. Mexican people
  5. flash
  6. radio
  7. news
  8. potato
  9. women
  1. mosquito
  2. quiz
  3. clothing
  4. zoo
  5. children
  6. foot
  7. toy
  8. person
  9. gentleman

Ex. 8 Use the words in parenthesis to create adjective or noun modifiers that fit the given sentences. Put words in the correct order; add hyphens or commas if needed.

  1. Many animals are harmed by ______in their habitat. (interference / human)
  2. Some birds are hunted for their ______. (feathers / multicolored / beautiful)
  3. Crocodiles are hunted for their ______. (leathery / thick / skin)
  4. There is another threat to ______. (animal / species / in the wild / endangered )
  5. The animals are being pushed off the earth by our ______. (population / human / growing/ rapidly)
  6. ______pollution enters water and kills sensitive amphibians. (human / made)
  7. ______housing developments are built on land where animals live and hunt. (large / modern / new)
  8. ______habitats and ______pollution are two silent killers of endangered species. (shrinking / quickly) (toxic / massive / ongoing )

Ex. 9 Complete the sentences with the noun in parenthesis. Be careful! Do you need singular or plural?

  1. That food is for ______. It is ______food. (cat)
  2. John’s son is ______old. He is a ______boy. (three years)
  3. I have twin ______. (two years old)
  4. You’ve got to read a ______novel? (260 pages)
  5. A silversmith made these with her own ______. They’re ______earrings. (hand)