Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council December 1, 2014

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Executive Board Officers present: Jill Banks Barad, Jay Beeber, Sue Steinberg, Ron Ziff.

Absent: Howard Katchen

Voting Board Members: Richard Marciniak, Sidona Lax

Board members in attendance: Lisa Petrus, Carolyn Casavan, Sherry Revord

1.  Meeting was called to order by President J. Banks Barad at 6:05 p.m.

2.  Approval of Executive Committee Minutes of October 27, 2014

Unanimously approved, as corrected

3.  Public comment on non-agenda items

Resident Linda Brooks regarding open council seat

4.  President’s Report: Jill Banks Barad

a.  December 8th SONC Board meeting: Assemblyman Adrin Nazarian (Assembly District 48) will be the featured speaker. Discussion ensued regarding doing a holiday food drive at the meeting.

b.  Ideas for January 12th SONC Board meeting:

Suggestions include One Water LA; Affordable Care Act and Coordinated Care Initiative; solar projects

c.  Board Vacancy: Cindy Wu Freedman (Area 2, C.I.) missed four meetings and was notified as required per SONC bylaws that the seat was vacant. The bylaws give her the right to appeal to the Executive Committee.

d.  Appointment of Ad Hoc Committee to clarify existing and any additional SONC Standing Rules on Funding and the role of Treasurer.

Jill appointed Richard Marciniak, Sherry Revord, and Howard Katchen to staff the Ad Hoc committee. Richard requested Ron Ziff attend the meeting(s) as an ex officio. Discussion ensued.

5. Treasurer’s Report/Finance Committee: Howard Katchen, Chair

No report

6.  Committee Reports Update

a.  Outreach Committee: Sherry Revord, Chair

Outreach Committee meeting proposed for beginning of the year

b.  Land Use Committee: Ron Ziff, Chair

No report

Discussion ensued regarding posting requirements from Board of Neighborhood Council (BONC). Discussion regarding future SONC Board motion to request BONC to reassess their recent policy on civility, bullying, and harassment.

c.  Green & Beautification Committee: Carolyn Casavan, Chair

Bureau of Street Services attended the last committee meeting and will assess which tree trimming and sidewalk cleaning projects to do.

d.  Public Safety Committee: Brandon Pender, Chair

No report

7. Announcements from the Executive Committee on items within SONC’s Jurisdiction:

Next SONC Board meetings will be December 8 and January 12.

Next Executive Committee meeting will be Tuesday, January 6

8. Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm

Respectfully submitted by,

Sue Steinberg, Secretary