December 13, 2016
Moore, Oklahoma
10:00 am
1. President Rob Hill called the meeting to order at 10:16 am. Members present: Rob Hill, Steve Loftis, Glynadee Edwards, Wendi Marcy, David Ball, Ernie Willis, Jamie Ott, Tim Craighton, Keith Shadden, Keli Cain, Michelann Ooten, Polly Edwards, Zach Stanford, Roger Joliff. A quorum was met.
2. A motion to approve the November meeting minutes was made by Tim Craighton, and seconded by David Ball. Motion passed.
3. Subcommittee Reports
a. Financial Report: Treasurer Glynadee Edwards reported $102,178.56 as the current bank balance. A motion to approve the financial report was made by Ernie Willis & seconded by Roger Joliff. Motion passed.
b. Committee reports:
Legislative: Michelann reported that 17 senate bills and 3 joint resolutions have been introduced so far. Currently there is nothing of great concern to emergency management. “EM day at the capitol will be held on March 8th and will take place at the EOC will follow up visits with legislators at the capitol building.
Training: Keith Shadden said that the committee met on Friday and they are still planning on having the training sessions for fall conference lined out by January and are working with Chuck Kerns to make sure the committee is not solely concentrated on conference training but training around the state as well.
Communication: Met before Christmas but nothing new to report.
Certification: No new applications.
Membership: Glynadee has 3 new memberships to give to Wendi. Approximately 300 memberships on file.
Social Media: Rob met with OEM and discussed better ways to use the Association’s social media site. In the future, area job openings will be posted on the website and social media instead of sent out via blast e-mails. Members should continue to send Jeff content for both the website and facebook page.
c. Area Vice Presidents reports:
Southwest: Winter tool kits for the winter weather awareness program have been uploaded into Box. They are working with KSWO to do an on air interview with a panel of local Ems and partner agencies on Winter Weather Hazards. Local jurisdictions continue to their preparedness programs. Caddo Nation is doing a cold weather preparedness program with Senior Citizens. Grady county has almost completed their new heavy communications unit. Electrical has been completed and all computers, printers and internet have been installed. The unit has 2-800 OKWIN radios, 4 VHF radios and one HAM radio along with a 30 ft telescoping mast with 4 antennas and a high definition camera that has recording capabilities. The unit should be in service by the end of January and will be available to emergency services in Grady County and any county in the SW region of the state if needed. EMs have been discussing the possibility of having a black box type of communications exercise this spring similar to the one Homeland Security had this fall in Tulsa. Planning their area workshop to be held in Duncan March 9 & 10.
Southeast: Had their group Christmas dinner on Dec. 14th.
Northeast: Planning an area meeting January 19th in Wagoner and the Area workshop is scheduled for April 19-21 in Glenpool, OK.
Central: Has not met since October 20th because the November meeting was the same day as earth, wind and fire. Next meeting is Thursday Dec. 15th at 9am in Oklahoma City. The Central Area workshop will be Nov. 1-3, 2017 at the Arcadia Wildlife Department located at 33rd & Midwest Blvd in Edmond.
Northwest: Next meeting is Jan 5 at 10 am in Roger Mills County.
6. Old Business:
--Michelann reported the bids for a facility for the fall conference closed. Two facilities bid, both are in the metro area but we’re not sure which facilities submitted bids yet. The EMPG working group met in July and they are working on a calendar of dates. Next meeting is Feb 8th at the state EOC. The Tornado summit is Feb 13-15 at the cox center in OKC. The 9-1-1 authority job posted. They hope to conduct interviews in late January.
--The group discussed suggestions for conference speakers that were submitted by membership. .
7. New Business:
--The group scheduled future meetings of the OEMA board of directors. Those meetings are as follows: January 10 – Stillwater, February 7 – Moore, March 14 – Okmulgee, April 11 – Moore, May 9, Seminole, June 13 – Moore, July 11 – Broken Arrow, August 13 or 20 – Conference location, September 12 – Moore, October 10 – Beaver county, November 14 – Moore, December 12 – Oklahoma City.
8. The next OEMA meeting will be January 10, 2017 at the Stillwater EOC.
10. No further business was brought before the board so a motion to adjourn was made by Tim Craighton & seconded by David Ball. 1206. The motion passed.