This lot consists of a very nice cut paired lakerdatolite, and the pair weighs in at
19.2 oz, or 1.2 pounds. It is a solid translucent off white body with several fixed fractures of red mineralization. What the picture does not show is the many many tiny spots of a darker mineralization material. These nice small spots are spread throughout the total area. The dimensions are 3 ¼”X2 ¾”X2 ½”.
The pair are only half polished and were shown as is not wet. The outer patina has the great solid white lakes look.
Item #M507, cost is $180
This lot consists of a very nice domed polished Superior mine Datolite with a super nice peach center. What does not show is the great sprays of spots of copper mineralization throughout this sample. This is from Ononagon county, from a very hard to come by location. 5.5x3.8x1.6 cm. The Superior is located on the same vein as the nausau and is located above the old bumblebee (B) shaft vein. It weighs in at 35 grams.
Item #G409, cost is $35
A nice large elongated lsle Royale Mine datolite, Houghton County, Michigan. It is 3” at its longest point, and 2” at its widest and about ¾” at thickest point. It has been slightly domed polish to a very high polish. It weighs in at 95 grams. Great dark repaired seams spread thru the specimen.
Item #G533, cost is $40
This is a nice pair of flint steel datolite from Ontonagon County Michigan. This pair shows multiple areas of off hue colors. There is some tiny areas of matrix in the datolite as well. There is also copper color sprays throughout the datolite. There is also some native copper in the outer matrix. 2 ¼”X1 ¾” and weighs in at
64 grams.
Item #G510, cost is $45
A domed polished Flintsteel mind datolite from Ontonagon County. It is mounted on a plexiglass base. There are areas of grey, red and white scattered across the datolite. There is great copper color sprays in all areas of the datolite and really set off the white area of datolite. It is 62 grams including the base and is about 2 ½” long.
Item #G513, cost is $35
This is a very hard to get Empire City Mine (seam) layered datolite from Keweenaw county. Nothing remains of this mine dump. This is the most desirable mix of colors from that mine which are a yellow and pink combination still coating the original matrix. I was at 3 shows in Michigan and several swaps and only saw 2 of these types the whole time. It is 3” long and 2” at widest point, and weighs in at 107 grams.
Item # G514, cost is $90
This is a nice paired set of a lakes datolite from Lake Superior. The set has two lines of mineralization going through the halves. Most lakes have a pure white color to them, but this pair has some nice light colored mineralization in both halves. The set is 1 ½’ long and weighs 59 grams.
Item #M511, cost is $50
This Lunker is from the Flintsteel mine in Ontonagon County and weighs in at 115 grams or 4 ounces and is 2 ¾”X1 ¾”X1”. It shows great red and black mineral lines extending from the matrix.
Item # G515, cost is $45
A super nice paired Isle Royale Island Keweenaw County from a very old collection. This pair shows a great translucent greenish/white hue to them with some great red line mineralization from the outer patina extending towards the center. They have a very nice even high gloss polish to them. The set is about an inch long and weighs 20 grams.
Item #G516, cost is 30
A nice translucent Isle royale Island lake datolite. It shows a great light green hue to itit has some nice light green healed lines and also has a few specs of copper in it as well. It is 1 ¾’ long, and weighs 27 grams.
Item #G519, cost is $40
This is a rare multi chambered datolite from the Lake mine in Ontonagon County. This mine area produces very few datolites, even though many keep trying. Lake #1 wastes were moved downhill where the along with the lake #2 dumps. It is loaded with chambers of brown, tan and white, with sprays of copper color throughout the datolite. It is 1 /1/4’ long, and weighs 11 grams.
Item #G517, cost is $25
This is a nice uniquely colored datolite from the Drexel mine from Keweenaw County Michigan. 3.1x2.6x1.1cm. and weighs 12 grams. It is actually a white color but it has so many sprays of copper color minerals that it gives it a pink hue.
Item #G523, cost is $40
A very unusual datolite from the Ojibway #1 mine in Keweenaw County. It is almost 2” long, and weighs 29 grams. It has a very unique pattern on the face. The floral looking areas are actually areas of dark and red sprays of mineralization.
Item# G521, cost is $40
This is a white datolite with major sprays of red mineralization thus giving it a pink look to it. It is from the Lake Superior mine Keweenaw County, and is a rare locality piece. This is fromone of the very first mines on the banks of eagle river. 3.2x2.5x0.9cm. and weighs 7 grams.
Item #G520, cost is $30
Is a multi-color Drexel mine datolite from Keweenaw County. It has a white outer rim with lots of red colored minerals giving it a multi-color effect. It is about 1 ¼” long, and weighs 12 grams.
Item #G522, cost is $20
This is a very large Delaware mine datolite from Keweenaw County. It is two chambered with a nice white rim which has loads of small copper color sprays. The sprays continue into all of the datolite in both chambers. There is two small areas of a butterscotch color in the main chamber. It has a very bright polish to it and was very hard to get a great picture of it. The pic does not do it justice. On the backside, about 25% of outer surface was semi polished. It is 2 ½”x2” and weighs 64 grams. Would make a great center piece in a datolitecollectors case.
Item# G525, cost is $175
This large datolite is almost 2 ½” long and 1” thick at thickest part. It has a nice greenish hue and is from the Central Exploration mine dump in Keweenaw County. This is a large datolite from this location, and weighs in at 123 grams, 4.3 ounces.
This mine dump was one of the top locations to hunt for a great mix of specimens but….. the county decided it was better use being ground up for road fill. If they would have done an assay of the material it would be worth thousands per ton. So most of the dump no longer exists.
Item #G524, cost is $100
A very nice paired translucent datolite from Isle Royale Island, (lake) Keweenaw County. The one half is about 3x to 4x larger than the small half. The smaller half shows a lot more mineralization coming into the main chamber. What looks like red veins in the smaller piece is actually amazing amounts of thick sprays of red color. It has the usual white outer surface of a lake datolite. The pair is a bit over 2” long, and weighs in at 59 grams.
Item #G529 cost is $45
Is a nice paired Ojibway mine datolites. They have hundreds of copper inclusions and a copper ring around the exterior border. 3.9x3.9x1.4cm, and weighs 58 grams.
Item #B527, cost is $50
Is a nice datolite pair from Isle Royale Island from an older rock estate. They have a nice pinkish hue due to the spray inclusions. It is 1 7/16” long, and weighs 30 grams.
Item #G526, cost is $30
A very nice paired set datolite from Keweenaw point, which is the farthest north point of Michigan in Lake Superior. They show great combos of colors, tans, browns, white, with red mineral sprays in both halves. The sets are 1 3/8” long, and weighs 36 grams.
Item #G528, cost is $75
This is a nice multiple colored datolite from the Drexel mine in Keweenaw County. It has a white color center, with a light brown area around the center with a white rim. It is 1 ½” long, and weighs in at 26 grams.
Item #G431, cost is $70
Is another multi colored datolite from the Flintsteel mine in Ontonagon County.It has a great mix of brown, white, and pink. It is 1 ¼’ long, and weighs in at 13 grams.
Item #G531, cost is $30
Is a Keweenaw point datolite and has a nice translucent very light yellow and greens, and has a white border. It is 1 ¾” long and weighs in at 26 grams.
Item #G530, cost is $25
This is a pair of Lakes lake datolites with the typical outer rind of pure smooth white. They have a light greenish translucent look to them. This pair has only been semi polished, and was not wetted down when pics were taken. Would look super nice after a final polish on them. They are 1 5/16” long, and weigh in at 41 grams.
Item #M512, cost is $50
A super nice slightly domed high gloss pair of Lake Mine datolite set from Ontonagon County. They are a off white color with some areas of darker shading. Under a loupe you can see a great amount of red sprays throughout the datolite. It was hard to get a good picture of this set, and the pic does not do them justice. This nice set weighs in at 101 grams.
Item #G501, cost is $80
A very nice and thick Empire/Iron city mine datolite from Keweenaw County.
It has a light grey color center with an off white outer layer. In the center of the grey area, there is sprays of purple spots along with some dull green spots, very unusual for an Empire. This whale weighs in at 82 grams,
Item #G551, cost is $85
A nice embedded reddish datolite from the Delaware mine, is domed polished and weighs 50 grams.
Item #G564, cost is $15
A very nice hard to find Empire/Iron city mine Keweenaw County. They have a very nice pinkish hue to them, and weighs in at 25 grams.
Item # G562, cost is $40
A nice large pink hued Ojibway datolite. It is a white datolite with a huge amount of pink colored sprays. There is a small pocket of native copper at the one edge. There is also some nice looking ray lines around the edges. Have not seen this ray effect in any Ojibway before. It is 2 1/8” long and weighs 46 grams.
Cost is $65
Is a nice large pink hued Empire/Iron mine datolite. The pink hue center is the actual color of the datolite, no sprays of color, and has a white border. It weighs in at 42 grams.
Item #G568, cost is $50
This is a Isle Royale #3 Datolite. A nice white color with dark mineral lines throughout the specimen. It weighs in at 36 grams. #3 datolites are not seen that often.
Item #G566, cost is $20
This is a super nice multi-colored Delaware mine datolite. Super nice translucence to it, pink in both chambers with white around the borders. Super high gloss flat polished, and weighs 22 grams.
Item #G565, cost is $70
A nice Empire/Iron city mine datolite that has a nice light peach/pink color to it and weighs 17 grams.
Item #G567, cost is $30
A Drexel mine datolite that shows many red sprays across an off white datolite, weighs in at 12 grams.
Item #G569, cost is $25
An excellent datolite from the remote small mine of Empire/Iron city mine. It has a great pink mineralization and has spots of larger minerals as well. A very high polish is on this nice 17 gram datolite.
Item #G656, cost is $35
A nice paired datolite from the Ojibway mine. There is so much copper in this pair you can almost see the arborescence in the pair. 2.3x1.6x0.7cm, and weighs 6 grams.
Item #G572, cost is $30
A nice Flntsteel mine datolite from Ontonagon County. This specimen has an unusual fixed fractured line that was filled in with a totally white mineralization. There is also an unusual fan shapes in white as well. This piece weighs in at 11 grams.
Item #G573, cost is $25
A wolverine #4 datolite from kearsarge Michigan. #4 is rarely worked or turned over to find any datolites. It is a white datolite loaded with red and darker minerals as well as a spot of copper on the edge of it. It is polished showing a full rounded face, and weighs in at 15 grams.
Item #G560, cost is $30
An unusual datolite from the Ojibway #1 mine dump. It has a very unusual combination of bright green spots on the white datolite along with strange looking lines or streaks. These streaks are similar looking as those from the wolverine #2 datolite. Then add several small areas of clearer looking crystal spots along the edge. A very untypical datolite from the #1, which is now being crushed for road fill. This location will be another to add to the list of sites no longer available. This specimen weighs in at 6 grams.
Item #G556, cost is $20
A very nice larger Drexel mine datolite from Keweenaw County. It has a slight domed high polish on the face. The color is an off tan and it has micro spots of red mineralization. 2”X1 ½” X1”x1 ¾’ at longest point, and weighs in at 139 grams or 4.9 ounces.
Item #G680, cost is $55
Is a beautiful paired set of multi-color Delaware datolite. The polished flat face shows a great variation of color from a darker pink changing to a off white color. There is a large quantity of red micro mineralized dots. They are a bit larger and darker on the peach/pink side and they lighten up in color at the other end. A great Delaware datolite pair that weighs in at 71 grams or 2.5 ounces.
Item #G681, cost is $100
A larger Bumblebee (B shaft at Minesota mine) which is just east of the original Minesota mine.) It has a nie highly polished domed face showing a nice off peach color. It is 2”X1 ½”X1/2” and weighs 59 grams. There is no longer any piles left of this mine, as it was all cleared away. This mine is below both the Nassau and the Toltec.
Item #G682, cost is $50
A nice Drexel mine datolite from Keweenaw County. It is a white datolite with large amounts of red mineralization sprays throughout the specimen. Dimensions are 2 ½”X1 ¼”X1” and weighs 133 grams or 4.7 ounces.
Item #G683, cost is $50
A Drexel mine datolite from Keweenaw County. It is a polished flat face and is a white datolite with sprays of red mineralization across the specimen. It weighs in at 22 grams.
Item #G 686, cost is $25
A nice multicolored Drexel mine datolite from Keweenaw County. There is multiple small chambers of a white color around parts of the edges with multiple hues in the center. It too has the small red mineralization dots across the datolite. It weighs in at 22 grams.
Item #G691, cost is $40
A “south” Cliff mine datolite pair which is across the road from the main Cliff mine. This nice pair shows a nice translucent light green color with white color infusing in from the edges. This pair is flat polished, and weigh in at 20 grams.
Item #G690, cost is $30
A nice multicolored datolite from the Drexel mine in Keweenaw County. It has a mix of an off pink, with an area of darker pink, and outer areas of white. Great red mineralized dots are throughout the datolite. It weighs in at 29 grams.
Item #G689, cost is $40
I nice thick slice of a Isle Royale Mine #2 mine in Houghton County. This slab is from an old collection that just surfaced for sale. It has great green and dark crazing throughout the specimen. It has some of the original matrix of basalt still attached. There is some unusual small dark lines in groups and in several areas along with a lot of red mineralization dots. It is 3 ¼”X2 ½”X1/2”, and eighs 97 grams or 3.5 ounces.
Item #G685, cost is $35
A nice light pink/peach color datolite from the Empire/Iron City mine in Keweewau County. The borders are a white color datolite, and this specimen weighs in at 26 grams.
Item #G688, cost is $45
A nice pair of Delaware Mine Datolites in Keewnaw County. This pair has a nice darker color center of browns and reds with small areas of white color around the borders. There is great red mineralized dots throughout the datolite. The pair weighs in at 16 grams.
Item #G692, cost is $30
A domed polished Drexel Mine datoilte from Keweenaw County. It has duel chambers of a light green hue with red mineralization across both faces. It weighs in at 23 grams.
Item #G687, cost is $20
A nice mullti-colored flintsteel mine datolite from Ontonagon County. It has a dark gray and pink center with a whiter border and red mineral sprays across the specimen. It weighs in at 16 grams.
Item #G684, cost is $25
Another unusual datolite pair from the Ojibway #1 which is now being crushed for road material and is disappearing fast. This set has an unusual calcite center that is surroned by copper. The datolite is a nice white mottled with a bluish green. Each is 2.5x1.5x.75 cm, and eighs in at 8 grams.
Item #B571, cost is $25
A very nice pair of Ojibway #1 datolite in matrix from Keweenaw County. The set has a nice pinkish center, with a bit of quartz at the one edge, and weighs in at 57 grams.
Item #G554,cost is $35
A very nice paired C&H21 datolite. It has copper veining and copper inclusions running through the datolite. 3.1x2.2x1.1cm. and the pair weighs 12 grams.