Examples for Special Schools
Unit: Myself KS1 (SLD/PMLD/MLD)
About this unit:
Through this unit pupils will be encouraged to develop an awareness of themselves as individuals and to interact with adults and peers. They will have the opportunity to make choices and to show preferences to help develop their own personal identities.
Pupils will take part in activities related to religious stories and they will be encouraged to develop a spiritual awareness by taking part in a range of sensory activities.
Prior learning / Technical Vocabulary / ResourcesIt would be helpful if pupils have
*opportunities to talk about their own feelings and experiences / In this unit children will have an opportunity to use words and phrases related to:-
*stories, from the Bible *feelings, e g happy and sad / Mirrors, camera, gingerbread cutters.
Stories about feeling happy.
Emotion symbols, cards and pictures.
Family photographs.
Hand puppets.
Smiley face stickers.
Mr Men books.
Music tapes.
Objects to hunt e g chocolate coins, toy sheep.
At the end of this unit
Most children will: / Be able to retell simple stories.
Recognise own and others feelings.
Some children will not have made so much progress and will: / Be able to give a reflex response.
Be able to interact with their peers.
Some children will have progressed further and will: / Be able to respond sensitively to questions about own and others feelings.
Be able to retell stories in some detail.
Learning Objectives / Possible Teaching Activities / Learning outcomes / Contribution to other Curriculum Areas
Interact with their classmates.
Experience anticipation, excitement and delight
Identify things in life that make us feel happy.
Learn some things/words/actions to familiar prayers, chants, hymns and songs / All about me. What do I look like? How am I different? How am I the same as others? What can I do……compare (clap my hands, blink my eyes, make a noise, wave my arms etc)
*Read appropriatestories to reinforce being special.
* Use ‘Hello’ song or similar to introduce R.E. session-or use a specific table covering seating arrangement, picture, poster, music, smell or artefact. What I can do now. Pupils can think about changes in their own lives since they were born. Match then and now photographs. Listen to stories of growing up e.g. Titch, Alex’s New clothes. Do our baby clothes still fit us?
*Make up or choose a class prayer/poem where each line begins –I can (brush my hair, pull on my T shirt, wash my hands) *Make a display for the classroom door/wall of members of the class. Use photographs, drawings or a large gingerbread cutter shape to make likenesses. / Show simple reflex responses.
Show interest in objects.
Participate in some activities.
Begin to understand how to earn a smiley face and pink card.
Have an opportunity to say thank you to God.
Have a time for quiet reflection. / English – speaking and listening.
Identify things in life that make us feel sad. / Happy feelings. Discuss what makes us happy. Show and talk about smiley faces. Look at symbols and pictures of happy faces; try guessing what is making people happy. How do we make others happy, encourage awareness of other’s needs, views and feelings.
*Use a puppet to ‘dramatise’ an emotional story, encourage pupils to make happy/sad expressions.
*Sing happy songs e.g. ‘If you’re happy and you know it’
Sad feelings. Bible story of ‘the lost coin’ or ‘the lost sheep’ Dramatise finding lost items.
*Play hide and seek games.
Suggested Assessment Task: See Special Education Assessment Example Sheet.