03-62-215 Vector Calculus
Winter 2013 Section 1
Instructor: Abida Mansoora
Office: Room 9-110 LambtonTower
Extension: 3026
Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Classes: Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 am– 12:50 pm (Chrysler Hall North G125)
Tutorial: Friday 11:30 am – 12:20 pm (Chrysler Hall North G125)
Textbook: MultivariableCalculus, Early Transcendental, by Stewart, 7th Edition
Tentative course content:Quadric surfaces, Vector and multivariable differential calculus, Multiple integration, Line and surface integrals The following sections from the textbook will be covered: 12.6, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1 - 14.8, 15.1 - 15.5, 15.7, 15.8, 15.9, 16.1-16.7, and time permitting: 16.8,16.9.
Prerequisites: 62-141, and one of 62-120 or 62-126 or 62-125.
Course website:Available at (login with your UWin ID and password).
Homework Assignments:Homework assignments will be given for your practice and will not be graded. It is highly recommended to do these exercises regularly as they will help you with understanding and practice of the essential material of the course.
Grade determination:
Quizzes (in tutorial):There will be 4 quizzes during tutorial on Fridays. Tentative dates of the quizzes are Jan 25, Feb 8, March 8, and April 5 10 %
Midterm 1:Thursday, Feb 14 (11:30 am - 12:50 pm) (location TBA) 20 %
Midterm 2:Thursday,March 21 (11:30 am - 12:50 pm) (location TBA) 20 %
Final Exam: Tuesday, April 16 (8:30 - 11:30 am)(location TBA) 50 %
Remarks: Only non-programmable and non-graphic calculators areallowed for quizzes, tests or the final exam. There will be no makeup quizzes/tests. If a quiz/test is missed for a legitimate reason, with valid written proof, its value will be added to the value of the final examination. You must provide the Student Medical Form if you miss a quiz/test/final exam due to illness. Medical Form must be completed by you and your physician. This form is posted on clew website, also it can be found at If the final is missed with a legitimate reason, the student should contact the Registrar’s Office for a request to write make up exam.
The following table gives the letter grades corresponding to the scores.
score / letter / Score / letter / score / letter / score / letter / Score / letter93-100 / A+ / 77-79.9 / B+ / 67-69.9 / C+ / 57-59.9 / D+ / 35-49.9 / F
86-92.9 / A / 73-76.9 / B / 63-66.9 / C / 53-56.9 / D / 0-34.9 / F-
80-85.9 / A- / 70-72.9 / B- / 60-62.9 / C- / 50-52.9 / D- / /
Important Dates:
1. Last day to add/drop the course is Jan 18 (Friday).
2. Study week(Feb 18 – Feb 24) - No Classes.
3. Last day for voluntary withdrawal is March 15 (Friday).
4. Holidays (Feb 18, Feb 22 and March 29) - University closed.
4. Course evaluation will be conducted during the last two weeks of classes.
5. Last day of classes is April 12 (Friday).
Writing Three or More Exams on the Same Day: A student scheduled to write three invigilated final examinations in one calendar day may apply to have one examination rescheduled on an alternate examination day. The determination of which examination shall be rescheduled and the date of the alternate examination (may be the last possible day of the examination period) shall be made by the Vice-Provost, Students and Registrar. Please download the appropriate form from and submit to the Office of the Registrar.
Note: These applications must be submitted by the end of the fourth week of classes
Exam Conflicts due to Observance of Religious Holy Days:Students who are unable to write a final examination(s) during the regularly scheduled time slot because of a conflict with religious conviction must apply for the alternative exam(s) in the course(s) involved by the end of the normal add/drop period. The Registrar's Office will schedule the alternative examination(s) for those students in another slot(s) within the regular examination period. Please download the appropriate form from and submit to the Office of the Registrar.
Note: These applications must be submitted by the end of the fourth week of classes.