Example Recall Training Procedure
XYZ Food Facility
Recall Training Procedure
Written By: H. Smith
Code: SOP T7Revision Date: Sept 12, 2008
Designated Product labelling personnel, trained by Production Supervisor
The entire recall team (see SOP P7.2.3 for names, positions and contact information) trained by the Food Safety Coordinator
•Prior to designated personnel performing product labelling or Recall Team job duties
•Yearly refresher training
•When changes are made to the Recall program
•As necessary if deviations are found
- Training will focus on either Product Labelling or Recall depending on the job duties of the trainees
- For both Product Labelling and Recall, training will be delivered in 2 parts:
- Part 1 is in class using:
•OMAFRA’s GMP Training Kit – Module 6: Recall
•procedures and records developed in P7 Recall (P7.1 Product Labelling OR P7.2 Recall)
- Part 2 is on the floor using:
•procedures from P3, for the storage of potentially contaminated product (P3.2.1 HOLD procedure)
•procedures from P7.1 Product Labelling for proper labelling of product
- After both the in class and on the floor sections of training have been completed all participants must complete the recall training assessment and receive a passing mark of 8 out of 10.
- Upon completion of training, the name of the trainer, the name and signature of the person trained, the type of training given, and the date of the training will be recorded on the Employee Training Record (RCD T7.1).
/Corrective Actions:
Employee is absent from training /- Train the employee before they start/return to work
Employee did not pass the recall training assessment /
- Employee is re-trained and a hands-on training session is conducted
- RCD T7.1 Recall Training Record
- RCD T7.2 Recall Training Assessment
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