2016-17 Sunny Pointe Volunteer Form

Hello parents and friends of Sunny Pointe! My name is Heather Osgood and I am the Volunteer Coordinator for Sunny Pointe Elementary PTA. I am excited to be a part of a school that has one of the BEST parent volunteer programs in the district. In order to continue this success, we need the help of wonderful volunteers like you! On the following pages there is a list of ways you can get involved. Please take a minute to look the events over and then let us know how you would like to get involved. You will then be contacted by the chair person closer to the scheduled time of that event. We so appreciate the time & energy you put in making SPE a great school!








Do you have a talent or skill you would be willing to share or a resource that could benefit the school? Example: Any profession for Career Day, Musician, Artist, Landscaping, Carpentry, Web Design, Business Owner or willing to donate products/services for our carnival silent auction or any other area of expertise?


2016-2017 SPE PTA EVENTS

Welcome to a new school year at Sunny Pointe Elementary School! Please take a moment to look over this list of events and volunteer opportunities for the upcoming school year. Please mark those that you would like to be involved with and the committee chairs will contact you with further details. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact them, their names and emails are listed below.

Be on Planning Committee / Will Work at the Event / Event Description
BookFair - Set-up, re-stock and assist children in purchasing books. (Oct 3rd-7th & Feb 27th-Mar 3rd)
Chair: Heather Osgood
FallParty - Assist with decorating the night before or help the day of with games, crafts and refreshments. (Oct 26th)
Chair: Andrea Uptegrove
Santa Shop - This two day event is the children's time to shop for holiday gifts for their loved ones. Set-up, re-stock, assist with purchases and wrapping gifts. (Dec 13th & 14th)
Chair: Kharma Flackmiller
Valentine's Party - Assist with decorating the night before or help the day of with games, crafts and refreshments. (Feb 10th)
Chair: Andrea Uptegrove
Carnival - We need a lot of volunteers to pull off this huge event. Assist with decorations, silent auction, games or serving food. (March 24th)
Chair: Sumer Matt
5th Grade Activities - Help coordinate fun activities to celebrate this big milestone for our 5th grades. This includes D.A.R.E. Graduation and assisting the 5th grade teachers in planning the 5th grade picnic.
Track & Field Day - This is an ALL DAY event. Volunteers can help out all day or half a day. We need volunteers to help run the games/activitiesand help make/serve popcorn & drinks. (May 19th)
Chair: Andrea Uptegrove
Spirit & Popcorn Days - Help students pick out and purchase items from our spirit table. Examples of which are pens, pencils, highlighters etc. You could volunteer to help pop popcorn to sell during lunch. (Sept 16th, Oct 21st, Nov 18th, Apr 21st)
Chair: Heather Osgood


We also have a few volunteer opportunities that continue throughout the school year. Please check the box if you are able to help out with these you will be contacted with more information.

I Can Help / Opportunity
Teacher Aides- The teachers need and appreciate their aides! Time commitment is 2-3 hours per week. Assist by running copies, laminating, making posters or anything else they may need done.
Chair: Heather Osgood
Hospitality - There are several special events throughout the year we need help greeting/hosting friends and families as well as serving them home baked goods. These include Grandparent's Day, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Teacher Appreciation Week &Pastries with Parents.
Chair: Jolee Due
Library Aides - Library aides assist in checking in and out books, organizing shelves and assisting the librarian as needed. Volunteers needed once per week either all day or half day. (9:30-12 or 1:30-4)
Chair: Heather Osgood

Parent's Copy

Be on Planning Committee / Will Work at the Event / Event Description
BookFair - Set-up, re-stock and assist children in purchasing books. (Oct 3rd-7th & Feb 27th-Mar 3rd)
Chair: Heather Osgood
FallParty - Assist with decorating the night before or help the day of with games, crafts and refreshments. (Oct 26th)
Chair: Andrea Uptegrove
Santa Shop - This two day event is the children's time to shop for holiday gifts for their loved ones. Set-up, re-stock, assist with purchases and wrapping gifts. (Dec 13th & 14th)
Chair: KharmaFlackmiller
Valentine's Party - Assist with decorating the night before or help the day of with games, crafts and refreshments. (Feb 10th)
Chair: Andrea Uptegrove
Carnival - We need a lot of volunteers to pull off this huge event. Assist with decorations, silent auction, games or serving food. (March 24th)
Chair: Sumer Matt
5th Grade Activities - Help coordinate fun activities to celebrate this big milestone for our 5th grades. This includes D.A.R.E. Graduation and assisting the 5th grade teachers in planning the 5th grade picnic.
Track & Field Day - This is an ALL DAY event. Volunteers can help out all day or half a day. We need volunteers to help run the games/activities and help make/serve popcorn & drinks. (May 19th)
Chair: Andrea Uptegrove
Spirit & Popcorn Days - Help students pick out and purchase items from our spirit table. Examples of which are pens, pencils, highlighters etc. You could volunteer to help pop popcorn to sell during lunch. (Sept 16th, Oct 21st, Nov 18th, Apr 21st)
Chair: Heather Osgood
I Can Help / Opportunity
Teacher Aides- The teachers need and appreciate their aides! Time commitment is 2-3 hours per week. Assist by running copies, laminating, making posters or anything else they may need done.
Chair: Heather Osgood
Hospitality - There are several special events throughout the year that we need help greeting/hosting friends and families as well as serving them home baked goods. These include Grandparent's Day, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Teacher Appreciation Week &Pastries with Parents.
Chair: Jolee Due
Library Aides - Library aides assist in checking in and out books, organizing shelves and assisting the librarian as needed. Volunteers needed once per week either all day or half day. (9:30-12 or 1:30-4)
Chair: Heather Osgood