
Evergreen Park School PSSC Meeting

October 16, 2017 6:00pm


Donald Moore (Chair)
Stacey MacAulay (Secretary)
Pam LeBlanc (Home & School Rep)
Antigone Panagiotakis (Principal)
Lise Bourque-Surette (Teacher Rep)
Hana Ahmady
Betsy Carson
Kelly Parker
Kim Mowat
Michelle MacLean
Dan Tulpan
Joanne Touchie


William Njoku
Angela Lawson (DEC Rep)


Don called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

  1. New Committee Members: Don welcomed the new committee members: Michelle MacLean, Dan Tulpan, Joanne Touchie, Stacey MacAulay and Lise Bourque-Surette (Teacher Rep).
  1. Appointment of Chair: Don served as the Chair last year and re-offered his name to chair for the 2017-2018 year. Kim Mowat seconded the motion and Don was re-appointed as Chair.
  1. Appointment of Secretary: Don called for interest among committee members to serve as Secretary. Stacey put her name forward and was appointed by the committee as Secretary for the 2017-2018 year.
  1. PSSC Training: There will be two training sessions for PSSC members: October 19th at Tantramar High School (7-9pm) and October 26th at Riverview Middle School (7-9pm). Committee members are encouraged to attend.
  1. Declaration: Committee members signed the NB Department of Education Declaration forms.
  1. Home & School Update: Mrs. Panagiotakis provided an update.
  • Approximately $8000 was raised at the Fun Fair. The money will be used toward purchasing iPads for classrooms and for the Breakfast Program. Mrs. Panagiotakis noted that the attendance at Breakfast Club has substantially increased in September and October compared to past years.
  • The Monster Ball will be held on October 26th.
  1. PSSC Budget: Don explained that the PSSC has an annual budget of approximately $700 which needs to be used during the school year.
  • Action: Don to discuss the rules pertaining to PSSC funding with Angela Lawson (DEC Rep).
  • Action: Committee members to brainstorm ideas for how to use the budget at upcoming meetings.
  1. French Immersion Supply Teachers: Kim Mowat discussed the CBC report that indicated there are not enough French Immersion supply teachers in the province this year as a result of changes to the early French Immersion program. Mrs. Panagiotakis reported that the district is working very hard to recruit more teachers. If parents have concerns, they can contact the district office.
  1. Principal’s Report: Mrs. Panagiotakis presented the Principal’s Report. See appendix 1.
  1. Intervention Period: Mrs. Panagiotakis reported that intervention period started in the month of October. Opportunities for enrichment for students requiring an extra challenge was discussed.
  1. Update on new North-end 6-8 school: No updates to present at the meeting.
  • Action: Don to follow-up with Angela Lawson (DEC Rep) to get an update on the progress of the new school.
  1. Agenda for Future Meetings:
  • Committee members were encouraged to notify the Chair if they would like an item added to the agenda for future meetings.
  • Action: Betsy requested that the topic of outdoor recreation facilities (i.e. soccer field) be added to the next meeting’s agenda.
  1. Upcoming Meetings:

Monday, November 20th @ 6:30pm (Breakfast room)

Monday, December 11th @6:30pm (Breakfast room)

Minutes prepared by Stacey MacAulay

Appendix 1: Principal’s Report

Principal’s Report

Evergreen Park School Profile 2016-2017

October 16th, 2017

Civic address: 333 Evergreen Drive, Moncton, New Brunswick E1G 2J2

Telephone: 856-3476Fax: 856-2117

Safe Arrival 869-6777

School Website:

*As of October 16th, 2017 we have 757 students.

We have 37 homerooms, 3 administrators, 51 full and part time teachers, 4 of which are resource teachers, and 2 part- time guidance teachers. We also receive support from one full time and one part time administrative assistant, 18 educational assistants, one SIW (school intervention worker), one library assistant, a part- time Speech and Language pathologist, and a community shared psychologist.

Our academic programming follows the Department of Education Curriculum. We offer our students the option of studying in our Prime English program or our French Immersion program with four separate entry points.We offer Early Immersion to our Grade 1 and 3 students, Intensive French to all of our Grade 5 Prime English students, and Late Immersion to our Grade 6 students.

2017-2018--- Mission, Vision and Values statements:

​Building a strong foundation for a successful future


​Fostering an inclusive environment focusing on respect, fairnessandintegrity​


Be a good citizen, be kind, be responsible and always do your best


****In accordance with following our POI (Pyramid of Interventions) we are continuing to incorporate a designated intervention block into the daily schedule, allowing for more targeted small group interventions as well as stretch learning opportunities. In order to maximize instructional time, an eight minute transition time has been incorporated into our schedule. The intent is that instructional time following the lunch break will be protected.

Homeroom 8:07-8:15
Period 1 8:15-8:55
Period 2 8:55-9:35
Recess 9:35-9:50
Period 3 9:50-10:30
Period 4 10:30-11:10
Period 5 Intervention Block 11:10-11:35
Lunch 11:35-11:57 (transition time) 11:57-12:05
12:05-12:35 (transition time) 12:27-12:35
Period 6 12:35-1:15
Period 7 1:15-1:55
K-2 Dismissal 1:35
Period 8 1:55-2:35

Kick Off to Kindergarten

Parents and guardians were invited to attend the Kindergarten Kick-Off on Thursday, October 19th. This meeting will provide parents and guardians an opportunity to learn more about the Transition to School program and the planned activities and events throughout children’s pre-school year.

Walk-a-thon Fundraiser

The Walkathon will be Wednesday, November 1st at 9:00 a.m. (rain date will be Friday, November 3rd).

We are having our fourth annual Walkathon at Evergreen Park School. This is the school’s major fundraiser of the year. Students and staff will be walking a span of the Northwest Trail to promote a healthy lifestyle. Money raised will purchase technology and help pay for school activities, field trips and our Breakfast program.

Collection dates are: Wednesdays, October 11th, 18th, and 25th

Confucius Institute

Each year, ASD-E hosts two graduate students of Chinese/English studies at ASD-E schools. We have accepted to host one of these graduate students; her name is Ms. Jinj Li Wang. We look forward to learning about the Chinese culture, Chinese activities and Chinese tradition.

Evergreen Park School Extra-Curricular Activities 2017-2018

  • It is the parents’ responsibility to provide transportation to and from events.
  • School Expectations – Participants in extracurricular activities are reminded that they are representatives of Evergreen Park School and, as such, are expected to comply with the school’s expectations in class and to maintain their academic standing.
  • Reminder – Coaches and activity supervisors are volunteers who freely give up their time to make these activities possible.

Sports/Activities / Teacher Representative / Time
(Month) / Grade Level
Cross-Country / Mrs. B. Browne / Sept.-mid Oct. / Grades 3-8
Boys’ Soccer / Mr. S. Dryden
Mrs. K. Lemieux / Sept.-mid Oct. / Grades 5-8
Girls’ Soccer / Mr. L. Marchetti
Mr. M. Oar / Sept.-mid Oct. / Grades 5-8
Art/Story Club / Mrs. J. Aikman-Smith
Mrs. E. Hansen / Oct.-Apr.
Wed. / Grades 7-8
Girls’ Volleyball / Mr. L. Marchetti
Mrs. H. Guptill / Mid-Oct. / Grades 5-8
Boys’ Volleyball / Mr. J. Jamer / Mid-Oct. / Grades 5-8
Girls’ Basketball / Mr. R. Nason / Early Dec. (try-outs)
Jan.-Feb. / Grades 5-8
Boys’ Basketball / Mr. J. Jamer / Early Dec. / Grades 5-8
Girls’ Softball / Mrs. C. Lavoie
Mrs. H. Guptill / Mid-May / Grades 5-8
Boys’ Softball / Mr. J. Jamer / Mid May-Jun. / Grades 5-8
Chinese Club / Ms. Jinj Li Wang/Mrs. Panagiotakis / November / Grades 3-6
Chinese Art Club / Mrs. Jinj Li Wang/ Mrs. Hansen/ Mrs. Aikman-Smith / Mid-October / Grades 6-8

School upcoming events

Oct. 19th—Students are dismissed at 12:00 p.m. (half day for students)

Oct. 19th—Kick Off to Kindergarten at 4:00 p.m.

Oct. 23rd-24th—School pictures (mornings only)

Oct. 25th-Papa John’s fundraiser

Oct.26th—PSSC training at Riverview Middle School

Oct, 26th—Monster Ball

Nov. 1 —Walkathon (Nov. 3rd—rain date)