Everett Silvertips Hockey Booster Club
General Membership Meeting
October 19, 2008
Snohomish County PUD Building
Executive Board Present
Larry Hawk – President
Joyce Mannon – Secretary
Jason Kamb – Member at Large
Pat Hawes – Member at Large
John Postlewait – Member at Large
Excused absences: Debbie Mitchell Vice President and Debbie Jordan Treasurer. Unexcused: Mike House past president.
Call to Order
Larry Hawk called meeting to order.
Committee Chair reports
Secret Pals: Debbie Steigerwald reported that all secret pals have been assigned and the next drop is October 28, 2008. Question was asked what is secret pals? Debbie Steigerwald answered questions.
Road Trips: Kristi Simmons reported that she has the sign up sheets for road trips but need to do some calculations so nothing new to report.
Membership: Shirley Olsen reported we have 168 memberships.
Fund Raiser: Barbara Morris advised what was available for sale that day. Question how many calendars sold. We do not have that information at this time but we sell approximately 5-6 each game.
Events: Erin Fry reported players had a great time at the meet & greet. Holiday party still in planning stages but is set for 12/10/08. Open discussion regarding meet & greet. Joanie Cowles asked when we will have the time of the holiday party. Larry Hawk will contact Zoran Rajcic Monday for that information as he has not responded to Larry’s email request.
Scrapbook: Jan Shaw advised the drawing for player names will be held after the general membership meeting today.
Hospitality: Craig Woody (Woody) reported the next social will be Nov. 11, 2008. Jason Kamb asked how many people present at the socials. Woody advised approximately 30-40. Ron Olsen asked why at Bobby’s Hawaiian when other restaurants advertised in our calendar. Woody advised trying to keep it simple and concerned if move it around too soon will not be successful, however, will hold a vote at the January 2009 social of all present as to if it should continue to be held at Bobby’s or if should be moved around to other venues. The vote will determine how we proceed. JimStaniford request criteria for where held should be established as concern raised by Shirley Olsen that Bobby’s is not booster club members and has nothing to do with team. Joanie Cowles “respectfully requested” chairman control the meeting.
Calendar: Erin Fry reported still about 9 outstanding accounts. Larry Advised will have Debbie Jordan review.
Approval of minutes
Joanie Cowles complained that minutes were not posted to the website so request approval be tabled. Larry Hawk read minutes aloud. Sue Strong pointed out error in old business which stated she questioned the process when should read explained. Kim Hopper motioned to approve minutes with stated correction and Jeff Cowles seconded. All approved.
Old Business
Joanie Cowles questioned will budget be addressed today as was to be done by September meeting per bylaws. Jason Kamb explained budget would be under new business as it has not been submitted yet.
Door prize: Puck holder won by Joyce Mannon.
New Business
Joanie Cowles request budget be presented. Pat Hawes explained treasurer not present but handed last budget copy he had to president to read. Joanie Cowles stated not same as one she printed off website so provided hers. Jim Staniford read the budget and open discussion ensued. Ron Olsen motioned to approve budget as written seconded by Amy Van Dalen. All approved.
Membership comments
Shirley Olsen read names of members who need to pick up their membership cards.
Rob Keasal request that the treasurer print report showing actual monies spent by the club last season.
Woody commented that we need to get going on the bus trips even if some operate at a loss. Woody also suggested we might use some of the reserved fund. Larry Hawk explained seven road trips laid out on the booster club table to gauge interest but not much participation. Only trip with enough interest is the train trip to Portland. Rob Keasal explained due to non-profit status cannot use funds to benefit membership.
Woody questioned who selects gifts for players. Larry Hawk advised Events committee duty and they have not provided to the board for approval yet. Erin Fry stated it is her understanding that the club gives the players a gift certificate. Others pointed out that in the past the Events committee has gotten donations from the community in addition to the certificates. Erin stated if you have suggestion you can submit them on the booster club website.
Erin Fry and Amy Van Dalen question why the board meetings are not open to the general membership. Larry Hawk advised we have agreed to keep the meeting confidential – it is not a secret organization but needs to be confidential. Ron Olsen states executive sessions are not open per Roberts Rules of Order.
Rob Keasal motioned to adjourn and seconded by an individual who did not state their name. All approved.