Mentor: a trusted counselor or guide; tutor
Mentoring Committee Chairpersons: Benfer- Eric Brighton
Haude- Jennifer Blackman
Roth- Mary Dahdou
Lemm- Kyleigh Hanes
1. Every Wednesday that we mentor, your name will be on an excusal list emailed to all teachers. Quietly leave 7th period at 2:12 (The odd time is so we do not miss more than 15 minutes of 7th period each time, which would add up quickly for the minimum times we can miss for school-related activities.) Make-up work for that time missed is your responsibility.
2. The first visit will be to get acquainted with your child. Meet at the front of your school to get nametags from advisers and enter together the first time only. The elementary counselors will have some coloring, math pages, etc. for you to do with your child while you visit.
3. Parking can be a problem. You can park in the teacher area (or even double park behind the teachers in back of Lemm) but do not block the bus lanes. We leave before teachers and buses.
4. The counselors meet us in the cafeteria where they will direct each of you to the classroom to pick up your child and then return to the cafeteria with them.
5. You can use the tables, the floor, sit with a friend and his/her child-whatever makes you comfortable the first time. Just get to know them by asking questions about them and tell them some things about you. They will be absolutely intrigued with you (a teenager!), even if they don’t show it at first, so remember what an important example you are for them.
6. After you go one time, all mentors will have a committee meeting to decide if you want to go two Wednesdays a month or one Wednesday a month.
7. You get one community service hr. each time you go. (includes driving time)
1. You are responsible for that child. You must be there or make arrangements for another mentor to pick up your child if you cannot be there for some very good reason. Plan ahead if such arrangements must be made. They will cry! If you awaken ill the morning of, please e-mail Mrs. Bickham at or Mr. Huggins at . Otherwise, no last-minute excuses.
2. No horseplay with the children! Remember how strict elementary school rules are, and you must follow them.
3. You must wear your NHS t-shirt. (Some of the fashionable tops are shocking to the elementary teachers!) We need to present ourselves as a group anyway.
4. No food or candy.