Event Technical Checklist

EventTechnical Checklist

Event Name:

Event Location:

Event Manager:

Contact Information:

Location Contact information:

Event Date(s):Request response from Tech by: [mm/dd/yyyy]

General Information / [Replace this text with a brief description of the event.]
Audio / Current Status
Yes / No / Comments
Is an audio technician needed? / [Replace this text with name of preferred audio technician.]
Will on stage inputs be needed (microphones, instruments etc.)? / [Replace this text with the number of inputs requested.]
Will microphone(s) be wired or wireless? / [Replace this text with the type of microphone needed.]
Will microphone(s) be handheld, lapel, or over-ear / [Replace this text with the type of microphone(s) desired.]
Will on-stage floor monitor(s) be needed? / [Replace this text with the number of monitors needed.]
Will in-ear monitor(s) be needed? / [Replace this text with the number of in ear monitors needed.]
Will batteries be supplied for wireless equipment? / If "Yes," discuss with audio technician how many to provide.]
Has a Technical Rider been obtained from the band/special guest? / If "Yes," please deliver it to the audio technician scheduled for the event. If "No," please try to obtain one if possible.]
Comments or concerns? / [Replace this text with your additional information on this section.]
Lighting / Current Status
Yes / No / Comments
Will lighting adjustments be required at this event? / [Replace this text with general comments.]
Will a technician be required for the lighting changes at this event? / [Replace this text with the preferred lighting technician.]
Will a gobo be ordered for this event? / [Replace this text with the gobo format (stationary or intelligent light gobo).]
Comments or concerns? / [Replace this text with your additional information on this section.]
Lyrics / Presentation(s) / Current Status
Yes / No / Comments
Will presentation software be used? / [Enter PowerPoint, EasyWorship, ProPresenter, MediaShout etc.]
Will a computer be provided by the venue? / [If "No," what is needed?]
Will the script/presentation be prepared prior to the day of the event? / [If "Yes," then by who?.]
Will a technician be required to run the presentation during the event? / [Replace this text with the preferred technician.]
Will screen(s) be provided by the venue? / [If "No," what is needed?]
Will projector(s) be provided by the venue? / [If "No," what is needed?]
Do you have all the proper cabling from computer to projector? / [If "No," what is needed?]
Comments or concerns? / [Replace this text with your additional information on this section.]
Presenter(s) / Speaker(s) / Current Status
Yes / No / Comments
Will there be any guest speakers? / [Replace this text with the number of presenters and/or speakers.]
Will the guest speakers have any presentation or DVD playback requirements? / [If "Yes," what are those needs?]
Have you obtained the presentation materials from the guest speakers? / [If "Yes," are they included in the script already? If "No," when will the materials be available?]
Are there any other technical needs from the guest speakers? / [If "Yes," please list or attach extra sheets as needed.]
Comments or concerns? / [Replace this text with your additional information on this section.]
Streaming / Current Status
Yes / No / Comments
Do you wish to stream this event? / [Replace this text with the estimated amount of total time you wish to stream.]
Do you wish this to be a multi camera event? / [Replace this text with the number of cameras you desire.]
Has adequate bandwidth been considered and tested at venue? / [If "No" and you wish to stream this event, a site visit that includes the BGCO Technology Dept. should be scheduled ASAP**.]
Who performed the test and what were the speed test results? / [Replace this text with the name of the person that ran the speed test. Please include the speet test results here as well. ____Mb download x ____Mb upload]
Has a streaming device been reserved, if needed? / [Contact BGCO Technology Dept. in order to verify a unit is available.]
Is the viewing webpage ready for the stream? / [If "Yes," what is the web address to view the stream? If "No," Brian Hobbs and the BGCO Comm Team need to be contacted to help you prepare the page.]
Will a technician be required to stream the event? / [Replace this text with the preferred technician.]
Comments or concerns? / [Replace this text with your additional information on this section.]
Technical Script / Current Status
Yes / No / Comments
Is there a need for a technical script? / [If "Yes," who will be typing up the script?]
Comments or concerns? / [Replace this text with your additional information on this section.]
TV Carts / Current Status
Yes / No / Comments
Is there a need for the portable TV carts from the BGCO Leadership Center? / [If "Yes," how many?]
Is the proper cabling and equipment with the desired cart(s)? / [If "No," what is missing?]
Are the remotes with the cart? / [If "Yes," does they work? If "No," a new one will need to be obtained.]
Are new batteries needed? / [If "Yes," replace as needed.]
Comments or concerns? / [Replace this text with your additional information on this section.]
Loaner Laptops / Current Status
Yes / No / Comments
Do any laptops need to be checked out or borrowed? / [If "Yes," have you checked with the Leadership Center to see if they have any available? If not Church Outreach has one and Technology Dept. has one.]
Do you have the proper cabling to perform your desired functions? / [If "Yes," please verify all the cables are good before the event? If "No," check with the Technology Dept. for spare cabling.]
Comments or concerns? / [Replace this text with your additional information on this section.]
Audio / Video Recording / Current Status
Yes / No / Comments
Is audio or video recording of this event required? / [Replace this text with your preferred recording needs.]
Is there a specific purpose for recoding this event (DVD, web, HD etc.)? / [Replace this text with your desired purpose for recording the event.]
How long do you think the recording will be? / [Replace this text with the estimated recording length.]
Comments or concerns? / [Replace this text with your additional information on this section.]
Wireless Access / Current Status
Yes / No / Comments
Will wireless access to internet be required? / [Replace this text with your estimated number of users needing wireless access.]
Is wireless access available at venue? / [If "Yes," is the coverage adequate for your needs? If "No," venue should be contacted to work out options and site survey should be done by BGCO Technology Dept. ASAP**.]
Is wireless access secured? / [If "Yes," is the passcode available to use? If "No," is there a proxy page to get to internet or is access truly open?]
Is bandwidth adequate for your needs? / [If "No," is there enough need for more bandwidth paid for from your budget?]
Comments or concerns? / [Replace this text with your additional information on this section.]
Event Estimates / Current Status
Yes / No / Comments
Start Date / [Replace this text with your estimated Start Date in this format: mm/dd/yyyy]
End Date / [Replace this text with your estimated End Date in this format: mm/dd/yyyy]
Efforts in hours / [Replace this text with the estimated hours.]
Technical Budget / [Replace this text with the estimated budget for technical personnel (personnel not employed by BGCO).]
Will meals be provided for technical crew? / [If "Yes," what is the estimated number of meals provided for the technical personnel (All crew including BGCO employees and non). If "No," please allow time in the schedule for breaks whenever possible.]
Comments or concerns? / [Replace this text with your additional information on this section.]
Miscellaneous / Current Status
Yes / No / Comments
Are there any rental needs to consider (screens, microphones, cameras etc)? / [If "Yes," what are those needs?]
Are there any other needs? / [Replace this text with any additional requests.]
Comments or concerns? / [Replace this text with your additional information on this section.]

** If a site survey needs to be conducted what is the earliest date it can be done? [mm/dd/yyyy]

General Observations

[Replace this text with information regarding the overall readiness of project initiation. This must be filled-in by the Event Manager (top of page 1).]


Overview / Who Attended / Date


[Replace this text with general comments.]

Tech Crew breakdown

  1. Audio –
  2. Lyrics/Presentations –
  3. Lighting –
  4. Switcher –
  5. Robo cam operator –
  6. Camera 1 –
  7. Camera 2 –
  8. Camera 3 –
  9. Recording –
  10. On Site IT –
  11. Stage Director –


EventCoordinator:______Date: ___/___/____

Other: ______Date: ___/___/____

Page 14/9/2019