SONPCAEvent Details Form

Please use this form as a guide (use only what is applicable) to send out information about your event.

Send the form to the SONPCA President . The SONPCA President will distribute to our Facebook & Newsletter editors, the webmaster, and the team who puts out the email blasts.

Event Name/Description:


Time (from/to):



RSVP required?

Who should get the RSVP?

RSVP deadline?

Registration on required?

Is there a limit to how many may attend?

Meal selection required ahead of time? (list choices/prices)

Cost ($$$ or no charge):

To be paid in advance (Y/N):

Send to (name/address):

Deadline for payment:

(all checks payable to SONNENSCHEIN PCA)

Event details (description of event or activities, tour route, topic, schedule, meals/menu included, featured guests or vendors, what to bring, any limit on number who can sign up?, special notes, etc)

Do you have a logo, art work, or your own copy to be used?

Who to contact for questions:


Email address:

Request for Newsletter ad: Include what months you want ads run, ad size preference. Remember, info must be sent to SONPCA Newsletter editor by the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication, for example May 1 for the June issue.

Request for email blast: Generally, a reminder is included in the blast for upcoming events. Special requests may be made for a new event, a last-minute event, changes to an event, or a call for sign-ups if attendance is looking low.

General SONPCA Newsletter submissions deadlines

  • 1st of the month for the SONPCA Newsletter issue coming out the next month.
    Example: For the March issue everything should be submitted by Feb. 1
  • SONPCA Newsletter editor accepts submissions as late as the 7th.
  • Columns - Editor request that you contact him by the deadline if you will not be submitting a column or if you need extra time or if you have something coming up but not all the information is available yet. That way he can block out space in the SONPCA Newsletter correctly.
  • Event ads - should be advertised in the month prior to the event. If the event requires reservations, they should be advertised even earlier.

Special Consideration for SONPCA Event Ads:

It’s all about timing with your event ads. Where SONPCA Newsletter columns and articles are for a specific month, event ads are advertising events in the future.

Example: An event is scheduled for March 20. The ad could be placed in the

Feb. issue or the March issue, since the event is far enough out in March

for members to receive their SONPCA Newsletter in time to schedule for the event.

If RSVPs are required, it should probably be in the Feb. issue

Example: An event is scheduled for March 3. The ad MUST be placed in the Feb.

issue because members won’t get their March SONPCA Newsletter in time to sign up for the event.

Example: An overnight tour is scheduled for June. The ad should run

in the April issue (or even earlier). That gives members April and May

to get reservations.

If you are in charge of an event that is more complex, you can help the editors in planning ad sequences. For example, for a weekend tour or a special event: You might want a small ad (¼ page or ½ page) ad in the SONPCA Newsletter 3 or even 4 months ahead to get attention and say ‘save the date’. This ad has minimal information, but can point to the website if more info is available. This is especially important when members have to make reservations. Then the month before and the month of the event the SONPCA Newsletter would have a full page ad. Contact the SONPCA Newsletter editor () and discuss what you would like and what they can do.

Thank you in advance for all the work you do to run and promote SONPCA Events. Please take a look at your coming events and let the group know as much detail as possible.


  • Keep in mind that we are always working out 2-3 months ahead.
  • Keep in mind the dates you set for RSVPs and reservations. You don’t want to be advertising for the first time in the SONPCA Newsletterafter those dates.