Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
Evaluation Task Force
October 23, 2006
2:30 p.m.
East – 3-113
Members Present – Nick Bekas, Tom Byrnes, Helen Clarke, Toni DeMaglio, Jeffery Donley, Becky Gallup, Susan Kelley, Maryke Lee, Paul Licata, Marie Martin, Sonia Navarro-Milano, Julie Phelps, Jovan Trpovski, Martha Williams, Silvia Zapico
Members Absent: Fitzroy Farquharson, Jennifer Lawhorn, David Rogers
Tom Byrnes facilitated the meeting, serving as Task Force convener and liaison to the College Planning Council.
1. Introductions – Tom Byrnes welcomed the members, who introduced themselves.
2. Review of the Task Force Charge from the CPC – The Task Force reviewed the attached written charge provided by the College Planning Council.
3. Review of the Strategic Planning Time Line, Organizational Chart, and Charge to other Task Forces and Groups
The task force reviewed the attached time line, organizational chart, and the charges to the other Task Forces and the College Planning Committee. It was noted that the Evaluation Task Force will facilitate the evaluation of each stage of the planning process and its products, working with the groups responsible for each.
4. Review of the Strategic Planning Design Principles and the Kaufman Organizational Elements Model – The attached design principles, which were created by the College Planning Council, were reviewed, and the Task Force discussed the central role the principles will play in the evaluation of the planning process and its products.
The Task Force also reviewed the attached Kaufman model which was adopted by the College Planning Council to help guide the planning efforts. It was noted that it provides a basis for understanding evaluation as a means of measuring the extent to which the strategic plan contributes to closing gaps in results at five levels. These gaps in results are labeled as “needs.”
5. Proposed structure for evaluation - The Task Force discussed how best to structure the evaluation work to address formative and summative evaluation of the planning process and its products.
It was agreed that the Task Force would break into four teams as follows:
- Design Team - to generate an evaluation design, including proposed evaluation questions for each phase of the planning process, for each product, and for the process as whole. Volunteers included Nick Bekas, Tom Byrnes, Becky Gallup, Maryke Lee, Paul Licata, Julie Phelps, and Silvia Zapico.
- Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Evaluation Team – to assist the Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Task Force in determining the methods to be used to collect and analyze data to be used for formative and summative evaluation of that Task Force’s work (both process and products), and to assist in the carrying out the evaluation as needed. Volunteers included Nick Bekas and Jovan Trpovski.
- Communications Evaluation Team – to assist the Communications Task Force in determining the methods to be used to collect and analyze data to be used for formative and summative evaluation of the efforts of that Task Force (both process and products), and to assist in carrying out the evaluation as needed. Volunteers included Helen Clarke, Jeffery Donley, and Marie Martin.
- Vision, Values, and Mission Evaluation Team - to assist the Vision, Values, and Mission Task Force in determining the methods to be used to collect and analyze data to be used for formative and summative evaluation of that Task Force’s work (both process and products), and to assist in the evaluation as needed. One person has volunteered to date: Toni DeMaglio. Additional volunteers are welcomed.
It was agreed that at a later date two additional teams would be formed:
- to assist the Strategic Issues, Goals and Objectives Task Force in evaluating its work, and
- to design and recommend an evaluation plan to be included in the final 2008-13 Strategic Plan for use in evaluating the plan as it is implemented.
6. Development of time line for the Task Force’s work –
The task force agreed to the following time line for its work, with target dates for completion:
- Initial evaluation design for the planning process completed – by the end of November 2006. (The team will meet November 6.)
- Evaluation designs for the Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Task Force work, for the Communications Task Force, and for the Vision, Values, and Mission Task Force by mid- December 2006.
- Evaluation of Data and Situational/Needs Analysis processes and products completed – by early February 2007
- Evaluation of Vision, Values, and Mission statement consideration processes and products – by mid-March 2007
- Report to the College Planning Committee, providing a draft evaluation of the planning process, to date, and its products by mid-March 2007
- Name the team to assist with evaluating the work of the Strategic Issues, Goals, and Objectives Task Force, by early March 2007
- Evaluation of the Big Meeting (March 2, 2007) and the processes used to produce lists of strategic issues and related strategic goals – by the end of April 2007
- Evaluation of process of developing objectives for the strategic goals, in concert with the four governing councils, by mid-October 2007
- Development of a draft evaluation design for the Strategic Plan as it is implemented, providing for annual evaluative reports to the College Planning Council and Trustees, and supporting formative and summative evaluation of the goals and objectives in the plan, by mid-October 2007.
- Evaluation of the Strategic Planning document for 2008-13 in terms of the extent to which it meets the design principles, by early November 2007
- Report to the College Planning Committee, providing a draft evaluation of the planning process and its products to date, by mid-November 2007
- Evaluation of the extent to which each Task Force and Committee met its charge, in the last month of the life cycle of each Task Force (See Task Force Charges)
9. Task Force Meeting Dates – It was projected that the full Evaluation Task Force is likely to need to meet 11 more times:
- Monday, November 13, 2006 at 2:30 p.m. on West 9-110;
- January, February, March, April, June, July, September, October, and November in 2007; and
- January 2008.
It was agreed that Susan Kelley and Rita Moore, her assistant, would send out via email proposed meeting dates for the third Monday of these months (where that is a work day and does not have other conflicts that might prevent the majority from attending). Smaller work team meetings will be scheduled as needed.
10. Task Force Adjournment; Organizational Meetings of Work Teams Held
The Task Force adjourned, and the work teams held their organizational meetings. Each group agreed to communicate its meeting plans to Tom Byrnes.
CHARGE to the Evaluation Task Force
The Evaluation Task Force of the College Planning Council is charged with carrying out the following activities and completing the work products named during the August 2006 – January 2008 period:
- preparing and executing a plan for formative and summative evaluation of the strategic planning process in terms of the extent to which the process was carried out in keeping with its design principles, and based on the evaluation, making recommendations for mid-course changes to improve the process and its products and recommendations for changes to take place in the planning cycle for 2013-2018
(Preparation of the plan – August – October 2006)
- preparing and executing a plan for evaluation of each of the work products of the planning process, working in collaboration with the CPC, the Task Forces carrying out the phases of the process, and the College Planning Committee
(Preparation of the plan - August – October 2006)
- preparing a recommended evaluation design and timetable for the goals and objectives contained in the final strategic plan for 2008-13
(September 2007 – February 2008)
- reporting on evaluation plans, activities, and results at the regular meetings of the College Planning Council, working through the liaison from the Council who will serve on the Task Force.
Task Force Members:
Bekas, Nick / West / 5473 / 4-1 /Byrnes, Tom / West / 1353 / 4-32 /
Clarke, Helen / East / 2273 / 3-20 /
DeMaglio, Toni / East / 2911 / 3-32 /
Donley, Jeffrey / West / 1410 / 4-11 /
Gallup, Becky / DTC / 3218 / DTC-2 /
Lawhon, Jennifer / East / 2279 / 3-16 /
Lee, Maryke / East / 2309 / 3-16 /
Licata, Paul / West / 1496 / 4-11 /
Martin, Marie / West / 1102 / 4-29 /
Navarro-Milano, Sonia / East / 2841 / 3-2 /
Phelps, Julie / Winter Pk / 2527 / 3-30 /
Trpovski, Jovan / East / 2035 / 3-29 /
Martha Williams / HR/CJI / 8090 / 3-33 /
Zapico, Silvia / Osceola / 4101 / 6-2 /
Ex officio
David Rogers / DTC / 3223 / DTC-2 /
Fitzroy Farquharson / West / 1198 / 4-23 /
Susan Kelley / East / 2969 / 3-12 /
Charge to the Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Task Force
Approved by the College Planning Council on 7/27/06
The Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Task Force of the College Planning Council will be charged with carrying out the following activities and completing the work products named during the August – November 2006 period:
- Studying a list of planning questions developed by the College Planning Council, and the Senior Executive Staff, and determining relevant qualitative and quantitative data that can be identified or generated that will assist the College in addressing these questions
(August – mid-September)
- Securing the data identified and sharing it among the Task Force members for discussion, with the aim of developing a narrative description that analyzes the College’s and the community’s situation, focusing on needs, defined as gaps in results
(mid-September – mid-October)
- Reporting on progress at the September 28 meeting of the College Planning Council, working through the Council member who serves as a liaison from the Task Force to the Council (2:30, East 3-113)
- Collaborating to write the narrative situational/needs analysis and to present the analysis and relevant data on which it is based to the entire College at Learning Day, October 31, 2006.
(Last two weeks of October)
- Sharing a draft with the College Planning Council on October 26, working through the liaison (2:30 p.m., Winter Park Campus).
- Assisting in evaluation of the work of the Task Force and documenting the work as part of the planning process archives (November 2006).
Charge to the Strategic Planning Vision, Values, and Mission Task Force
Approved by the College Planning Council on 7/27/06
The Vision, Values, and Mission Task Force of the College Planning Council will be charged with carrying out the following activities and completing the work products named during the August 2006 – February 2007 period:
- designing and conducting a process for the college as a whole to consider the statements of vision, values, and mission at Learning Day, October 31, 2006, in light of the situational/needs analysis presented to the College by the Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Task Force
(August – October 2006)
- receiving and considering the comments from the College and the community and drafting recommended updates to the Vision, Values, and Mission statements, and sharing those proposed revisions collegewide, seeking a high level of agreement on the statements to be recommended to the president and the trustees
(October 2006 – February 2007)
- reporting on the activities of the Task Force at the regular meetings of the College Planning Council, working through the liaison from the Council who will serve on the Task Force.
Charge to the Strategic Planning Communications Task Force
Approved by the College Planning Council on 7/27/06
The Communications Task Force of the College Planning Council will be charged with carrying out the following activities and completing the work products named during the August 2006 – November 2007 period:
- preparing and executing an internal communications plan for the strategic planning process that ensures that all Valencia employees are aware of the planning process and timeline, its products, and their opportunities to be involved
(Preparation of the plan - August – September 2006)
- in consultation with College and Community Relations, the Provosts, the President, and the Valencia Foundation, preparing a plan for communicating with key stakeholders in the community regarding community needs and their opportunities to be involved in the strategic planning process
(Preparation of the plan – August – October 2006)
- executing the internal communications plan, routinely providing information to the college through identified means, including a planning web site, notices in the Bulletin, presentations at appropriate council meetings and campus-based meetings, and emails
(August 2006 – November 2007)
- working with College and Community Relations to execute the communications plan with community stakeholders (August 2006-November 2007)
- collaborating with the Evaluation Task Force on periodic evaluation of communications throughout the process and in a summative evaluation at the conclusion
- reporting on communications at the regular meetings of the College Planning Council working through the liaison from the Council who will serve on the Task Force
- working with College and Community Relations to design and communicate plans for a collegewide celebration of the plan as it is launched in the winter of 2007 (November 2007 – January 2008)
September 29, 2006
(Excerpted and adapted from the Letters of Appointment to the Council members sent by the President.)
Valencia’s Strategic Planning Committee will work from September 2006, through November 2007, to create a new strategic plan for 2008-13.
The Committee will be responsible for making critical recommendations about Valencia’s future in the form of a draft strategic plan. Based on the Committee’s recommendations, the President will present a new strategic plan to the Board of Trustees for its consideration in late 2007. The Committee’s recommendations will be based on an analysis of data about the community and the College, and on the best thinking of college and community stakeholders.