Evaluation Plan








Who Completes (or Retrieves)


Where to Access


Reports to Use


Implementation Fidelity – Completed with the help of your school wide facilitator (SWF)

Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) and School Safety Survey (SSS) / Identify status, needs and change over time / Prior to initial 3 day SWPBS training, then Annually / All building level staff complete and review; Anonymous data are retrieved by PA PBS evaluators via secure website / www.pbisapps.org / Individual Item Scores: Current status (in place, partially in place, and not in place) and improvement priority (high, medium, and low) percentages for each item within each system.
Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) / Implementation Status and Technical Assistance Needed / For schools in Universal Phase I and II: October, December, March / Team completes checklist and comes to consensus. SWF enters on PBIS Assessment. / www.pbisapps.org / Implementation by Feature: This report shows the percentage implemented and partially implementedfor each feature.
Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) / Implementation status and change over time / Annually / Building Coach and Team Members. District Coach submits final BoQ to SWF who then enters on PBS Surveys website; PA PBS evaluators retrieve via secure website / www.pbisapps.org / Elements Report: Percent implemented for each BoQ element in a bar chart and accompanying data table.
School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) (by appointment after achieving a 70 or higher on the BoQ) / Assess and evaluate the critical features of school-wide positive behavior support / Minimally every 3-5 years based on need for additional data and/or recognition purposes / Trained external evaluator completes and reviews with team; PA PBS evaluators retrieve via secure website
(by appointment after achieving a 70 or higher on the BoQ) / www.pbisapps.org / SET Summary Score Report: Used (a) to determine annual goals for SWPBS (b) to evaluate on-going efforts (c) design and revise procedures as needed, (d) to compare annual accomplishments

Outcomes – data gathered in summer for program evaluator with help from your SWF and school point of contact

School Safety Survey (SSS)


Identify safety status, needs and change over time




All building level staff complete and review; Anonymous data are retrieved by PA PBS evaluators via secure website

/ www.pbisapps.org /

Office Discipline Referrals (ODR)

/ Evaluate impact on rates of problem behavior / Monthly (by team), Quarterly (shared with staff), Annually shared with PAPBS evaluators / Enter in SWIS or other data system; If schools use SWIS, their annual SWIS data are automatically accessed by PAPBS evaluators via secure website / www.pbisapps.org

School district and building level database


“Big Five Reports”:

·  Avg Referrals per Day per Month

·  Referrals by Problem Behavior

·  Referrals by Location

·  Referrals by Time

·  Referrals by Student

Pennsylvania School System of Assessment (PSSA) / Evaluate impact on academic performance / Annually / PAPBS evaluators retrieve via public access / http://paayp.emetric.net/
Pennsylvania Value Added Assessment System (PVAAS) / Evaluate impact on annual academic growth / Annually / PAPBS evaluators retrieve via public access / https://pvaas.sas.com/evaas/welcome.jsf
Safe Schools / Evaluate impact on violence and weapons possession on school property / Annually / PAPBS evaluators retrieve via public access / www.safeschools.state.pa.us
School Profile
·  Total Students
·  Student attendance rate
·  Staff attendance rate
·  LRE per 3 reporting categories
·  Referrals for special education eligibility determination
·  Newly identified special education identifications
·  Out-of-school placements for students
·  Out-of-school placements for students with ED
·  Collaborating MH agency
·  Number of students with IEPs / Used to identify changes over time with implementation / Annually / School/District Point of Contact (POC) submit to PAPBS evaluators / www.papbs.org

Data Collection Schedule

Measure / Pre / Phase One / Phase Two / Phase Three
Fall / Winter / Spring / Summer / Fall / Winter / Spring / Summer / Fall / Winter / Spring / Summer
SAS/SSS1 / X / X / X / X
TIC1 / X / X / X / X / X / X
BoQ1 / X / X / X
SSS1 / X / X / X / X
ODR4 / X / X / X
PSSA3 / X / X / X / X
PVAAS3 / X / X / X / X
Safe Schools3 / X / X / X / X
School Profile4 / X / X / X / X

Notes regarding PAPBS evaluators’ access to data. 1 = data completed via PBISAssessment website and automatically obtained by PAPBS evaluators via PBSEval.org secure website; 2 = will be administered minimally once every three to five years, or more frequently based on need for additional data and/or recognition purposes; 3 = data obtained by PA PBS evaluators via public access; 4 = school must supply to PAPBS evaluators

Data Measures

·  SAS = Effective Behavior Support: Self-Assessment Survey (SAS; Sugai, Horner, & Todd, 2003, 2009)

·  TIC = Team Implementation Checklist (TIC; Sugai, Horrner, Lewis-Palmer, Rossetto Kickey, 2001, 2011)

·  BoQ = School-wide Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ; Kincaid, Childs, & George, 2010)

·  SET = School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET; Sugai, Lewis-Palmer, Todd, & Horner, 2005)

·  SSS = School Safety Survey (SSS; Sprague, Colvin, & Irvin, 2002)

·  ODR = Collected via SWIS (School-Wide Information System; Educational and Community Supports, 2010)

·  PSSA = Pennsylvania School System of Assessment

·  PVAAS = Pennsylvania Value Added Assessment System

·  Safe Schools = Pennsylvania Safe Schools Online Database (https://www.safeschools.state.pa.us/)

·  School Profile = Data specifically requested from schools including:

o  Total number of students

o  Student Attendance Rate

o  Staff Attendance Rate

o  LRE per 3 reporting categories

o  Referrals for Special Education Eligibility Determination

o  Newly Identified Special Education Identifications

o  OSS / ISS

o  Out-of-School Placements for Students

o  Out-of-School Placements for Students with EB

o  Collaborating MH agency

o  ODRs – if not using SWIS; otherwise, these data provided via SWIS

o  Number of Students with IEPs

1/7/2014 FINAL

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