Eugene L. Brown, PhD

Quicksilver Consultants, LLC


Auld, K.L., Berasi,S.P., Liu, Y., Cain, M., Zhang, Y., Huard, C., Fukayama, S., Choe, S., Zhong, W., Bhat, B.M., Bhat, R.A., Brown, E.L., and Martinez, R.V., “ERRα Regulates Wint/β-catenin Signaling in Osteoblast Differentiation,” Molecular Endocrinology, submitted, 2010.

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Baugh, L.R., Hill, A.A., Claggett, J.M., Hill-Harfe, K., Slonim, D.K., Brown, E.L., and Hunter, C.P., “The Hemeodomain Protein PAL-1 Specifies a Lineage-Specific Regulatory Network in the C. elagans Embryo,” Development, 132, 1843-54 (2005).

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