VERSION – 07/05/2008
EU CONFERENCE ON MENTAL HEALTHBrussels, 13 June 2008, Charlemagnebuilding
“Together for mental health and wellbeing”
Registration/welcome coffee from 8h00 Morning session 9h00-12h00
Welcome Remarks9h00-9h10
-Ms Androulla Vassiliou,Commissioner for Health
Opening Speeches 9h10 – 9h50
- Mr Hans-Joerg Poettering, President of the European Parliament (tbc)
- Mr José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission
- Ms Zofija Mazej-Kukovič, EU-Presidency, Minister of Health, Slovenia
- Mr Marc Danzon, Regional Director, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Address by Guest of Honour9h50-10h00
- HRH Princess Esméralda of Belgium
Setting the scene - Keynote presentations 10h00–10h30
- Mr Kjell Magne Bondevik, former Prime Minister of Norway: "A personal experience - from a Government perspective" - Mr Martin Knapp, Professor at the London School of Economics and Social Science: "Mental Health – the economic dimension"
Coffee Break 10h30 - 11h00
Ministerial Panels:Round I "Action in key settings" 11h00 - 12h00
Session A: Healthy children and young people– laying the foundation for mental health and wellbeing(Room A) 11h00 - 12h00
- Mr Andreas Demetriou, Minister of Education and Culture, Cyprus (Chair)
- Mr Rolf Schwanitz, Secretary of State, Germany (Opening Speech) - Mr Chris Harrison, President, European Schools Heads' Association
- Ms Dominique Versini, Défenseure des Enfants, France
- Ms Bettina Schwarzmayr, European Youth Forum
- Conclusions and action points for the "European Pact for Mental Health"(Chair)
Session B: Promoting mental health at work–an asset for workers and companies (Room B) 11h00 - 12h00
- Chair to be confirmed(Chair)
- Mr VladimirŠpidla, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal
Opportunities (Opening Speech)
- Madame Joëlle Milquet, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Employment, Equality and Equal Opportunities,
Belgium (tbc)
-Mr Etienne Davignon, President, CSR Europe/
Mr. Paul Stoffels, M.D., Company Group Chairman, Global Research and Development, Pharmaceuticals Johnson &
- Ms Maria Helena André, Deputy General Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation
- Conclusions and action points for the "European Pact for Mental Health" (Chair)
Lunchbreak 12h00 - 13h30
Afternoon Session 13h30 - 16h20
Round II "Mental health – addressing population needs" 13h30– 16h00
Introduction 13h30 – 14h00
- Sir Michael Marmot, Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, United Kingdom:"The social determinants of mental health"
- Mr Jan Pfeiffer, Deputy Director, Children's High Level Group,CzechRepublic: "Improving care for people experiencing mental disorders"
Session A: Depression and suicide –tackling the public health challenge (Room A) 14h00 – 15h00
-Chair to be confirmed
-Ms Paula Risikko, Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Finland (Opening Speech)
-Ms Kelly L. Posner, University of Columbia, USA
- Mr Michael Wilks, President, Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME)
- Conclusions and action points for the "European Pact for Mental Health" (Chair)
Session B: Combating stigma and social exclusion – a responsibility of european societies(Room B) 14h00 – 15h00 - Ms Laurette Onkelinx, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, Belgium (chair)tbc) - MEP John Bowis (Opening Speech)
- Ms Malgorzata Kmita, President, Mental Health Europe
- Mr Norman Sartorius, Professor of Psychiatry, World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
- Conclusions and action points for the "European Pact for Mental Health" (Chair)
Session C: Mental health and wellbeing – key factors for active ageing 15h00 – 15h40
-Minister Andrea Kdolsky, Minister of Health, Austria (Chair)
-Opening Speaker to be confirmed(tbc)
-Ms Anne-Sophie Parent, Director, AGE-The European Older People's Platform
-Conclusions and action points for the "European Pact for Mental Health" (Chair)
Debate and overall conclusions on the "European Pact for Mental Health" 15h40-16h00
MEP John Bowis (Chair)
Towards a European Action Framework on Mental Health: Launching the European Pact for Mental Health
16h00- 16h20
Closing remarks and presentation of the "European Pact for Mental Health" by Mme Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin, Minister of Health and Social Protection, France and Ms Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Health