Using Textbk (pg 172-173) or Planner make flashcards for the following elements (spell accurately) and their chemical symbols (use correct format):

hydrogen / helium / lithium / beryllium / boron / carbon / nitrogen / oxygen / fluorine / neon / sodium / magnesium / iron / nickel / cobalt / argon / copper / tin / zinc / silver / lead / bismuth / cadmium / gold / mercury / bromine / potassium / chlorine / phosphorus / iodine / tungsten / sulfur / uranium / vanadium / yttrium / calcium / silicon / gallium / aluminum / manganese / chromium / platinum / francium / arsenic / germanium


(1) PHYSICAL CHANGE è is a change in matter from one FORM to another WITHOUT a

CHANGE in the substance’s CHEMICAL identity

(a) the LOOK of the substance CHANGES, but the substance remains the SAME


·  SIZE (how large or small)

·  SHAPE (rectangular, spherical, irregular)

·  TEXTURE (smooth, rough, scratchy, pitted)

·  APPEARANCE (how it looks)

·  TEMPERATURE (freezing, melting, boiling)

(c) METHODS producing a PHYSICAL CHANGE: crush, TEAR, saw, shred, smash, cut,

BEND (malleable), DISSOLVING (solubility) or

change the substance’s STATE of MATTER

(2) CHEMICAL CHANGE è is a change of MATTER that occurs when one or more substances

CHANGE into a NEW substance with different PROPERTIES

(a) In a CHEMICAL change, combinations of ATOMS in the ORIGINAL matter

(the reactants) are REARRANGED to make NEW matter (the products)

(b) SIGNS that indicate a possible CHEMICAL change has taken place:

·  change in COLOR (iron oxide [Fe2O3] = becomes a brownish-ORANGE color)

·  production of an ODOR (milk that has soured)

·  formation of a GAS (dropping an Alka-Seltzer TABLET into water [H2O])

·  formation of a PRECIPITATE (the formation of a solid particle from 2 liquids

reacting that does NOT dissolve)

·  production of HEAT (exothermic or endothermic), SOUND or LIGHT energy

(c) METHODS which can produce a CHEMICAL CHANGE: REACTS, TARNISH, *fizz,

ignite, BURN, *bubbling, HEAT being released (exothermic)

or being absorbed(endothermic), OXIDIZE, etc...

[*can indicate both a chemical and physical change]