Etab=DG75, Timbre=F001, TimbreDansAdresse=Vrai, Version=W2000/Charte7, VersionTravail=W2000/Charte7

Direction des Statistiques Démographiques et Sociales

le 30 juillet 2014

N° / DG75-F001 /

European socio-economic groups (ESeG):

some help to code and several ideas in case of non response

For the first time, a socio economic classification can be proposed for European social statistics. ESeG exists and can be really used by statisticians and researchers like a compromise, a good consensus.

The Final report, describing ESeG and its processing, is completed by technical documents (including examples of computer programs to code ESeG in LFS and in SILC data), by tests using ESEG when it was a prototype; an additionnal volume with 10 first examples using ESEG, in different areas (countries or all Europe), about different social fields based on various data and sets of variables, has also been provided. All the documents are available on , and their names begin by “ESEG”.

Below are some first ideas on how to use ESeG, in particular if there are some cases of nonresponse.

To code ESeG, it is essential to have ISCO-2digit well coded (and to sustain the core variables needed to code it) and status of employment for the employed persons. And also, if possible, these 2 variables for the last job for unemployed and retired persons.

Sometimes, something is missing. Of course, all the problems cannot be resolved to code ESEG in each data and in each case, these proposals must be adapted regarding the sources, the subjects treated.

How to code ESEG?

ESeG is a classification based on several but essential variables.

First question is the person employed, unemployed, or out of labour force?

-For the persons in employment, Status of employment and Isco 1 and 2 digit are necessary to well code in ESEG; in Eurostat data, these variables are core variables.

Status of employment : we need only to know if the person is employee or self-employed (family workers are with the self-employed)

If status of employment is unknown, maybe it is possible to input it, regarding the most probable regarding the occupation (for example, a teacher can be supposed to be employee..)

ISCO 2 digit is necessary to code ESeG

If ISCO is not well coded (only one digit for example):

To code ESEG 1 digit, ISCO 2digit is only necessary for ISCO 5 and ISCO 0.

If a person is coded ISCO 50 or ISCO 00 (i.e. Isco=5 or Isco = 0 without the second digit), and if we want absolutly code it in ESEG, it is necessary to find a proxy to input the second digit of Isco. This proxy depends of the available variables in the used data. For example, one can be use the diploma or the income of the person to decide if she must be coded in ESEG 5 (like ISCO 53 or 54) or in ESEG 7 (like ISCO 51 or 52).

The same logic can be followed for the militaries (coded ISCO 00) to decide if they must be coded in ESEG 1 ( like ISCO 01), ESEG 3 (like ISCO 02) or ESEG 5 (like ISCO 03).

To go farther, let us remind that ISCO can be approached with sector, diploma,

-for the unemployed persons, we need the same variables (ISCO and status of employment) for the last job. If we have those variables, we can code the unemployed in ESEG 1 to 7 like the employed persons. If we have not, they must be coded in ESEG 9 (9.3 exactly). Normaly, most of them are young people looking for their first job or people out of labor force coming back to labour market

-for the persons out of labour force,

If they are retired, they must be coded in ESEG 8, and if we know ISCO and Status of employment for there last job, they can be coded in ESEG 8.1 to 8.7

If they are not retired, and if we know their age, the persons aged 65 or more must be coded in ESEG 8.8; If they are less than 65, they go in ESEG 9: more precisely, if we know if they are student, in ESEG 9.1, permanently disabled in ESEG 9.2, or in ESEG 9.4 for the other cases (for example, women staying at home)

Of course, that cannot resolve all the cases in all the data.

Each data, each survey have specific problems (non-response, missing coding…) and the solution depends on the available variables.

In each class of the classification, the numbers .9 or 0 are free for using if necessary. For example for ESEG 8, it is possible to add 8.9 for retired people when we have not the variables concerning the last job and if we prefer to distinguish them from other old persons out of labour force (who are in 8.8).

When it is impossible to code someone in ESeG, another possibility is to see how is coded the referent person of his or her household (or the spouse) and to say that the proxy ESEG for this person is the ESEG of the other adult close in the same household.

In the first studies, there are some examples to code the households in ESeG.

Concerning the non-responses, sometimes, if too many variables are missing, it is better to restrict the field. In some cases, we renounced to code Malte (often only coded in ISCO1 digit) or we only studied the employment persons and their households. It depends of the thema of the study, and of the state of the variables in the data.

ESeG: description of groups and sub-groups

Based on ISCO_2008 and status of employment (e=employee; se= self employed)

1 Managers (all statuses)

1.1 Higher managerial self-employed (ISCO 11, 12, 13 and status=se)

1.2 Lower managerial self-employed (ISCO 14 and status=se)

1.3 Higher managerial employees (ISCO 11, 12, 13 and 01 and status=e)

1.4 Lower managerial employees (ISCO 14 and status=e)

2 Professionals (all statuses)

2.1 Science, engineering and information and communications technology (ICT) professionals (ISCO 21,25)

2.2 Health professionals (ISCO 22)

2.3 Business and administration professionals (ISCO 24)

2.4 Legal, social and cultural professionals (ISCO 26)

2.5 Teaching professionals (ISCO 23)

3 Technicians and associated professionals employees (status= e)

3.1 Science, engineering and ICT technicians and associated professionals (ISCO 31, 35)

3.2 Health associate professionals (ISCO 32)

3.3 Business and administration associate professionals (ISCO 33)

3.4 Legal, social and cultural associate professionals (ISCO 34)

3.5 Non-commissioned armed forces officers (ISCO 02 )

4 Small entrepreneurs (status= se)

4.1 Self-employed agricultural and related workers (ISCO 6)

4.2 Self-employed technicians, clerical support, services and sales workers (ISCO 3, 4, 5)

4.3 Self-employed drivers, craft, trades and elementary workers (ISCO 7, 8, 9)

5 Clerks and skilled service employees (status=e)

5.1 General and numerical clerks and other clerical support employees (ISCO 41, 43, 44)

5.2 Customer services clerks (ISCO 42)

5.3 Personal care employees (ISCO 53)

5.4 Protective service employees and armed forces, other ranks (ISCO 03 and ISCO 54)

6 Skilled industrial employees (status= e)

6.1 Building and related trade employees (ISCO 71)

6.2 Food processing, wood working, garment employees (ISCO 75)

6.3 Metal, machinery, handicraft, printing, electrical and electronic trades employees (ISCO 72, 73, 74)

6.4 Stationary plant and machinery operation and assembly employees (ISCO 81, 82)

6.5 Employee drivers and mobile plant operators (ISCO 83)

7 Lower status employees (status= e)

7.1 Personal services and sales employees (ISCO 51, 52)

7.2 Blue collar employees and food preparation assistants in elementary occupations

(ISCO 92, 93, 94, 96)

7.3 Cleaners and helpers and services employees in elementary occupations (ISCO 91, 95)

7.4 Agricultural employees (ISCO 6)

8 Retired persons (and people 65 and over non-employed )

8.1 Retired Managers

8.2 Retired professionals

8.3 Retired technicians and associated professionals employees

8.4 Retired small entrepreneurs

8.5 Retired clerks and skilled service employees

8.6 Retired skilled Industrial employees

8.7 Retired Lower status employees

8.8 Other persons outside the labour force aged 65 or more

9 Other non-employed persons

9.1 Students

9.2 Permanently disabled

9.3 Unemployed not elsewhere classified

9.4 Other persons outside the labour force aged less than 65 years

To remembering: ISCO-2008: codes and titles

code / Isco2008: Titles
1 / Managers
11 / Chief executives, senior officials and legislators
12 / Administrative and commercial managers
13 / Production and specialised services managers
14 / Hospitality, retail and other services managers
2 / Professionals
21 / Science and engineering professionals
22 / Health professionals
23 / Teaching professionals
24 / Business and administration professionals
25 / Information and communications technology professionals
26 / Legal, social and cultural professionals
3 / Technicians and associate professionals
31 / Science and engineering associate professionals
32 / Health associate professionals
33 / Business and administration associate professionals
34 / Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals
35 / Information and communications technicians
4 / Clerical support workers
41 / General and keyboard clerks
42 / Customer services clerks
43 / Numerical and material recording clerks
44 / Other clerical support workers
5 / Service and sales workers
51 / Personal service workers
52 / Sales workers
53 / Personal care workers
54 / Protective services workers
6 / Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
61 / Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers
62 / Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery and hunting workers
63 / Subsistence farmers, fishers, hunters and gatherers
7 / Craft and related trades workers
71 / Building and related trades workers, excluding electricians
72 / Metal, machinery and related trades workers
73 / Handicraft and printing workers
74 / Electrical and electronic trades workers
75 / Food processing, wood working, garment and other craft and related trades workers
8 / Plant and machine operators, and assemblers
81 / Stationary plant and machine operators
82 / Assemblers
83 / Drivers and mobile plant operators
9 / Elementary occupations
91 / Cleaners and helpers
92 / Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers
93 / Labourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport
94 / Food preparation assistants
95 / Street and related sales and service workers
96 / Refuse workers and other elementary workers
0 / Armed forces occupations
01 / Commissioned armed forces officers
02 / Non-commissioned armed forces officers
03 / Armed forces occupations, other ranks

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