Assoc. Prof., Bozhanka Baycheva, PhD, Assistant Prof., Tsanimir Baychev,

Shumen University, Dobrich College

; +359 899 901934

Intensive development of digital musical instruments in education, new curricula, disciplines, methodologies, techniques of performance artistry show that music education formed a new direction, where literate combine traditional knowledge with the limitless possibilities of modern scientific and technological process.

Modernization of the contemporary education requires the use of new electronic musical instruments (EMI), which provides high-quality, intensive and productive musical education.

Object of the study are students from teaching courses in College-Dobrich.

The study is a music-pedagogical competence of students formed in the process of teaching digital electronic instrument with automatic accompaniment.

The aim of this study is to find and use such methods and means of providing the most optimal conditions for effective training in electronic musical instruments and mastering of theoretical knowledge, skills and competences according to the qualification focus of education acquired.

Key words: music education, knowledge, skills, competencies, digital electronic instrument.


Competence is an individual integrative property of the individual, which corresponds to the specifics of the organization and use of the various knowledge and skills and enables effective decisions and behavior in different situations. The competent person has not only knowledge , but also applies them flexibly , depending on its analytical, creative and practical skills. According to Anderson, the acquisition of competence can be explained by the acquisition of skills gradually to automate habit [1].

In the definition of the European Qualifications Framework, competence is seen as a proven ability to use knowledge, skills and personal, social and methodological resources within the professional and personal development [3].

The purpose of human education is not only to convey to the student body of knowledge and skills in a particular field, but also to broaden their ability to individual creative solutions and to study.

Competence is a key criterion for professionalism. It is matching the available knowledge resources and the requirements of the real environment.

Teacher’s competence is:

1. A combination of knowledge and skills that meet the criteria and performance

standards of this profession. Psychological and special pedagogical knowledge is only a necessary condition for the structuring of professional competency ;

Pedagogical skills as the unit of pedagogical competence does not exist apart from the people who use them.

2 . Behavior of the teacher, causing the desired outcome of the learning proces . Personality of the teacher plays an important role in their professional work. By the qualities of his personality the teacher not only inspir , infects, but requires control and solves multiple professional tasks .


In preparing the students of pedagogical specialties of College - Dobrich it is paid more and more attention to the formation of their professional competence .

The curriculum according to which students are taught are in accordance with the state standards and European dimensions. They contain mandatory and optional courses that provide theoretical foundation of the professional field, specialized, technological, practical and computer training for the implementation of the course.

The selection of subjects included in the curriculum is based on the following criteria :

• relevance of the course for the entire education of the student:

• relevance of the course for further training and self- completion after achieving the academic title "professional bachelor";

• relevance of the subject to form a comprehensive and professional competence;

• relevance of the subject to create the skills and development of professional skills of the individual.

These criteria are the basis for the inclusion of musical instruments among disciplines , providing special music and practical training.

The advent of new electronic musical instruments (EMP ) and their use in kindergarten and elementary school necessitate their introduction in the students' education in the discipline of Musical Instrument .

The problem of training in electronic musical instruments to students - future teachers has theoretical and practical importance - implementation of theoretical knowledge, skills and competencies to play the instrument and its application in teaching practice .

Competence approach in education is oriented towards goals related to motivation , self-determination and the development of individuality. Implementation of competency approach to preparing students ensure the integrity and complexity in building the professional profile of the student - teacher.

Formation and the creation of musical and pedagogical competence and relevant competencies students - future teachers is based on the following approaches:

qualification approach - ensuring the formation of competencies, the management of knowledge and acquisition of skills set out in the qualifying learner characteristics . This approach creates the prerequisites and conditions for the acquisition of professional competences, lays down the general rules and regulations necessary for each student to acquire the professional qualification - children or elementary school teacher .

competency approach - providing for the creation of musical and pedagogical competencies and their respective powers, forming professional readiness of the young specialist as a kindergarten or primary school teacher.

Competencies that students should acquire in the field of music- practical disciplines are important for the successful music teaching process at school or in kindergarten.

On the other hand, these skills obtained by students in the study of EMI are associated with the formation of executive skills for free music making of the musical material embedded in the curriculum for kindergarten and school, as well as self- compiling accompaniment to children and school songs. These competencies are part of the overall complex professional skills to acquire students graduating degree "professional bachelor" ;

personal approach - providing for the formation of personal professional qualities .

It is of significant importance for their formation the attitude towards their future job that is related to motivation for action for the expression and activity, as well as certain personality i.e. the individuality of each student is taken into consideration.

Teaching musical instrument facilitates the process of formation and development of personal professional qualities associated with the formation of habits of further self-education and self-improvement, the formation of motivation concerning the activity and willingness to participate actively in it. It is associated not only with the teaching and learning of specific knowledge in the learning process , but also with building skills for application of this knowledge in different situations , developing of analytical thinking and creative approach to the compilation of the accompaniment and the interpretation of the musical material .

Musical Instrument discipline is studied in the second course in two semesters of classes total 50 hours - 30 hours III semester practical exercises and IV semester - 20 hours practical exercises. EMI training is done with students majoring in Primary School Pedagogy and Foreign Language, Preschool Pedagogy and Foreign Language and Primary School Pedagogy and Information Technologies in Shumen University, College - Dobrich in groups of 5-6 students.

Playing electronic instruments require students complete competencies - theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of electronics and information technology, and in the field of music. Upgrading of computer systems and the development of multiple applications, expanding computer interaction - musical instrument by incorporating it into a synthesizer makes it a system with unlimited possibilities.

Training of students in EMI is performed on a new musical pedagogical technology, using repertoire chosen according to qualification-oriented students. It is designed to train students with no prior musical training and are not selected according to their musical abilities. The areas designated for individual maps of each student, which describes the act during the session - the theme, the tasks for auditorium work and evaluation in the late hours. At the end of each topic can be made continuous control. Any student taking this card knows what he/she could control and what he/she has failed, what the tasks are and what his/her result is from the lecture and individual work .

During the training, students will develop skills in :

• playing songs with both hands in rhythm and tempo with automatic accompaniment repertoire of elementary school garden;

• to deal with the control panel of the electronic musical instrument, to turn automatic accompaniment regardless of drums, to change tempo and use single fingered functions;

• To switch the dynamics of the keyboard ;

• To create sheet music score arranged percussion instruments in a song ;

• To listen to their own arrangement and to be able to transpose it into comfortable singing tone ;

• differentiate various audio formats ;

• to deal freely with various audio formats ( MIDI , audio ) and convert files from one format into another ;

• to use confidently in their musical activities specific means of electronic instruments: multitembral , sound synthesis, intelligent arranger;

• to use clear and figuratively resources of the electronic arrangement in performances of musical works belonging to different genres and styles;

• to read music confidently and play in an ensemble;

• improvise an electronic percussion instrument arrangement .

• to record their performances and then to self- listen .

Students solve a number of creative tasks using the instrument :

• they select timbres, with the nature and style of music

• they choose rhythms with the nature and style of music

• they create percussion arrangements to familiar or unfamiliar songs, according to their nature and stylistic diversity

The training of students using innovative methods and means.

Students use interactive software for:

• implementation of two-way communication between EMI and a computer

• music input through the sheet music software

• shaping the musical score of the song with the appropriate tools

• convert MIDI to Audio format

• create karaoke files

In the course of the EMI students master the knowledge :

• of music theory , harmony and instrumentollogy;

• for technical and artistic capabilities of the EMI;

• for rules governing safety at work with synthesizers;

• to use a special terminology;

• for recognition of the different timbres of the group of brass, strings, keyboards and percussion;

• for recognition of different musical styles and genres;

• for introduction of notes and timetables of scores by specialized software

• for different types of sound formats - MIDI , audio, video and karaoke ;

In the process of training, students acquire musical performing and teaching skills needed for their future work as primary school teachers :

1. Music and Performing competencies:

• Building skills for making music with digital music instruments;

• Formation of motivation for effective control of the synthesizer and active participation in music performance activity;

• Acquisition of skills for self-control in the use of electronic tools;

• Use of acquired literacy proficiency music electronic resources to create their own sound output and transmission of information on music students by means of non-verbal communication.

2. Pedagogical competence

• Establishing of transmission skills in future teachers;

• establishing of skills for further self-study and self-improvement;

• Developing a culture of communication in pedagogical interaction and ability to work in a team (with ensemble performance);

• Ability to solve educational problems depending on the learning situation .

The ultimate goal of the course of EMI is students to:

• be able to independently explore songs from the repertoire of elementary school with varying degrees of difficulty in musical score in various keys and measures;

• free handle various types of electronic instruments;

• play background of their own and other performance;

• create arrangements, then through interactive software to turn them into karaoke files that can be used in teaching practice;

After finishing the course, students have the knowledge and skills that enable them to manage audio resources of the electronic instrument. They know its capabilities for use in various forms of work in school and kindergarten.


To sum up, we can say that as a result of training in electronic musical instruments, the students - future teachers receive their much-needed professional competencies:

• Communicative - the formation of a culture of communication in pedagogical interaction;

• Practical - providing specialized musical practical training;

• Theoretical - maintaining a broad knowledgeability about developments in the field of music education;

• Methodical - applying knowledge and skills in the field of methodology of music teaching in kindergarten and primary school.

Reference :

1. Anderson , J. Kognitivnaya psychology , M. , 2002 .

2 . Baycheva , B. , T. Baychev . Current problems in the teaching of electronic musical instruments to students - professional graduates of pedagogical specialties / / Knowledge - tradition , innovation , perspectives , Burgas, 2013 , Vol . I, p.297 - 302.

3 . To the EQF and lifelong learning . Working document of the Commission of the European Communities , Brussels , 2005 .

4 . Merdzhanova, Y. (2010) . Transformation of the key competencies of the modern teacher in the context of social interaction . Strategies of educational policy inauchnata , XVIII / 3 , 243-252 .

5 . Mizova B. , S. Tsvetanska . Research points to the problem of social competence komunikatimvnata pedagogical specialties / / Rhetoric and Communications , 20131 Vol . 8 http://rhetori