To:ASCLS 2016 House of Delegates
From:ASCLS Region V
Submitted for: ASCLS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia PA
Prepared by: Pat Tille, Region V Director
Date: June 30, 2016
Activities of Region V Director 2015– 2016
National Activities:
- Submitted article on Region V for ASCLS Today.
- Participated in the Fall Board of Director’s Conference Call
- Submitted Omicron Sigma award nominees for Region V
- Attended the ASCLS Interim Board Meeting
- Attended the ASCLS Legislative Symposium
- Participated in ASCLS EVP Search BOD Conference Calls
- Reviewed Kleiner Award Nominees for E & R for 2016
Committee Assignments:
- As Board Liaison to the Leadership Academy, Participated in email exchanges; reviewed annual applications (informational only).
- As Board Liaison to the PACE participated on scheduled conference calls.
- Participated in conference call meetings for Code of Ethics task force as Board Liaison and task-force member
Region V Activities:
- Appointed Region V Student Forum Representative: Nicole Buza, WI.
- Appointed Region V New Professional: Tiffany Montalvo SD, to complete remaining term left by vacancy-Karen Larsen appointed to National Position.
- Held Region V President’s Council meetings Oct, Nov, Dec, Feb, May
- Submitted article for State newsletters as requested
- Participated in Region V Fall Symposium planning meetings for 2015 and 2016.
- Participated in Region V Leadership Academy planning meetings.
- Attended Region V Symposium. The meeting was successful.
- Reviewed and approved all updated marketing materials for Region V Leadership Academy and appointed representative to the committee from WI.
- LDC Chair SOP, was amended to add as liaison to Region V Leadership Academy, approved by Presidents Council. This will assist in reviewing and maintaining quality leadership development across all levels and consistent with discussion at the national level.
- Region V President's Council Approved new Secretary/Treasurer, April Nelsen.
- Upon suggestion of audit committee; worked with new Secretary/Treasurer to update and revise all financial forms and running budget to improve Region V Transparency.
- Working with Treasurer and Region V Symposium committee to establish new registration process to avoid confusion and mixing of Region V funds with individual State Funds.
- Prepared Omicron Sigma nominations for Region V and passed along to State Presidents; verified and recieved state President's nominations to Awards committee
- Reorganized Region V Symposium to rotate between states; 2016 ND, 2017 SD, 2018, MN; Wisconsin has declined to host the meeting, but will participate in the planning.
- Updated Region V SOP-Removed all references to Tri-state; President's Council approved including equal Regional dues and sharing of symposium profits among all 4 states.
- Presented educational session at Region V meeting.
- Signed contract for Region V Symposium to be held in Fargo ND in 2016.
- Presented Microbial Pathogenicity, Molecular Perspective ASCLS-SD Fall Meeting
- Presented HAI talk at ASCLS-SD Annual Spring Meeting
- Rebuilt the Region V Website; monitor and update on a continual basis. Website is seeing >200 weekly hits, with more than 115 unique visitors. New website was approved by Region V Presidents council.
- Assisted Region V Leadership Academy Class of 2015-2016 by building their BLOG on the Region V website. Continuous monitoring and assistance with updates as requested by the class.
- Participated in Region V Leadership Academy Planning Conference Calls
- Participated in Region V Symposium Planning Committee Conference Calls.
- Completing contract negotiation with venue for Region V Fall Symposium to be held in Sioux Falls SD October 2017.
- Region V Membership Highlights: ASCLS-WI posted the highest membership for all states as of April 2016; ASCLS-SD has had the highest increase in the states membership the past two consecutive years 2015, 2016 resulting in an increase in national delegates.