Essentials Skills for Music
1st Quarter
- I can maintain a steady beat.
- I can recognize quarter notes and quarter rests by sound.
- I can create rhythm patterns using quarter notes and quarter rests in steady beat.
- I can illustrate different vocal timbres by type (whispering, speaking, singing, and shouting).
- I can recognize that music is performed in a variety of setting and for different purposes.
- I can use music to illustrate how people express themselves differently.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
1st Grade
- I can use correct position and technique to sing and play instruments.
- I can match 3 pitch melodies.
- I can interpret rhythm patterns using iconic or standard notation for
quarter notes, quarter rests, and beamed eighth notes..
- I can use iconic or standard notations to notatequarter notes and quarter rests.
- I can create rhythm patterns using quarter notes, quarter rests, and beamed eighth notes with iconic or standard notation.
- I can illustrate audience and participant behavior appropriate for the purpose and setting that music is performed.
- I can illustrate music representing the heritage, customs and traditions of various cultures.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
2nd Grade
- I can sing 3 pitch melodies.
- I can interpret rhythm patterns using standard notation for half and quarter notesand rests, and beamed eighth notes.
- I can use standard notations to notate half and quarter notes, and half and quarter rests, and beamed eighth notes.
- I can create rhythm patterns using half and quarter notes, half and quarter rests, and beamed eighth notes in duple and triple meter.
- I can use correct position and technique to sing and play instruments.
- I can illustrate audience and participant behavior appropriate for the purpose and setting that music in performed.
- I can exemplify music representing the heritage, customs, and traditions of various cultures.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
Essentials Skills for Music
1st Quarter
3rd Grade
- I can sing a major scale.
- I can recognize standard symbols and traditional terms for dynamics, tempo and articulation.
- I can interpret rhythm patterns, including notes and rests in ¾ and 4/4 meter signatures.
- I can create rhythmic compositions using notation for whole, half, and quarter notes; half and quarter rests; and beamed eighth notes in duple,and triple time.
- I can use established criteria for evaluating music performances and compositions.
- I can exemplify how music is used by various groups for artistic expression within the local community.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
4th Grade
- I can apply expressive qualities when singing or playing a variety of music from different genres, styles and cultures.
- I can interpret rhythm patterns using whole, half, dotted half, quarter, and eighth notes and rests in 2/4, ¾, and 4/4 meter.
- I can create rhythmic compositions using notation for whole, dotted half, half, and quarter notes; whole, half and quarter rests; and beamed eighth notes in duple and triple, and common time and which are arranged using a variety of sound sources.
- I can create compositions and arrangements using a variety of sound sources.
- I can design a set of criteria for evaluating music performances and compositions.
- I can understand how music has affected, and is reflected in, the culture, traditions, and history of North Carolina.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
5th Grade
- I cansing and play music accurately and independently within a group.
- I can interpret (show, explain, read, perform) rhythm patterns, including whole, half, dotted half, quarter, dotted quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes and rests in 2/4, 3/4 , 4/4, and 6/8 meter signatures.
- I can create rhythmic compositions using notation for whole, dotted half, half, and quarter notes; whole, half and quarter rests; and beamed eighth notes in duple, triple, and common time and which are arranged using a variety of sound sources.
- I can create compositions and arrangements within specified guidelines.
- I can show appropriate behaviors as a participant and observer of music in relation to the context and style of music performed.
- I can understand how music has affected, and is reflected in, the culture, traditions, and history of the United States.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
Essentials Skills for Music
2nd Quarter
- I can use correct position and technique to sing and play instruments.
- I can match 2-3 pitch melodies.
- I can recognize iconic symbol notation for at least two different pitches.
- I can use improvisations to create one-phrase response using two different pitches.
- I can recognize that music is performed in a variety of setting and for different purposes.
- I can use music to illustrate how people express themselves differently.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
1st Grade
- I can perform rhythmic patterns using body, instruments, or voice.
- I can use improvisation to create two-phrase melodies using three pitches.
- I can illustrate audience and participant behavior appropriate for the purpose and setting that music is performed.
- I can illustrate music representing the heritage, customs and traditions of various cultures.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
2nd Grade
- I can play extended rhythms pattern using body, instruments, or voice.
- I can interpret three-pitch songs that use traditional music notation with voice and/or by playing pitched instruments.
- I can use improvisation to create simple rhythmic and melodic variations on familiar melodies.
- I can use correct position and technique to sing and play instruments.
- I can illustrate audience and participant behavior appropriate for the purpose and setting that music in performed.
- I can exemplify music representing the heritage, customs, and traditions of various cultures.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
Essentials Skills for Music
2nd Quarter
3rd Grade
- I can use standard symbols to notate rhythms and pitch in ¾ and 4/4 meters.
- I can use improvisation to create rhythmic and melodic ostinato accompaniments.
- I can create soundscapes using a variety of sound sources.
- I can use established criteria for evaluating music performances and compositions.
- I can exemplify how music is used by various groups for artistic expression within the local community.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
4th Grade
- I can vocally perform ostinatos, partner songs, counter melodies and rounds.
- I can interpret through voice and/or instruments simple pitch notation in the treble clef in major keys.
- I can use standard symbols to notate rhythm, meter, pitch, and dynamics.
- I can use improvisation to create appropriate answers to rhythmic and melodic phrases.
- I can create compositions and arrangements using a variety of sound sources.
- I can design a set of criteria for evaluating music performances and compositions.
- I can understand how music has affected, and is reflected in, the culture, traditions, and history of North Carolina.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
5th Grade
- I can illustrate blending vocal timbres, matching dynamic levels and responding to the gestures of a conductor while singing in groups.
- I can recognize pitches on the treble and bass staves, including ledger lines, in order to understand the continuum of standard pitch notation.
- I can use standard symbols to notate rhythm, meter, pitch, and dynamics.
- I can use improvisation to create short songs and instrumental pieces, using a variety of sound sources, including traditional and non-traditional sounds, body sounds, and sounds produced by electronic means.
- I can create compositions and arrangements within specified guidelines.
- I can show appropriate behaviors as a participant and observer of music in relation to the context and style of music performed.
- I can understand how music has affected, and is reflected in, the culture, traditions, and history of the United States.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
Essentials Skills for Music
3rd Quarter
- I can produce simple rhythms using body percussion, instruments or my voice.
- I can select a variety of traditional and non-traditional sound sources to accompany readings, stories, or dramatizations.
- I can classify sounds sources as musical or environmental.
- I can recognize that music is performed in a variety of setting and for different purposes.
- I can use music to illustrate how people express themselves differently.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
1st Grade
- I can sing or play three-pitch songs.
- I can select a variety of traditional and non-traditional sound sources to accompany readings, stories, or dramatizations.
- I can differentiate pitched or unpitched instruments and sounds.
- I can illustrate audience and participant behavior appropriate for the purpose and setting that music is performed.
- I can illustrate music representing the heritage, customs and traditions of various cultures.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
2nd Grade
- I can create extended rhythmic patterns over a steady beat.
- I can differentiate various vocal timbres and instruments based on how their sounds are produced.
- I can use correct position and technique to sing and play instruments.
- I can illustrate audience and participant behavior appropriate for the purpose and setting that music in performed.
- I can exemplify music representing the heritage, customs, and traditions of various cultures.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
Essentials Skills for Music
3rd Quarter
3rd Grade
- I can use instruments to perform rhythmic and melodic patterns accurately and independently on classroom rhythmic and melodic instruments.
- I can interpret through voice and/or instruments visual representation of the major scale.
- I can identify the sounds of a variety of instruments voices
- I can use established criteria for evaluating music performances and compositions.
- I can exemplify how music is used by various groups for artistic expression within the local community.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
4th Grade
- I can use my voice or instruments to perform pentatonic melodies on the treble staff.
- I can interpret standard symbols and traditional terms for dynamics, tempo, and articulation while performing music.
- I can classify instruments into Western orchestral, categories of wind, string, percussion and brass.
- I can create compositions and arrangements using a variety of sound sources.
- I can design a set of criteria for evaluating music performances and compositions.
- I can understand how music has affected, and is reflected in, the culture, traditions, and history of North Carolina.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
5th Grade
- I can use instruments to perform rhythmic, melodic, and chordal patterns accurately and independently on classroom rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic instruments.
- I can apply understanding of standard symbols and traditional terms for dynamics, tempo, articulation, rhythm, meter, and pitch when reading and notating music.
- I can classify classroom, Western orchestral, and world instruments into categories based on how their sounds are produced.
- I can create compositions and arrangements within specified guidelines.
- I can show appropriate behaviors as a participant and observer of music in relation to the context and style of music performed.
- I can understand how music has affected, and is reflected in, the culture, traditions, and history of the United States.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
Essentials Skills for Music
4th Quarter
- I can understand changes in music (soft-loud, high-low, fast-slow).
- I can interpret rhythm patterns using iconic notation.
- I can use singing, playing, and /or moving to respond to a variety of musical ideas, prominent musical characteristics or specific musical events.
- I can recognize contrasts in music, such as high/low pitch, loud/soft dynamics, fast/slow tempo and same/different sections of music
- I can recognize that music is performed in a variety of setting and for different purposes.
- I can use music to illustrate how people express themselves differently.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
1st Grade
- I can apply changes in music (soft-loud, high-low, fast-slow) when singing and playing music.
- I can use movements to respond to prominent music characteristic(such as patterns in rhythm, melodic contour, dynamics and form) while listening or singing.
- I can recognize melodic patterns, rhythmic patterns, dynamics, and forms when presented aurally.
- I can illustrate audience and participant behavior appropriate for the purpose and setting that music is performed.
- I can illustrate music representing the heritage, customs and traditions of various cultures.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
2nd Grade
- I can apply changes in music (soft-loud, fast-slow, high-low, same-different).
- I can illustrate prominent musical characteristic or specific musical events while listening to or singing music.
- I can illustrate melodic patterns, dynamics, and forms.
- I can use correct position and technique to sing and play instruments.
- I can illustrate audience and participant behavior appropriate for the purpose and setting that music in performed.
- I can exemplify music representing the heritage, customs, and traditions of various cultures.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
Essentials Skills for Music
4th Quarter
3rd Grade
- I can sing or play with expression and by applying elemental changes (tempo, dynamics, etc.).
- I can illustrate the matching response to the gestures of the conductor, including meter, tempo, and dynamics.
- I can use music terminology in explaining music that I hear.
- I can use established criteria for evaluating music performances and compositions.
- I can exemplify how music is used by various groups for artistic expression within the local community.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
4th Grade
- I can illustrate perceptual skills by movement, answering questions and describing music of various styles and cultures.
- I can use appropriate music terminology to explain personal preferences for specific musical works and styles
- I can create compositions and arrangements using a variety of sound sources.
- I can design a set of criteria for evaluating music performances and compositions.
- I can understand how music has affected, and is reflected in, the culture, traditions, and history of North Carolina.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.
5th Grade
- I can show through instruments and/or voice understanding of conductor gestures, including meter, tempo, dynamics, entrances, cut-offs, and phrasing, when singing and playing music.
- I can explain music using correct terminology of notation, instruments, voices.
- I can create compositions and arrangements within specified guidelines.
- I can show appropriate behaviors as a participant and observer of music in relation to the context and style of music performed.
- I can understand how music has affected, and is reflected in, the culture, traditions, and history of the United States.
- I can understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas.