ESNA Executive Meeting 20/07/17


Members Present: Phil Tittensor (Chair) Apologies: Caryn Jory

Sarah Tittensor Erica Chisanga

Marie Hooper Catherine Doherty

Jan Bagshaw

Carrie Burke

1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Agreed as accurate.

2. AGM Minutes 2017

Reviewed and agreed as accurate.

3. SWAT Analysis of ESNA

This was introduced briefly by Caryn at the AGM. It was agreed that it would

be useful to ask Caryn for her slides to accompany the AGM minutes. The

item will be carried forward to the next executive meeting when Caryn can go

through her ideas.

4. Membership

We currently have 320 members. Our presence on social media has

increased and there are more posts now going on to Twitter. All executive

members are encouraged to contribute to this. There is also a presence on

Facebook and Linkedin. Sarah has been coordinating the social media


There have been suggestions about taking out advertisements for ESNA in

BILD, DRCN bulletin or Nursing Times. Phil has recently completed an article

for the latter publication and will ask about posting an advertisement. Marie

will approach BILD and the RCN.

Action: Marie and Phil

Advertisements will also be placed in the delegate packs for the up and

coming ILAE conference in October 2017.

Action: Sarah and Phil

5. Paediatric Competencies

There is still no progress on this. The executive are not clear whether Chris

Bennett would be prepared to lead a working party. Marie is going to

approach her again.

Action: Marie

6. Website

This is continuing to cause some difficulties. NET BIZ who designed the

website, will be invited to the next executive meeting to show the executive

team how to solve certain problems.

Action: Phil to organise

Presentations from locality groups could be posted on to locality specific

pages on the website. Carrie is going to try to encourage the locality leads

with this and to make more use of the website in general.

Action: Carrie

7. Locality Groups

Carrie is continuing to liaise with the locality leads. There has been a

suggestion that a member of the executive team tries to attend a locality

meeting once a year to answer questions and promote the organisation. The

north west group has permanent representation through Carrie with SWENG

enjoying Caryn in the same capacity. Carrie will try to get dates for other

locality meetings where executive members can try to attend.

Action: Carrie

As mentioned above, a page per locality group will be set-up on the website.

Lisa is going to try to do this but may need help from NET BIZ at the next

executive meeting.

Action: Lisa and Phil

Carrie will approach locality leads to see if they would be willing to distribute

ESNA information leaflets and application forms at their meetings. Sarah will

then keep them supplied.

Action: Carrie and Sarah

8. Finance

There is £2,570 in the current account with £8,532.54 in the savings

account. We have a potential income of £4,000 from unpaid conference

sponsorship. The recent conference cost us £4,486 for the venue, £1,401 for

travel costs and speaker fees and £535 for committee costs (printing, travel,


9. Epilepsy Care

This had now moved to a spring and autumn release date. Next issue is

expected in October/November 2017. Jan will write an editorial and ESNA

news and help Brian to edit the article.

Action: Jan

10. Epilepsia

Unfortunately, there have still been difficulties accessing the journal. Marie

feels that she is very close to an agreement with the publishers and Epilepsia

should be available by the end of August 2017.

Action: Marie

11. 2017 Prescribing Day Feedback

The feedback has been the best that we have ever received at any meeting in

terms of the quality of speakers. However, the venue was less well received

for a variety of reasons ranging from quality of refreshments to sound systems

in the conference rooms. The committee felt the feedback was very fair and

we will probably not use that venue in future.

Feedback thank yous and request for slides for the website will be distributed

to our faculty.

Action: Phil

12.. JEC Guidelines, Epilepsy Awareness and Rescue Medication Project

This is moving forward. Presentations will be made at the upcoming

International League Against Epilepsy conference.

Action: Phil

The two focus groups led by Sarah and Erica have produced questions and

draft guidelines respectively. Versions are now out for comment. We hope to

launch the whole package by the end of the year.

Action: Sarah, Erica and Phil

13. Conference 2018

Most of the discussion was around the location of the conference. Based on

previous discussions, we felt that venue along the M4 corridor should be

sought. Options might include Bristol, Bath, Oxford or Reading. Marie has

kindly offered to look at some hotel options. It was felt strongly that a member

of the executive would need to visit any potential venue given our experience

from the prescribing day.

Action: Marie

Potential topics for conference have been lifted from members views who

attended the prescribing day. These might include pregnancy (planned

versus unplanned), treatment of non-epileptic attack disorder, surgery,

comorbidities (for example diabetes, sleep, bone health), transition (elderly

and paediatric), discrimination, research (basics of how to do it and perhaps a

workshop of ideas for research projects – how to work up a question),

contraception to menopause – managing women with epilepsy,

elderly/dementia, managing anxiety and depression in epilepsy.

14. Any Other Business

Epilepsy Alliance

Epilepsy Alliance training days have been popular in the past and plan to

continue under the banner of the Epilepsy Alliance. There was a suggestion

that the next ESNA conference could be a joint event with Epilepsy Action.

There could then be an extra meeting for new in post nurses.

The next new in post epilepsy nurses study day is happening on 13th and 14th

September 2017. This course is full, but a waiting list is already open for the

next course. Sarah has spoken about ESNA at these days in the past and

Carrie, Jan and Marie all offered to cover that session going forward if


Catherine will continue to be the liaison person between the Epilepsy Alliance

and the ESNA executive.

Action: Catherine

Patient Self Management Course, Epilepsy and You

This was set-up by Epilepsy Action and has been evaluated by Coventry

University with positive outcomes. There is a £40 charge for individuals.

There are plans to try to engage with commissioners. We have agreed to

advertise this on the ESNA website when it becomes available.

Action: Catherine

Online Training Courses from Epilepsy Action

There is concern about this may fit with ESNA’s guidelines and emphasis on

face to face training as the gold standard. The courses run by Epilepsy Action

will cost £30. We will need to see how this develops alongside the ESNA

guidelines and online test.

Action: Catherine to continue to provide a conduit. She will also pass

ESNA guidelines to Epilepsy Action for comment.

Epilepsy Action National Perspective of Services

Encouragement for everyone to fill in the request for information.

Epilepsy 12Paediatric

Third round of work should be complete by Epilepsy Action towards the end of

2017. It was emphasized that we still need paediatric representation on the

ESNA executive.

ESNA Competencies

Mel Goodwin has coordinated the review of the adult group, but we do not yet

have feedback. Phil will chase her.

Action: Phil

Learning disability competencies require updating and a focus group meeting

needs to be set up. Advertisement will go out via the website and the weekly


Action: Catherine to write an advert for Lisa to post

Joint Membership between ESNA and Epilepsy Action

There has been more discussion about this but no firm conclusions.

Catherine continues to negotiate. Perhaps this could be launched as part of a

joint conference if that idea goes forward.

Action: Catherine to continue to liaise

15. Date of Next Meeting

22 November 2017 at the North Stafford Hotel in Stoke-on-Trent 10.00am to
