See “Testimonials Index” document

Also http://LiquidStories.com

Also http://HollysDream.com/testimonials/

1—Multiple Sclerosis

This story begins when I was a 16 year-old ballerina in 1976. I struggled to find the energy to sustain myself through daily lessons, rehearsals, teaching schedules and high school studies. Throughout college, marriage and the birth of my children this search for energy continued.

I tried many different multi-vitamins, ginseng, beef livers and blended power drinks. Unfortunately, a gradual decline in my health persisted over these years manifested in allergies, skin problems, recurring infections, scoliosis, debilitating fatigue and depression. Twenty-three years of HMO medicine failed to diagnose or improve my situation.

Frighteningly, on July 4, 1999, my vision spontaneously blurred and I was extremely affected by a host of symptoms. They included: dizziness, heart palpitations, acute fatigue, insomnia, numbness and tingling in my extremities, inability to concentrate, short term memory loss and slurred speech. It hurt to do the laundry.

Finally, the doctors gave it a name: Multiple Sclerosis—an incurable and degenerative disease of the central nervous system. I chose not to use the pharmaceuticals suggested by the neurologist. Instead, I committed myself completely to alternative and holistic medicine.

During the following eight months, I immersed myself in a battle for health. My doctors, nurses, family and faith were my troops; my intense desire to get better was the commander in chief. I endured strict dietary guidelines, replacement of silver mercury fillings, internal detoxing and cleansing, handfuls of vitamins and supplements, chiropractic care, acupuncture, mind/body integrative work and massage therapy. I steadily improved and continued to pursue “the search” with heightening intensity…researching, learning, and experimenting to put the pieces of wellness puzzle back together.

Somewhere, there had to be more pieces to his puzzle, more answers to fuel my body’s need for energy to support and repair cellular damage. In June 2000, I began taking two ounces of Body Balance per day.

Within two days, the blurry vision cleared and a welcome energy had me back on my feet. I enthusiastically rode this wave of health for about six weeks before that roller coaster of intermittent fatigue and depression began to take hold again.

After only six weeks using Body Balance, I received blood analysis results that showed my calcium, magnesium, chromium, and phosphorus levels still to be low even though I had been taking these supplements in pill form for the past 11 months. At this point, I reviewed the ingredients in OsteoProCare and it was obvious to me that I had to add this formula to my arsenal.

Within a few days of taking OsteoProCare, the numbness and tingling disappeared. It has threatened to return only once; when I was without OsteoProCare for a two-week period. I continued, however, to have trouble with fatigue and depression. I decided to increase my daily dose of Body Balance and add Sunbright and Sunset herbal blends. I also decided to try Taheebo and Colloidal Silver to ward the sinus infections I usually suffer in the autumn season. Well, that experiment began five weeks ago and I have not had any fatigue, depression or infection since!

It is hard for me to describe or find the words to describe what these products have done for me. After 23 years, I finally found what I have been searching for. I am experiencing significant and consistent health. Day after productive day, I marvel at the absence of those symptoms that plagued my life and crippled my spirit one year ago. My hair is even growing back in!

Major pieces of the puzzle snap effortlessly together; and the finished form becomes clearer each day. It’s not a miracle. It is the Creator’s design realized and supported through proper use of nutritional, biological, and chemical sciences.

Life is a dance again! My husband has his wife back; my four children their mother; my family, their daughter, sister, and aunt; my friends their friend. They also have one very gung-ho Life Force distributor on their hands.

I extend my most heartfelt gratitude to Life Force. They are offering the children and adults of our world powerful ammunition to support the immune system and to aid in the fight against the growing epidemic of nutritional deficiency diseases and disorder. I’m relieved and reassured as I dole out my family’s daily servings each morning.

Julie Daly


2—Eyesight Improved

My name is Carolyn Schonning. For the past 20 years or so I’ve been pursuing good health. I've maintained a fairly good diet, taken many supplements, herbs, animal organ concentrates, etc., over the years. I’ve done a fair amount of cleansing and consumed a “ton” of health products from various companies.

I've never experienced anything like I have in the last several weeks from Life Force! Already the results are phenomenal! My eyes are more centered and focused, and the whites of my eyes are really white instead of jaundiced for the first time in over 23 years, since my liver had not performed 100% from a chronic bout with infectious hepatitis in my late 20’s (I'm 50 years old).

An oppression has lifted, my memory has improved dramatically, I have less joint pain, and just plain feel “bright eyed and bushy-tailed!” I feel really ALIVE! And I’m anticipating many more improvements in the days to come. I’m amazed and amused. I have spent many thousands of dollars on health products and what is working the best is the simplest and the least expensive!

Carolyn Schonning

Richfield, MN

3—Lower Brain Stem Stroke

With all the stress, Enar had a lower brain stem stroke. He nearly died on the way to the hospital. It left him paralyzed in the throat and with special disorientation. We got him out of the hospital on a stretcher.

The doctors wanted to put him in a nursing home, because he was so weak (114 lbs) and had to be fed through a tube in his stomach, and was deteriorating. We took him to Norm Burba, MD, who introduced us to Body Balance. Along with taking him off the chemicals and drugs they had him on, we fed him blended real foods and lots of Body Balance through the day and night.

He has made such a dramatic recovery that the speech therapist is using the product and recommending it! He literally has blown away the statistics on lower brain stem strokes. In 30 days, he can swallow and talk once again, has gained 20 lbs he lost and his equilibrium is returning. I highly recommend trying Body Balance!

June Fridh

North Carolina

4—Remarkable Testimonials

My husband and I started on Life force products in December, 1996 through our daughter in Jacksonville, Florida. We both took several vitamins a day for 40 years, but we were both feeling more content than feeling good. We now feel like we have more energy and are eating less because our bodies now have what they've been missing all these years.

At 61 years young, my husband owns and operates a construction business and works right along with our two sons. Sometimes they even had trouble keeping up with him; so they are both taking Body Balance. We try to tell everyone we come in contact with about Body Balance because we want everyone to feel as great as we do! As of June 1st, we have signed up 17 people and 8 more are listening to tapes.

My mother-in-law is 92 years old and has been on Body Balance for two months and we see such a difference in her. She used to sit in a chair and do nothing all day long. Now she is cleaning her house, washing windows, and planting flowers! She says she has not felt this good in years. She told her doctor about it and he has cut her medication and also asked her for information on how he can buy Body Balance.

A friend of ours has been on blood pressure medicine and feels great. We can see a big difference in his personality.My nephew and his wife have seen a lot of changes in their life since they started taking Body Balance. He used to get hives and severe headaches for several years and could not find a doctor that could help him. Well, Body Balance took care of his headaches and hives! His wife has had thyroid trouble for years, along with nervous breakdowns and high blood pressure. Her doctor had Body Balance analyzed and said that everything you say is in it is there and for her to take it. Her doctor has now cut her medication way down. He also asked her how he could order Body Balance.

A gentleman that we knew had open heart surgery five years ago was starting to have problems again and asked his doctor about taking Body Balance. Once his doctor saw what was in Body Balance, he told him to get started on it right away and that everyone should be taking it!

I left the best for last. A friend of mine that is 44 years old has had MS for four years and was getting worse. They gave her a new drug at Christmas time that nearly killed her. I asked her if she would try Body Balance three months ago. She went to her doctor last month and he could not believe how much she had improved. Her doctor has now cut her medication. Thanks to Body Bal- ance, I have my friend back.

Glenda Powers

Cambridge, OH

5—Epstein-Barr Virus

My vigor was restored after a five year chronic siege of the Epstein-Barr virus, when a medical doctor who specializes in preventative medicine, introduced me to Body Balance. It is a pleasant tasting, liquid whole food supplement which contains whole leaf, cold pressed aloe vera, sea vegetation, black cherry concentrate and honey.

My belief in the wonderful benefits of this product, and my personal experience, has inspired me to introduce Body Balance to doctors and health care professionals, who share the belief of the importance of nutrition and detoxification for an individual's optimum health.

Lenore Laudenslager

San Diego, CA

6—No More Colds and a Great Business

I want to thank you and tell you how much I appreciate such a great company to work with and these wonderful, life changing products. My favorites are Body Balance and Colloidal Silver. I don't know which one to give the most credit to. However, between the two of them, I went through this whole past winter without even one head cold (1 usually have two or three bad ones each year). After about 14 months on the products, I feel great and would not want to be without them ever again.

My organization, the Home Business Network is growing by leaps and bounds. Within six months after I signed up, I was already earning more than I did from my US Air Force retirement check—after more than 20 years of active military service. And yes, I have worked hard to recruit, train and support my downline. But do you know what? I have always worked hard. And, since I retired from the military, I have been involved with several other network marketing programs and before now, I never made any money at all. In fact, I spent a lot of it trying to find “the right one.”

Thanks to you, I found it! And I plan to be with Life Force for a long time to come. Keep up the good work.

Don Evans
Fountain, CO

7—PMS Help

I have been using natural products for the past five years, and I have found Body Balance to be the best product on the market today. 1 used to suffer with PMS and my days used to be very stressful and overwhelming. I found my peace with Body Balance. It gives me that extra boost to make it through the day. I feel very calm yet energized to accomplish my goals. I love the product and I recommend it to all my co-workers and friends.

Crystal Benton

Clinton, MD

8—Blood Sugar Level Normal

I am a diabetic. I started taking Body Balance in July 1998. At that time my blood sugar level was out of control (hyperglycemia). It was constantly above 250 and sometimes as high as 450. I was taking 20 mg of Glucophage, a day, yet my blood sugar levels remained high.

Since July, 1998, I have consistently taken Body Balance every day. Today, my blood sugar level is normal. I now only take one 4 mg tablet of Amaryl, once a day. The cost of the Body Balance is offset by not having to purchase expensive oral diabetic medication—which can cost as much as $7.00 per day.

After starting Body Balance, I was given a complete blood panel test by my Endocrinologist. The only high reading was the Hemoglobin Alc blood sugar level, which averages one’s blood sugar over the preceding three months. My Endocrinologist was baffled since my blood sugar level had been so high and yet other body trace minerals and essential enzymes remained normal including cholesterol. I attribute all of that to taking Body Balance. A side benefit is that I have lost about 8 lbs, without dieting.

Lewis Nicholson, Pastor

Newport News, VA

9—Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I have been using the Life Force Regeneration Program. for 2½ years. Prior to that I was bedridden with severe hemorrhaging and was told I needed a hysterectomy. I was also diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. After cleansing and rebuilding with the Life Force products and following an exercise program, I now feel well. I did not have the hysterectomy and no longer hemorrhage. I am no longer tired and feel great!

Toni Handy


10—Pneumonia and Strep Throat

I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am with Life Force products and marketing plan. The item that caught my attention in a trade magazine was Body Balance. In December of 1995, 1 came down with bronchial pneumonia, then again in April of 1996. I was one sick cookie. Then in July I caught strep throat and was down and out for ten full days.