2 / Recognise that texts are made up of words and groups of words
3 / Recognise that sentences are key units for expressing ideas, with a capital letter and a full stop
4 / Demonstrates an awareness of conjunctions and compound sentences
5 / Experiments with adverbial phrases in structured and guided activities (where, when, why, how)
6 / Demonstrates an awareness of nouns
7 / Demonstrates an awareness of pronouns
8 / Recognise simple pronoun references to maintain meaning
9 / Identifies commands and their functions in texts. (tells us to do something)
10 / Identifies statements and their functions in texts. (provides information)
11 / Identifies questions and their functions in texts
12 / Identifies exclamations and their functions in texts
13 / Punctuation / Recognises that a full stops end sentences
14 / Uses capital letters for names and to begin sentences
15 / Identifies question marks and their functions in texts
16 / Identifies exclamation marks and their functions in texts
17 / Vocab / Begins to build personal vocabulary
18 / Attempts to incorporate unfamiliar words in writing
19 / Begins to expand the vocabulary used to describe everyday events and experiences
20 / Knows that some words have multiple meanings
ES1 Grammar, Punctuation and Vocab
1 / Grammar / Use coordinating conjunctions to link independent ideas in compound sentences eg. and, but, so2 / Recognise how time connectives sequence information in texts
3 / Use adverbial phrases to add information eg. when- On Monday, where-at the beach, why-to win
4 / Understand and use paragraphs to organise ideas
5 / Identify and name commonnouns and proper nouns
6 / Identify and use describing and numbering adjectives to represent qualities
7 / Identify and use personal pronouns eg she, it, they, you, we
8 / Identify and use possessive pronounseg his, theirs, yours, mine
9 / Identify and name action verbs to represent happenings
10 / Understand that adverbs add detail to a verb or adjective describing when, where or how
11 / Recognise that prepositions placed in front of a noun group can show where and when eg. in, before
12 / Punctuation / Recognise and use capital letters to signal proper nouns
13 / Identify and recognise the function of full stops and use in writing
14 / Identify and recognise the function of question marks and use in writing
15 / Identify and recognise the function of exclamation marks and use in writing
16 / Recognise commas separate items in lists
17 / Experiment with the use of quoted (direct) speech marks
18 / Vocab / Understand and identify synonyms and antonyms
19 / Begin to make conscious choices of vocabulary to suit audience and purpose
20 / Recognise and use creative word play eg. alliteration and onomatopoeia
Yr1 Grammar, Punctuation and Vocab
Yr2 Grammar, Punctuation and Vocab
1 / Grammar / Use coordinating conjunctions to link independent ideas in compound sentences eg. and, but, so2 / Understand and use paragraphs to organise ideas
3 / Use adjectival phrases to build noun groupseg. the clown with huge feet
4 / Usetime connectivesto sequence information in texts
5 / Understand and usecommonnouns and proper nounsto represent people, places and things
6 / Identify and name collective and abstract nouns
7 / Build noun groups using nouns and adjectives representing qualitiesegthe sunny day
8 / Identify and use personal pronouns eg she, it, they, you, we
9 / Identify and use possessive pronounseg his, theirs, yours, mine
10 / Understand that articlesa, an andthe form part of the noun groupeg. the sunny day
11 / Understand that there are different kinds of verbs eg.action verbs and thinking verbs
12 / Understand that adverbs add detail to a verb describing when, where or howeg. earlier, slowly
13 / Recognise that prepositions placed in front of a noun group can show where and when eg. in the box (where), before my birthday (when)
14 / Punctuation / Recognise and use capital letters to signal proper nouns
15 / Identify and recognise the function of full stopsand use in writing
16 / Identify and recognise the function of question marks and use in writing
17 / Identify and recognise the function of exclamation marks and use in writing
18 / Recognise commas separate items in lists
19 / Experiment with the use of quoted (direct) and reported (indirect)speech
20 / Vocab / Understand and identifysynonyms and antonyms
21 / Begin to make conscious choices of vocabulary to suit different audiences and purposes
22 / Recognise and use creative word play eg. alliteration and onomatopoeia
1 / Grammar / Understands that paragraphs are a key organisational feature of written texts
2 / Identify and use appropriate prepositions in sentences eg. concerned by, capable of
3 / Understand that meaning can be enhanced through noun groups
4 / Understand that meaning can be enhanced through verb groups
5 / Understand how to elaborate on ideas in texts through the use of prepositional phraseseg. into the garden, from nine o’clock
6 / Accurately link ideas and information through features eg. Pronouns, conjunctions and connectives
7 / Identify a variety of connectives to indicate time, to add information and to clarify information
8 / Identify and use possessive and comparative adjectives eg. our, bigger
9 / Understand different verbs (action, thinking, feeling, possessing and relating) and tense
10 / Understands ways of expressing opinion including modal verbs and adverbs
11 / Understand how quoted (direct) and reported (indirect) speech work in different types of text
12 / Experiment with figurative languageeg. Similes, metaphors, idioms and personification
13 / Identify and use evaluative language to express feeling, opinions, judgementseg. an excellent report
14 / Punctuation / Experiment with punctuation to engage the reader and achieve purpose
15 / Understand punctuation associated with quoted (direct) and reported (indirect) speech
16 / Use apostrophes for contractions
17 / Vocab / Understand that choice of vocabulary impacts on the effectiveness of texts
18 / Use extended and technical vocabulary
19 / Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources including vocabulary encountered in research
Yr3 Grammar, Punctuation and Vocab
Yr4 Grammar, Punctuation and Vocab
1 / Grammar / Understands and usesparagraphs as a key organisational feature of written texts2 / Understand that a clause is a unit of grammar usually containing a subject and a verb
3 / Understand subject (noun) -verb agreement in a clauseeg. They were, he is
4 / Identify and use appropriate prepositions in sentences eg. concerned by, capable of
5 / Understand that meaning can be enhanced through noun groups
6 / Understand that meaning can be enhanced through verb groups
7 / Understand that meaning can be enhanced through prepositional phrases providing detail eg. into the garden, from nine o’clock
8 / Accurately link ideas and information through features eg. Pronouns, conjunctions and connectives
9 / Identify a variety of connectives to indicate time, to add information and to clarify information
10 / Identify and use possessive and comparative adjectives eg. our, bigger
11 / Understand different verbs (action, thinking, feeling, possessing and relating) and tense
12 / Understands ways of expressing opinion including modal verbs and adverbs
13 / Understand how quoted (direct) and reported (indirect) speech work in different types of text
14 / Use grammatical features to create complex sentences when composing
15 / Experiment with figurative languageeg. Similes, metaphors, idioms and personification
16 / Identify and use evaluative language to express feeling, opinions, judgementseg. eg. an excellent report
17 / Punctuation / Experiment with punctuation to engage the reader and achieve purpose
18 / Understand punctuation associated with quoted (direct) and reported (indirect) speech
19 / Use apostrophes for contractions
20 / Vocab / Understand that choice of vocabulary impacts on the effectiveness of texts
21 / Use extended and technical vocabulary
22 / Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources including vocabulary encountered in research
Yr5 Grammar, Punctuation and Vocab
1 / Grammar / Use topic sentences to introduce a main idea or theme of a paragraph2 / Experiment with different types of sentences eg. short sentences to build tension
3 / Experiment with different types of sentences eg. complex sentences to add detail
4 / Understand the difference between main and subordinate clauses and that a complex sentence involves at least one subordinate clause
5 / Understand how noun groups can be expanded to provide a fuller description of the person, place, thing or idea
6 / Understand how ideas can be expanded through choice of verbs, elaborated tense and adverb groups/phrases
7 / Understand how evaluative language can express shades of meaning, feeling and opinion eg. emotive language
8 / Experiment with aspects of voice including active voice and passive voice
9 / Understand author voice including use of first-person and third-person narration
10 / Identify a variety of text connectives to indicate time, add information, clarify understanding, show cause and effect and indicate condition/concession
11 / Link ideas and information using grammatical features eg. pronouns, conjunctions and connectives
12 / Show how ideas and points of view are conveyed through vocabulary including subjective and objective language
13 / Identify and use classifying and modal adjectiveseg. native flower, possible answer
14 / Identify and use relative pronounseg. who, that, which
15 / Punctuation / Use complex punctuation to engage the reader and achieve purpose
16 / Understand how apostrophe is used to signify possession
17 / Understand the uses of commas to demarcate the subordinate clause eg. Martin and Jess, who finished early, went home after the test.
18 / Use commas to indicate pace and for clarity (delineating) to avoid confusion eg. At eighteen, people are considered to be young adults.
19 / Vocab / Explain how choices in language influence personal responseseg. modality, emphases, repetition
20 / Select appropriate language for a purposeeg. descriptive, technical, colloquial, persuasive
Yr6 Grammar, Punctuation and Vocab
1 / Grammar / Use topic sentences to introduce a main idea or theme of a paragraph2 / Understand the difference between main and subordinate clauses and that a complex sentence involves at least one subordinate clause
3 / Understand how noun groups/phrases and adjective groups/phrases can be expanded
4 / Understand how ideas can be expanded through choice of verbs, elaborated tense and adverb groups/phrases
5 / Understand how evaluative language can express shades of meaning, feeling and opinion eg. emotive language
6 / Identify and use challenging literary deviceseg. irony, humour to engage and influence an audience
7 / Experiment aspects of voice including active voice and passive voice
8 / Understand author voice including use of first-person and third-person narration
9 / Identify a variety of text connectives to indicate time, add information, clarify understanding, show cause and effect and indicate condition/concession
10 / Show how ideas and points of view are conveyed through vocabulary including idiomatic expressions
11 / Show how ideas and points of view are conveyed through vocabulary including subjective and objective language
12 / Identify and use classifying and modal adjectiveseg. native flower, possible answer
13 / Punctuation / Use complex punctuation to engage the reader and achieve purpose
14 / Understand how apostrophe is used to signify possession
15 / Understand the uses of commas to demarcate the subordinate clause eg. Martin and Jess, who finished early, went home after the test.
16 / Use commas to indicate pace and for clarity (delineating) to avoid confusion eg. At eighteen, people are considered to be young adults.
17 / Vocab / Explain how choices in language influence personal responseseg. modality, emphases, repetition
18 / Understand the use of vocabulary to express greater precision of meaning
19 / Select appropriate language for a purpose, eg. descriptive, technical, colloquial, persuasive