Topic: Measures to deal with sudden refugee / migration crises
General Overview/UN Perspective:
This topic talks about the refugee situations happening around the world. A bunch of North Koreans have come into China which is giving trouble to China. And Romanians are coming in lots of countries in Europe and they are not happy. Though the guys entering are happy, the hosts aren’t. A lot of them are just coming in illegally and when they do come, some steal from people. The UN has a Refugee Agency. That shows that they are trying to help all the refugees around the world.
Major Parties Involved and Their Views:
US are getting terrorist attacks from the Taliban and then the US sent soldiers there. The US is trying to stop the Taliban from bombing so that the Afghanistan refugees can go back to their home. So you can say that US is trying to help Afghanistan’s refugees get back to their homeland.
Key Terms Defined:
Refugees- apersonwhofleesforrefugeorsafety,especiallytoa foreigncountry,asintimeofpoliticalupheaval,war,etc.
Migration- a person moves from one place to another doesn’t have a permanent home.
United Nation- A organization that helps keeps peace throughout the world.
Timeline of Events:
Major Asian Refugee Events
Bangladesh to India: 1947 to 1971
Pakistan to Bangladesh: 1947 to 1971
Afghanistan to Iran or Pakistan: 1979 to 2001
Burma to Bangladesh: 1991 to 1992
Sri Lanka to India: 1983 to 2009
Tajikistan to Israel: 1992 to 1997
UN Involvement, Relevant Resolutions, Treaties and Events:
UN made a 1951 Geneva Convention and a 1967 Protocol for it. Through it, the government was trying to get them to be safer than they were. There had also been a 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa.
Possible Solutions:
· Every country should build shelter for the refugees that come in the country.
· The refugees should be provided protection from the few people that might not like them to be here.