ERM HouseholdAssessment Report
(Should be written and submitted ASAP after the completion of Rapid Need Assessment)
- General Information:
Assessment Location:
(Province/District/Village) / Faizabad
Type of crises:
(Conflict/Nat. Disaster/Other) / Conflict
Crisis Location:
(Province/District/Village) / Faizabad (74%), Jurm (23%), Raghestan (2%), Warduj (2%)
Assessment Team:
(Name of I/NGO in the assessment team) / ACTED, DoRR,
Crises date:
(date of displacement-Estimated) / 12/16-04/17
Date of Notification: / 04/17
Date of Assessment:
(starting date/ending date) / 18/04/17-23/04/17
Affected Population:
(Total Caseload: IDP/CAT A/CAT B/Other) / HHs: / Families: / Inds.:
66 / 66 / 324
Data collection method / Electronic / Hardcopy
- Assessment Finding and Recommendation in brief:
Be very concise but precise, provide #, of affected people, information about damages, priority needs, and recommended assistance (Who, When, How should be assisted, By which Organization).
This assessment report covers a caseload of conflict affected families displaced from Faizabad and Jurm districts. 97% of families surveyed indicate that they cannot return to their place of origin. 62% of households report unskilled labour as their primary form of income. 20% indicate farming as their first income source, and the 13% have vocations such as laundering, tailoring, government employee or no income source. As the majority of families are more recently displaced, debt levels of this caseload are relatively low. 24% of the caseload report debts between 2,000 and 8,000, and 52% report debts of less than 2,000. 17% of the caseload report debts of more than 8,000 AFN.
It is recommended to provide at a minimum, cash for food and NFis to the target caseload. The database will also be shared with DACAAR for potential follow-up on WASH needs. 14,000 AFN will be provided to each household to cover food and NFIs, with 8,000 dedicated to food and 6,000 for NFIs (kitchen and hygiene items). The distribution is planned for the 26th or 27th of April for the 66 households targeted in this report.
- Sectorial Issues:
A)Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihood: (provide detailed information about the impact of food security and livelihood i.e. lost/damaged food stock, current food stock statues, income sources, damaged/destroyed crops and agricultural land, type of agricultural land, agricultural inputs availability, diet diversity, irrigation system, livestock etc. Also describe immediate food and nutritional need and provide recommendation about the short and long term food and nutrition assistance)
82% of the caseload report having no food stocks. 100% of the caseload has prioritized food as their primary need for assistance provided. Of concern is that this caseload is currently reporting to be consuming only 1 meal per day. Negative coping mechanisms are being used by many households to cover their food needs such as reducing the number of meals eaten per day (65% between 1-5 days), restricting consumption by adults so that young children can eat (100% of HHs between 1-5 days) etc.
The limited number of meals eaten per day, the negative coping mechanisms reported by households, and the lack of food stocks available indicate that assistance to support in food needs is necessary for this caseload. ACTED will provide 8,000 AFN per household to cover the food needs of these conflict affected families.
B)NFI: (provide detailed information about NFI items lost due to disasters/crises as well as what type of NFI is needed for how many families and when? NFI can include Cooking items, kitchen items, hygiene items, bedding, clothing, fuel etc.)
100% of households report having lost blankets and hygiene items as a result of their displacement. 74% report having lost kitchen items, with 67% reporting the loss of water containers. NFIs were indicated to be the second priority need for 48% of households, with 47% reporting NFIs as their third priority need.
ACTED will provide cash for NFIs to the affected caseload. 6,000 AFN will be provided to cover kitchen and hygiene items lost as a result of the displacement.
C)Shelter: (please provide detailed information about the status of shelter condition i.e. type of normal shelters, # of shelters moderately damaged, severely damaged and completed destroyed by crises. How many people live in open space, sheltered with host families, etc. What kind of shelter support/assistance is needed and for How many families). Are there land ownership issues?)
Shelter was indicated as the second priority need for 52% of the caseload. Shelter was the third priority need for 38% of the caseload. 61% of families indicate that their house or compound is unharmed, with 39% reporting partial destruction. Current accommodation is reported to be tents (62%), rented accommodation (24%), hosting (9%), other (5%).
If families are found to be in the open or in makeshift tents, ACTED will distribute tents to families in need.
D)WASH:(provide detailed information about Water sources, affected water source, sanitation (latrines, used water and solid waste management) and hygiene issues. What is recommended in WASH sector and when?)
58% of families are currently reporting practicing open defecation. 21% report a community latrine, 18% report a family pit latrine, and 3% report use of a family VIP latrine. Main sources of water include pipe water (53%), stream/river (44%), kandas (3%), and dug well (2%). 58% report stability of clean water, with water access varying by type of use. 38% report access to drinking water, 39% report access to bathing water, and 39% report access to cooking water.
Cash will be provided for hygiene kits. ACTED will forward the database to ERM WASH partner DACAAR for potential follow-up from their side.
E)Protection: (provide detailed information about protection issues, protection needs, PSN and EVIs (Female H, elderly HHs, child HH, chronically ill members, disable members) and provide precise recommendation regarding IPAs)
The most commonly reported vulnerabilities include breastfeeding women and elderly headed.
There are no specific protection cases recommended for this caseload.
F)Health:(provide information about health issues, damaged/destroyed health facilities, current/available health facilities, access to health services and recommended assistance in this regards)
Health was not indicated to be a priority need for this caseload, and no further health information was provided.
. There is no recommended health response for this caseload.
H)MARKET ASSESSMENT: (provide summary information regarding the local market, accessibility, security constrains and fill the table if an market assessment has been conducted)
95% of the caseload report having access to markets to meet their household needs. The average distance to market is reported to be 4.6 kilometres, with an average travel time of 43 minutes. As such, it is deemed that cash is an appropriate modality of response to this caseload.
ITEM / Unit / Price AFN /Unit / Change in price?(Yes/No/Increase since the displacement/Decreased)
Wheat Flour, White / Kg / 27 / No
Rice / Kg / 85 / No
Oil / Liter / 85 / No
Sugar / Kg / 82 / No
Salt / Kg / 50 / No
Mung Beans / 99 / No
(from the cash tool) / 8,000
h) Other: provide detailed information about any other issue that is not covered above, this can include, security, infrastructure, coordination & assistance provided by others, problems encountered during the assessment, e etc)
- Urgent Priority needs of affected people (as per affected point of view)
(Provide detailed information about top 3 priority needs of affected population as per the opinion of affected population and provide your recommendation how and when identified needs shall be addressed)
The first priority need for 100% of households is reported to be food. Second priority needs include NFIs (48%), and shelter (52%). Third priority needs include NFIs (47%), shelter (38%), WASH (15%).
It is recommended to provide cash for foodand NFIs to displaced families. 8,000 will be provided for food, with 6,000 provided for NFI assistance.
There are no challenges associated with the assistance of this caseload.
- Annexes
(Please provide the database collected under the ERM household assessment in electronic form)
Report written by: Katrina Zacharewski
Date of writing: 20/10/16