Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc. Minutes
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
9:00 A.M.
Vince Whibbs Conference Room
1st Floor, City Hall
Members Present: President Jack Brown, Mike Swinehart, John Clark, Dave Glassman, John Ochs, Roger Rowe, Joe Glover and Paul Entrekin.
City Representative: Bill Weeks
Legal Advisor: Ed Holt
Members Absent: Joe Denmon, Roberto Rivera, Jill Hubbs, Charlie Switzer and Butch Hansen
President Brown called the meeting of the Veterans Memorial Park Foundation Board of Directors to order at 0900. President Brown led those present in prayer/ moment of silence, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. He acknowledged and welcomed the visitors.
Pete McKanna, GCVAC
Warren Palmer, Volunteer
Ellen Peppler, Volunteer
Dan Lindemann, Krewe of Quasimodo
John Libbert, Pensacola Sports Association
John Taylor, A&K Toilet Rentals
Cathy Whitney, NAS Pensacola
CPO Mark Covington
Lee Hansen, Capt. USN, Retired/Grand Marshal Veterans Day Parade and Event Speaker
Bill Clark, Pensacola Special Forces
Bylaws Amendment: President Brown called on Ed Holt, Legal Advisor, to address the bylaws amendment which would create an ex-officio position of Immediate Past President. Clarification was needed on wording should the Immediate Past President also continue serving as a duly elected board member versus a member whose term was expiring and was not continuing as an elected board member. This was clarified by adding the wording…………. “if not already a director serving in his or her term.” A detailed copy of the proposed amendment is attached to the minutes. Motion was made to accept bylaws amendment with clarifying language by Roger Rowe and seconded by David Glassman. Motion passed unanimously.
Agreement with Krewe of Quasimodo: Dan Lindemann spoke on behalf of the group and he noted that the Krewe had received a proposed copy from the Park of an agreement for the maintenance and upkeep of the Marine Bell Tower Memorial. He expressed some concern about the liability issue and whether or not they would be required to purchase insurance. There was general discussion as to whether the Park’s liability insurance would cover volunteers. Jack Brown and Ed Holt will discuss these issues with the Park’s insurance carrier. Mr. Lindemann also wanted to know if the group would need permission to have a special event at the Park. President Brown felt an e-mail to either him or the Events Chair should suffice.
Ellen Peppler: Jack Brown introduced Ellen Peppler who spoke about her background and connection to the Park. She spoke about her father’s service in World War II and her two sons’ military service. She reported that she works at Catholic Social Services, frequently visits the Park and also has volunteered at the Park.
Volunteers: Warren Palmer gave an in-depth report on his efforts to coordinate and recruit volunteers for the Park. Among groups he has contacted were area Boy Scouts, Hospital Command Chief, Signal Company at the Armory, American Legion Post 33, Young Marine groups and Purple Heart Association. President Brown expressed appreciation of all his efforts. Board members also suggested contact be made with, among other groups, Rotary Clubs and similar civic groups, students (e.g., Bright Future Scholars, etc.), HAP Arnold Society and Civil Air Patrol. It was also suggested to Mr. Palmer that his ideas be reduced to writing, perhaps in the form of a flyer, so that the document could be used for the website and social media. The flyer would list the Park’s specific need for volunteers.
Veterans Day Event: Jason Libbert with the Pensacola Sports Association provided an overview (time, runners expected and events that day) of the PSA run on November 9. He reported that the PSA also promotes the Park in their PR efforts. Jack Taylor with A&K Toilets reported that he has handled the PSA event for years and would be pleased to provide assistance to the Park for its Veterans Day Event. It was suggested that we have 10 and 1 handicapped porta-potties for the Park event. Mr. Taylor said the charge would be minimal. A motion was made that we use A&K Toilets for Park events, when needed. Motion seconded and passed unanimously.
Cathy Whitney with NAS was also present to address any needs/concerns that the Board had regarding the Veterans Day event. It was noted that there would be a Presentation of the Colors and the event would conclude with Taps; those two items are already planned. There was some discussion about a choral group performing that day. There was consensus that would not be workable for that day and President Brown will speak to the group about using them at another event.
Minutes: The minutes of the September 16, 2014 meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report: John Ochs reported a bank balance of $104,363.94. Question was raised about the bank CD processing fee. It was reported this is a credit card processing fee which should be reduced as we secure more donations via credit cards. The report was accepted as presented. Copy is attached to the minutes.
President’s Report: President Brown reported that the Park’s liability insurance policy is up for renewal. He suggested that John Ochs could touch base with Hiles-McLeod for any questions.
WCOA had a question about having cables running across the road for their program at the Hawkshaw area on Veterans Day. Bill Weeks did not feel there would be any issues, but will check with City staff.
It was reported that Joe Denmon officially resigned from the board via e-mail. It was moved and seconded and passed unanimously to accept Mr. Denmon’s resignation and to confirm the appointment of Pete McKanna. There was discussion about waiting to replace his position with Pete McKanna until the elections of other members and officers. It finally was agreed to swear in and seat Mr. McKanna at once. President Brown swore in Pete McKanna and he was immediately seated as a board member.
There followed a discussion about the process of filling the position of Jack Brown for a three year term and the election of officers for the coming year. Nominating Committee Chair, John Clark, felt those decisions required consideration by more than one person. John Ochs and Mike Swinehart agreed to serve on the Committee with John Clark. It was also agreed, in the interest of transparency, to review previous applications and make contact with applicants to gauge their continued interest. Jack Brown will provide Mr. Clark with the applications. He will contact applicants prior to the Nominating Committee meeting. It was also agreed that the Committee will meet at City Hall on October 7 at 9:00. Mr. Clark will forward agenda to Bill Weeks for posting.
Next Meetings/Adjournment: The next meetings will be October 14 and October 28 at 9:00 in City Hall. Meeting adjourned at approximately 11:00.
Submitted by:
John B. Clark