Chapter - One: Agriculture and Allied Activities
1.1.1 Programme of the Agriculture Department
2011-12 is the closing year of the XIth five year plan period. The target set at the onset of this plan period was to take the growth of agriculture beyond 4%. Due to natural calamities like devastating AILA and coming of monsoon in latter part of the Kharif season normal production of foodgrains crops of the state has been hampered almost every year. The SDP at constant 1999-00 prices of the agricultural sector in the State had a dip in 2008-09. It had experienced a fall by 1.90% during 2008-09 (Economic Review 2009-10). But in the year 2009-10 inspite of natural calamities like AILA the production and productivity of wheat, pulses and oilseeds and potato have been increased resulting in a positive gain in NSDP. A scientific contingent planning has been framed for sustainable development of agricultural production.
During 2010-11 about Rs. 476.15 crore was earmarked for Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Yojana & extending green revolution in eastern region of the country aiming at bridging the gap between potential and actual yield. State Plan financial outlay is 228 crores. This may be mentioned that 172 blocks across the state registered lower productivity than state’s average productivity. Those blocks, mainly situated at red lateritic, Tarai and Hilly region of the state, are dominated by the people of SC & ST communities.
Various plan programme are being taken in State plan and other centrally sponsored scheme to bridge the yield gap and sustainable development of agriculture as a whole by decentralized participatory approach. A number of skill development, capacity building training programme has been taken and also proposed for the year 2011-12. Plan for infrastructure development for quality seed production, agricultural research, seed, fertilizers and soil testing has also been chalked out. A detail soil survey work has been taken up by the department of Agriculture along with National Bureau of Soil Survey for all the districts of the state by drawing 76000 soil samples. Survey report of 6 districts has already been published and reports for rest of the districts will be published soon.
A sum of Rs. 2.88 crore is being utilized for setup of around 288 nos. of bio-village and Rs. 9.12 crore for preparation of compost pit for eco-friendly and sustainable agriculture which is a way to organic farming.
Seed village programme under PRI scheme and RKVY will also be continued for self sufficiency of seeds. During 2010-11 around 4000 seed village programmes were implemented under district plan scheme. During 2011-12 the same schemes have been proposed to be continued.
Some major priority areas for 2011-12 :-
1. Addressing problematic soils across the State
a) Proposed area – Teesta – Tarai, Red & lateritic Zones, Coastal Zones & Gangatic
Alluvial Zone –
b) Establishment of Vermi-compost & Super compost pit
2. Farm Mechanization and Technology Dissemination
a) Distribution of farm Machinery(under Subsidy)
i. Distribution of Tractors -@ Rs. 4,50,000/- per Tractor through PACs/SHGs/Farmers club.
ii. Distribution of Power Tiller –.
iii. Distribution of Zero Tillage Machine
iv. Distribution of Rotavator
b) Training and Demonstration
3. Seeds
i) Seed Village – Establishment. of Seed villages
ii) Hybrid Seed Production
Paddy –with subsidy on production & distribution Maize – Production of hybrid maize seed
iii) Varietal Replacement –new varieties of cereals, pulses & oilseed will be replaced.
4.Conservation of Land & Water Resources
Objective – Improving the crop productivity in different agro-ecological sub-regions of West Bengal
Proposed Area – Red & lateritic zone, Teesta – Tarai zone & Coastal Saline zone comprising land dev., set up. of WHS, Drainage channel –
· Rain Water harvesting Structure
· WasteLand Development
· Renovation / Excavation of Existing Water Bodies
· Land Shaping-cum Sweet Reservoirs
· Clearance of drainage congestions
· Development of Sand Laden Areas in Teesta – Tarai Region
For fulfilment of the demand of food security, self sufficiency in production, employment generation mainly in backward areas fund had been allocated to different infrastructure development, sustainable agriculture development, skill development and natural resource management schemes.
For improvement of productivity in North Bengal, Paschimanchal (mainly in lateritic / dry-land) and Sundarban (coastal area) and for maintaining sustainable agriculture, plan has been chalked out for setting up of at least 10 numbers of organic farms (in Govt. farm), 100 numbers of bio-villages, seed village in each block, soil testing laboratory etc.
A new scheme in the name of Secondary freight subsidy in fertilizer business has been introduced.
Focus Areas to be prioritized in Agricultural Sector for proposed Annual Plan for 2011-12
o Improving the level of productivity for bringing about targeted food security and enhancing income generation in the sector
o Implementing decentralized district planning process.
o Bringing about innovation in prevailing cropping pattern of six agro-climatic regions through introduction of diversified crops fit for those regions.
o Coordination of better flow of agricultural inputs.
o Emphasising capacity building of farm women & minorities. Women component will be well covered.
o Agricultural infrastructure development for quality seed production, biofertilizer production, mechanization, soil & seed testing etc.
o Renovation & modernisation of Agricultural training center& emphasis on training of Women, SC/ST& small-marginal farmers, with modern packages on maize, sunflower etc/
o Impetus on Organic farming/set up organic farm in each district and organic product certifying agency
o IPM,Zero tillage & SRI
o Expansion of Farmers’ friendly e-agriculture, research and renovation
Estimated Requirement and Projected Target of Production of Major Crops of the State during 2011-12
Population(in lakh) / Crop / Requirement
(lakh MT) / Target of production
(lakh MT)
899.87 / Rice / 142.35 / 159.85
Pulses / 12.65 / 2.32
Food-grains / 176.67 / 176.09
Oilseeds / 16.26 / 8.52
Potato / 45.16 / 90.00
Target Area, Yield Rate and Production of different crops during 2010-11 & 2011-12
A: Area in’000 ha., Y: Yield Rate in Kg/ha and P: Production in’000 tonne
Crop / 2010-11 / 2011-12Aus / A / 270 / 260
Y / 2190 / 2200
P / 591 / 572
Aman / A / 4150 / 4160
Y / 2457 / 2500
P / 10197 / 10400
Kharif Rice / A / 4420 / 4420
Y / 2441 / 2482
P / 10788 / 10972
Boro / A / 1500 / 1510
Y / 3240 / 3320
P / 4860 / 5013
Rice / A / 5920 / 5930
Y / 2643 / 2696
P / 15648 / 15985
Wheat / A / 370 / 366
Y / 2550 / 2690
P / 944 / 985
Maize / A / 110 / 100
Y / 3850 / 3800
P / 424 / 380
Other Cereals / A / 25 / 30
Y / 880 / 900
P / 22 / 27
Total Cereals / A / 6425 / 6426
Y / 2652 / 2704
P / 17038 / 17377
Pulses / A / 210 / 340
Y / 800 / 870
P / 168 / 232
Food-grains / A / 6635 / 6766
Y / 2593 / 2603
P / 17206 / 17609
Mustard / A / 440 / 460
Y / 900 / 950
P / 396 / 437
Til / A / 210 / 220
Y / 925 / 975
P / 194 / 215
Groundnut / A / 75 / 84
Y / 1800 / 1850
P / 135 / 155
Sunflower / A / 20 / 23
Y / 1250 / 1300
P / 25 / 30
Other Oilseeds / A / 10 / 18
Y / 500 / 833
P / 5 / 15
Total Oilseeds / A / 755 / 805
Y / 1000 / 1058
P / 755 / 852
Sugarcane / A / 18 / 18.5
Y / 94444 / 94595
P / 1700 / 1750
Jute* / A / 610 / 590
Y / 14.26 / 15.25
P / 8700 / 9000
Potato / A / 380 / 390
Y / 23158 / 23077
P / 8800 / 9000
Cl / 191 / 194
1.1.2 Programme of the Micro and Small Scale Enterprises and Textiles Department
Commercial Crops
Broodlac Farms
The Department’s Farms for cultivation of Broodlac in the districts of Bankura, Purulia, Murshidabad, Malda and Paschim Medinipur are being consolidated and reorganized. Broodlac is utilised for farm seed and distributed free of cost among the poor cultivators.
Industrial Centre for lac
The Industrial Centre aims at training young people of backward classes from districts of Bankura, Purulia, Murshidabad etc. in industrial uses of lac and lac based handicrafts items, so that they can set up small industrial units and get self-employment with active support from the Govt. (both monetary and allied services).
The plan outlay for ‘Crop Husbandry’ during 2011-12 is Rs. 25125.00 lakh.
1.2.1 Programme of the Department of Food Processing Industries & Horticulture
Horticulture Sector :
The Agri-Horticulture sector in West Bengal holds tremendous potential. There is immense potentiality towards generation of self-employment by cultivation of horticultural crops, their packaging, transportation, marketing and processing. The State also produces a considerable quantity of spices, coconut, cashewnut, medicinal and aromatic plants and mushroom. Amongst fruits, Mango, Pineapple, Litchi, Banana, Sapota, Guava etc. are important for commercial cultivation, processing and export. The farmers are also producing non-traditional vegetables like Baby Corn, Brussels sprout, Gherkin, Broccoli etc.
In the processing side, important areas are mushroom cultivation and processing dehydrated and canned fruits and vegetables, potato processing, frozen fruits and vegetables, fruit juice and pulps, dry-flower etc. Realizing the potential of this sector, this Department along with APEDA has already taken some measures to identify critical gaps and make efforts to integrate the value chain from cultivation to marketing.
The Food Processing Industries & Horticulture Department is laying emphasis on the following areas under the Horticulture Sector during 2011-12:
§ For the development of small, marginal, SC & ST farmers of West Bengal distribution of composite vegetable seed minikits among those farmers will be undertaken on priority basis. 54,000 no. of seed minikits will be distributed in 18 districts.
§ Distribution of fruit plants to BPL cultivators with marginal land in all districts of West Bengal along with vermicompost kit. 54,000 no. of fruit minikits will be distributed in 18 districts.
§ Popularisation of semi-permanent ‘Pan Baroj’ structure through demonstration at farmers’ field.100 nos. each in three cyclone prone districts viz. 24 Parganas (South), 24 Parganas (North) & Purba Medinipur is targetted.
§ Need based Research & Development work in collaboration with State Agriculture Universities will be undertaken.
§ Development of existing farms under this Department for enhancing quality seed and planting material production in the State will be done. Financial aid for raising saplings in Mohitnagar, Krishnagar,Chinsurah and Taldangra Farm will be provided.
§ Introduction and popularisation of non-conventional fruit, vegetable, flower through demonstration in the farmers field as well as existing farms of this Department will be undertaken. 100 Demonstration Centres throughout the 18 districts of West Bengal will be established.
§ Horticulture Survey throughout the State will be conducted.
§ In order to get more return from the established perennial fruit orchard, intercropping of short duration crop like vegetables, spices, aromatic and medicinal plants etc. will be taken up on priority basis. Mostly, the intercropped area will be covered by the supply of seed minikit.
§ Training programme on advanced cultivation technology of horticultural crops. 180 nos. of trainings will be organised in 18 districts of West Bengal.
§ For the purpose, export promotion through training programme, 40 trainings and 4 growers-exporters meet will be organised in 4 Agri Export Zones.
§ Implementation of Central Sector Schemes like National Horticulture Mission, National Bamboo Mission, National Mission on Medicinal Plants, Micro Irrigation, Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Yojona etc. will be undertaken as per norm.
§ Populrisation of organic farming through vermicomposting and distribution of bio pesticide. 400 new vermicompost units will be established in 4 non-NHM districts in West Bengal.
§ Productivity improvement of horticultural crops through distribution of pumpsets and different agricultural implements through distribution of 200 nos. of pumpset in 4 non-NHM districts.
§ Contingency planning against calamity will be undertaken.
On going activities during 2011-12
The State Government has undertaken various measures to promote horticulture in the State through the Department of Food Processing Industries and Horticulture during the year 2011-12. Some of these initiatives are:
State Plan Schemes:
Hybrid vegetable seed minikit worth Rs. 79.11275 lakhs will be distributed among small and marginal farmers of all the districts of the state. Fund has already been sanctioned for the purpose. Financial assistance for setting up of nursery for medicinal plants by Sunderban Janakalyan Sangha, Gosaba. A fund amounting to Rs.50.64 lakhs has been sanctioned for different developmental activities of Mohitnagar Farm, Krishnagar Farm, Taldangra Farm and Chinsurah Farm. Development of quality planting materials of horticultural crops and demonstration of advanced technologies are the priority areas of these farms.Funding has been done for demonstration of cultivation of kharif onion in Paschim Medinipur district.
National Horticulture Mission:
Under this Mission 1700 ha area has been covered under perennial fruit like mango, guava,litchi, 1250 ha area under non-perennial fruit like banana ( tissue cultured and normal ), 1000 ha under flower cultivation. Fund has been sanctioned for creation of water resources in dry areas, Popularisation of high value flower and vegetable cultivation under Green House and Shade net House, organic farming through vermicomposting, Pollination support for better quality production, assistance in mechanisation of farming operation, training and exposure visit of farmers and field functionaries for technology dissemination etc.For proper post harvest management and marketing of fruits and vegetables assistance has been given .
Rastriya Krishi Vikash Yojna
Under this programme schemes like establishment of vegetable seed production unit, high value horticultural crops cultivation, capacity building of women farmer and entrepreneurs, establishment of nurseries by SHGs and women SHGs, establishment of Multipurpose Cold Storage, Market and Mandies has been under taken.