Avon Lake Public Library
eReader Agreement
My signature below indicates that I am 18 years of age or older and have read the eReader Agreement. I agree to abide by these conditions of use when checking out an eReader from Avon Lake Public Library:
- I agree to accept full responsibility for the eReader while it is checked out to me.
- I will not tamper with the eReader, accessories, settings, digital books, nor attempt to load digital books, or attach any equipment.
- I will not place the eReader in the Book Drop, but will return it and all accessories to an Adult Reference Desk staff member. If I place the eReader in the Book Drop, I will be subject to a fine of$10.00.
- The eReader can be checked out for athree (3) week period. There are no renewals. I will pay anoverdue fine of $2.00 per day if I fail to return this eReader by the date due.
- I agree to pay all costs associated with damage to, loss of or theft of the eReader and accessories while it is checked out to me:
1 / eReader Replacement Cost $80.00
2 / Cover Replacement Cost $15.00
3-4 / AC Adapter /Charger Replacement Cost $5.00 each
5-6 / Quick Start Guide/Agreement
7 / Zipped Bag
8 / Book List
- I agree that the Library may use any appropriate means to collect the amount owed for fines, damage, loss or theft of the eReader.
- I agree that failure to comply with any of these rules and guidelines will result in the loss of the privilege of borrowing an eReader.
Patron Name: ______
Patron Library Card Number: ______
Patron Photo ID Verification ______(Staffinitials)
Patron Signature: ______
Device Bar Code Number ______
Avon Lake Public Library
eReader Agreement
Patron Copy
Eligible Borrowers
- Age 18 years or older.
- A valid Ohio driver’s license or Ohio state-issued ID.
- Avon Lake Public Library valid library card holder.
- If your library account is blocked due to unpaid fines, you will not be able to check out aneReader.
Loan Period and Availability
- eReader may be borrowed for three (3) weeks and is not renewable.
- Only one eReaderper household may be checked out at a time.
Fines and Liability
- Overdue fines accrue at the rate of $2.00 per day.
- A replacement charge will be assessed for damage to, loss of or theft of the eReader and accessories while it is checked out:
1 / eReader Replacement Cost $80.00
2 / Cover Replacement Cost $15.00
3-4 / AC Adapter/Charger Replacement Cost $5.00 each
5-6 / Quick Start Guide/Agreement
7 / Zipped Bag
8 / Book List
- If I place the eReader in the Book Drop, I will be subject to a fine of$10.00.
Agreement Guidelines
- I agree to accept full responsibility for the eReader while it is checked out to me.
- I will not tamper with the eReader, accessories, settings, digital books, norattempt to load digital books, or attach any equipment.
Patron Initials______
Avon Lake Public Library
eReader Agreement
Return Process
Required accessories checked in:
1 / eReader Replacement Cost $80.002 / Cover Replacement Cost $15.00
3-4 / AC Adapter/Charger Replacement Cost $5.00 each
5-6 / Quick Start Guide/Agreement
7 / Zipped Bag
8 / Book List
Please specify any problems observed by staff or reported by patron:
Return Date______Staff initials ______
Patron Signature______
Avon Lake Public Library
32649 Electric Boulevard
Avon Lake, OH. 44012
440-933-8128 Ext. 247 or 248