Equipment Program

Prescriber update March 2013

Check for latest e-version, as photocopies may be out of date: Released 19/3/2013 Available from the DCSI EP supporting documents public access list or DCSI Equipment Program site Phone: 1300 295 786 Fax: 1300 295 839 Email: Page 2 of 2

Equipment Program Prescriber update March 2013 Page 2.

Dear Equipment Program User,

Listed delegates and prescribers to the Equipment Program within the last two years receive this update. Please email feedback to DCSI:Equipment Program Feedback. See instructions below to unsubscribe to this update.

Eligibility for Scooters and Powered Wheelchairs

“Specific eligiblity criteria Scooters” need to be met prior to prescription of a scooter, and these same eligibility criteria need to be met for a powered wheelchair where it is primarily for outdoor use (see “Specific eligiblity criteria Powered Wheelchairs”).Powered wheelchairs are significantly more expensive for the Equipment Program to purchase and maintain than scooters, therefore a scooter should be the first option considered for a person needing a powered mobility device primarily for outdoor use.

The Access and Communication Technology Service (ACTS)

ACTS is a specialist consultancy service that can provide support to clinicians when prescribing DCSI eligible communication systems, computer access technology and/or environmental control systems for their clients. The service will be based at Novita Children’s Service Regency Park office but will be accessible for all eligible clients of the equipment program. Further information and training will be announced this month.

Some additional items of equipment will be added to the in scope list. There are new “Specific eligibility criteria Technology (Computer access)” and “Specific eligibility criteria Technology (Environmental Control Systems)”

Transportation of clients in wheelchairs

Following the article in the last communiqué and the clinical considerations for prescribers “Motor vehicle transport of people in wheelchairs”, there has been discussion about some client situations where there may need to be exceptions. There should be a discussion with a clinical lead or senior OT or PT as well as a delegate about the situation, and where necessary, consult with others such as DES staff. In each case, there needs to be clearly documented clinical reasoning regarding all options considered or trialled and why the guidelines cannot be adhered to.

Seeking quotes for Category 2 equipment

Quotes should not be sought from a supplier until after the prescription form is sent to DES. Once the prescription is processed and a store check is carried out for a possible match, you will be sent an email from a DES staff member asking you to get a quote. This will ensure you and the supplier do not waste your time if a suitable store item is located or there is a wait for resources.

Equipment updates

Cushions - A comprehensive review of wheelchair cushions for stock at DES has been completed. This involved evaluation of a wide range of cushions using a team of clinicians to rate the cushions as well as pressure mapping. A full range of stock cushions has now been identified and a “Cushion comparison table” is available via the team site. New stock cushions will transition gradually and the catalogue will be updated over the coming weeks.

Wheelchair Boot Slider – Due to low volume of these, they will not be stocked. The Pelican boot slider can be ordered as a category 1 item although a paper prescription will need to be completed

Rehband/Ottobock Splint R4067 – This can be ordered as a category 1 item on a paper prescription form. As the volumes are low, it has not yet been determined whether there are specific sizes that should be kept in stock and added to the catalogue. This will be monitored.

Tender Panel Range – The “Wheelchairs and Scooters Tender Panel Range” document has been updated to reflect that Aidacare is now the local agent for Invacare products.

Wheelchair and seating

The “Accessing a wheelchair and seating clinic” procedure has been updated.

Document changes and access

The “Equipment in-scope list” has been re-formatted to make it easier to identify which documents relate to each item of equipment. Each equipment item now has a hyperlink attached to it and when you click it, it lists all documents that are associated with that equipment item, including required and reference documents.

You may notice that the Equipment Program documents are starting to look different as we gradually re-brand them to meet the new DCSI communications visual style guide. In time, all equipment program, documents will be branded consistently making them less confusing.

Changes made to the content of documents and new documents available are summarised at Prescriber notifications.

Non government prescribers / general public: All Equipment Program documents except Novita are at the DCSI EP supporting documents public access links list. For Novita documents; contact Novita Assistive Technology Service on or email the Team Leader, Andree Innes at: ph: (08) 8349 2002

SA Government staff: All Equipment Program documents are at the DCSI intranet Equipment Program site. For access instructions see How to access the Equipment Program team site


Matthew Massy-Westropp
General Manager, Domiciliary Equipment Service
Disability and Domiciliary Care Services
Department for Communities and Social Inclusion

Check for latest e-version, as photocopies may be out of date: Released 19/3/2013 Available from the DCSI EP supporting documents public access list or DCSI Equipment Program site Phone: 1300 295 786 Fax: 1300 295 839 Email: Page 2 of 2