
Let me remind you one case which occurred in your eyes as a child.

You went to his championship. The kitchen was his old granny. She is mentally ill. Despite his ailment, it was a very hard worker, kindness, and what to look for. To help an adult daughter of the au pair, she represented for any work. Although the dishes after it was accepted, she tried to peremyvat′ as she could. But to tie the socks of weaving a rug-mistress. So this time, sitting in the kitchen, she socks but beloved grandson. Dearest to her man!

Her mother was a Karelian language – the language of small endangered people. We are very smešilo when the incomprehensible dialect she quietly prayed and sang in Russian non-decent limericks.

Your friend is ashamed of his grandmother.

A nuisance settlement.

When you split and went into the kitchen, she interrupted her needlework. Open smile lit up her face. On top of the points on the grandson looked radiant goodness. Work-weary hands with knitting needles relaxed moved down to the zaštopannyj apron. And all of a sudden ... ball of wool yarn as a living, untamed, jumped out of the uncertain hands, razmatyvaâs′ and decreasing.

Relying on a food pantry, she heavily climbed with stable wooden stools. And further ... (WOW was this happen!), bending down for the ball, she accidentally touched the grandson, who poured himself a mug of milk. The hand had a swing and milk raspleskalos′ ...

– Fool! -frantic grandson shouted.

Everything happened so fast: he's evil grabbed heavy dovetail and, running out of food, with the threshold, struggling, threw them at Grandma. Dovetail hit opuhšej Grandma's leg. Her full lips began to tremble, and she pričitaâ something in the mother tongue, holding the hand of a sore spot, with weeping down on a stool.

Tears streaming down her face raskrasnevšemusâ.

Not remembering yourself, you grabbed his hat, coat and ran out of the House.

On a shower it was Naughty. But the body calmed down:

– Grandma not ours. Us-then what? Let them understand themselves ...

After many years, you took her pain as their own. Since then, those asking for more-your soul is an open wound.

I like your Mind, trying to figure out why the world unjustly cruel? Maybe he's just unreasonable? There is an aphorism: "we're thinking too small. As a guška at the bottom of the well. She thinks the sky is the size of the hole of the pit. But if she pulled my body to the surface, it would become a very different view of the world. "

Man, too, is able to see only what the ruler of destinies is ready to reveal it at a particular point. Vsemu svoyo Vremya. And its not uskoriš′, mechanically moving district-Rød clock hands. Quickly develop only simple organisms.

It dawned on me: and "innocent child" slëzki in the novel of Dostoevsky, and the valour of your classmate for Grandma, all specially made according only to awaken compassion in you.

Let don't really change the fate of the hero of the book and act bezduhovnogo body is not adjusted retroactively. (The past beyond the reach of anyone, even God.) But there are still present and future. What to do in situations like this to continue?

Someone loses again and again in the mind of the bright spot of unpleasant memories. This is an original test proposed by above. During the search for the right answers are thoughts and feelings.

And here's a childhood comes to an end.

Childhood is the sleep of reason and soul.