Epsilon Sigma Phi Awards 2008
Contact Diane Sasser ()
State Visionary Leadership Recognition Award
This award recognizes extension professionals whose accomplishments have resulted in leading extension forward in new directions. This person's visionary leadership enabled extension to anticipate a new opportunity and developed support to implement program and organizational changes necessary to achieve success. Each nomination should include a narrative (less than one page) presenting the nominee's achievement and explaining the visionary leadership role. It should include resources involved, methods used, and results. Some previous recipients include Michele Abington-Cooper, Bill Branch, Robert F. Richard and Paul Coreil.
This award recognizes someone who has contributed to the development and/or expansion of an extension program in another country or countries. Nomination should include a narrative (less than one page) presenting the nominee's achievements. A state award recipient can be nominated for a regional award. Some previous recipients include Satish Verma and Larry T. Brock.
This award recognizes outstanding effort by a team of faculty responding to and incorporating one or more of the National Initiatives identified by the CSREES. At least one of the team members must be an ESP member. Nomination must be limited to two pages and must indicate appropriate National Initiative. A state team award recipient can be nominated for a regional team award. Some previous recipients include Ann M. Coco, Terri L. Crawford, Debra T. Davis, Martha B. Dwyer, Pamela B. Hodson, Cathy J. Holmes, Scuddy J. LeBlanc, Deborah S. Melvin, Iris Lee W. Mermilliod, Stephen R. Mullen, Alexis O. Navarro, Elizabeth S. Reames, Claudette H. Reichel, Deniese S. Zeringue, Jeanette Tucker, Teresa Price, and Glen Daniels.
State Friend of Extension Award
This award recognizes outstanding public service and support to extension programs by a lay leader. A narrative (less than one page) is required. A state award recipient can also be nominated for a national award.
Meritorious Support Service Award
This award is for support staff who have demonstrated excellence in support of extension programs. A narrative (less than one page) is required.