Minutesof the Extrameeting of Skellingthorpe Parish Council held on Thursday 20thAugust 2015at 7.00pm at Skellingthorpe Village Office, Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln
Present: CllrsGoldson (Chair of meeting) Scott, Jackman , Snedden, Hauton, Cheeseman,
Pepper, Richardson, Pannell, Samms. Clerks: L. Skinner, M. Rouston
1.Apologies for absence and reasons given. Cllrs Bennett, Scarborough, Shaw
2.To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests.
There were no declarations of interest at this point.
3.To Inspect the Parish Council Insignia
4. Skellingthorpe 10 Year Plan – Action and Updates
a. The Hub.
Scout Hut was discussed. Looked at Lease. Building not in good condition. Survey in 2013 was not shared with Group Scout Leader (GSL). Lease states for Parish Council to maintain building to condition when scouts took over. Cost of renovation the building could jeopardise the proposed building of ‘Hub’. No point in wasting money if it is to be demolished. Will try to work together on this. Scouts taking legal advice.to find out position. Concerns for legal responsibility to scout hut. Youth Hall would be a good place for the scouts to go. Discussion about Youth Hall, about allowing the scouts/youth organisations in to hall. Wording on lease is outdated. Youth Hall lease was read out. Parish Council will have to take leadership on this occasion, all should be working together. Architect needs to be involved ASAP. Costs will be involved, a rough guidance is £1,000 per sq.mtr. Building minimum half million pounds. Questions asked about the land area should the scout hut be demolished. Could lead to more development. Grants need to be in place. Cllr Pannell spoke of government bonds available to lend at a less rate that public loans. This will be looked in to.
Outcome. Council Looked at Wilkin Chapman letter dated 17/8/2015. Do we build a Multi-function Hall? Cllr Cheesemanproposed Architect ASAP. Cllr Scott seconded. Cllr Sneddon abstained. Cllr Cheeseman asked to go out to tender all affirmed. Pick min 3, suggestions, Steve Dunn, YorkSills and Designer who did the Venue at Navenby. Clerk to find out his details.
b. Pavillion Refurbishment.
Advice sort from District Council and LALC to remove fencing and sell, proceeds to offset cost of CCTV. Paint,CCTV and building work estimate cost £4,500. Discussion on goal post location. Cllr Cheeseman suggested £25,000 left from last year’s budget could be used to enhance the building. Cllr Goldson proposed and Cllr Cheeseman seconded. Unanimous show of hands.Advertise fence and extend CCTV Cllr Jackman suggested budget of £6,000 to cover all costs. Proposed Cllr Goldson Seconded Cllr Cheeseman. Unanimous show of hands.
5.Office Network
Cllr Scott spoke on the system we have at the moment reference the pack. A brief summary was given on pros and cons of changing system. Pros: NKDC service the network. All documents held in NKDC systems. Any maintenance that is needed is done at their convenience. Current system very slow and expensive.
Cons: In house network would in total control. If it goes wrong can get it fixed ASAP. Separated hard drive for back up. Full system on site. Offsite cloud. Cllr Pepper proposed in house is far easier. New network would switch to incorporate Hub, would include 8 ports, Wi-Fi zone. Cllr Scott went through options, 1 being the best but dearest. Cllr Sneddon proposed option 1 Cllr pepper seconded all in favour.
6. Local Plan – Housing/Planning
Environmental scrutiny meeting. Information on consultation and allocations going out Sept/Oct. Promised 2 years ago to public negotiations with Parish Councils. There will be no discussions, but will public consultations make anydifference?Suggest a drop-in session at Skellingthorpe for residents to discuss their views. Planning system not good, so many things done in the background, this will cause a lot of problems.
Mobile library from October. Where to site it – The Hill or the Community Centre? For safety reasons the Community Centre was proposed by Cllr Jackman, Cllr Goldson seconded. All in favour.
8. LALC Planning Course.
This is a no cost course, but too far to go for two hours. Clerk to ask LALC if they would do another here in Skellingthorpe as there are 12 people interested in attending, could invite neighbouring Parish Councils.
9.Youth Hall Drains.
An invoice had been received in to the office for payment for drain repairs at the Youth Hall. This is not our responsibility and will be sent back with a covering letter. All work that is carried out for the Parish Council has to be authorised by the Council. According to their lease it is their responsibility.
11.To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960. Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.
Proposed Cllr Cheeseman seconded by Cllr Jackman and unanimously approved on a show of hands that council move into closed session. The members of public present left at this point.
There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.45pm
Chairman...... Date......