Year A


Because in the mystery of the Word made flesh, you have caused a new light to shine in our hearts, to give the knowledge of your glory in the face of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

(Book of Common Prayer, page 378)

Accept the light we have received and shine it forth! It is not about shining the light in other’s faces, blinding them, but holding the light in open hands.

Last Sunday After Epiphany

The Transfiguration

Matthew 17:1-9

A Notation for This Week’s Gospel

Mountaintop experiences! Moses received the Law — to obey. Jesus is revealed as the person — to follow.

Theme: The disciples see the brightness of Jesus

Lesson Plan for Young Children

Before: The story of the Transfiguration is the passage for today. In the suggested telling of the story, Elijah and Moses are referred to as “two others” on the premise that the children may not know much, if anything, about either of them. You may choose to include their names in the story, perhaps this way: Jesus was talking with Elijah, the man everyone believed would be coming back to tell people to get ready for Jesus. Jesus was also talking to Moses who had gone up on a mountain years before and gotten the Ten Commandments from God.” The art activity suggested requires dark-colored construction paper, a sugar-water solution and q-tips. (Dissolve equal parts of white table sugar in water. Paint using the q-tips dipped frequently in the solution. When the painting dries, it will shimmer.)

Beginning: Sing the song one more time, this time adding the verse “all around the whole wide world” and making a huge circle over heads, holding the construction-paper candles, if you still have them available.

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine

All around the whole wide world,

I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Praying: “Thank you, God, for our light. Amen.”

The Story: Jesus told Peter, James and John that they needed to climb up a very high mountain with him where they could be by themselves. Jesus and his friends climbed, and climbed, and climbed up higher and higher and higher. When they got to the top his friends were really tired, but Jesus did not seem at all tired. But he sure looked different. Jesus’ face was shining and his clothes were so white you could hardly look at them. Jesus was talking to two others. “Hey,” said Peter. “This is a very special place. Let’s build a special marker for this place!” Well, just then a big cloud covered everything and they heard a voice say: “This is my Son; I love him; he is doing a good job. Pay attention to him!” At first, Jesus’ friends were scared. But Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid!” So they trusted Jesus and were not afraid.

Activity: Provide the art supplies and tell the children to illustrate our story. Tell them that when their work dries, it will be shiny. (It may not fully dry before the children leave.)

Getting Closure: Invite the children to show what they have drawn and tell what they want to about their work.

Closing Prayer: “Thank you, God, for Jesus who shows us we can trust him. Amen.”