Please tick appropriate box for who is responsible for the following activities. / Description of Activities
Please detail how these activities shall operate. / Selected Option
Partner Institution
Type of Collaborative Arrangement (e.g. Franchise)
Language of instruction and assessment
Premises for delivery (Address)
Host School(s)
Course Title(s) / Level / Credits / Mode of Delivery
(Full-time/Part-time) / Agreed number of Intakes (and Months) / Date of first Intake
ItemPlease tick appropriate box for who is responsible for the following activities. / Description of Activities
Please detail how these activities shall operate. / Selected Option
- Programme Design
A1. Design of Programme. / Option A: The University is responsible for the design of the Course.
Option B: The University and Partner Institute are jointly responsible for the design of the Course.
Option C: The course was designed by the partner institute in accordance with University guidelines.
Option D: The Course is designed jointly by the University and the following Institutes:
[list Partner Institutes involved in initial development of the award]
N.B. All Staffordshire University Courses are approved in accordance with the University’s Quality Assurance procedures.
A2. Updating & Development of Programme. / Option A:The University shall have primary responsibility for ensuring the curriculum remains up to date.
Option B: The University and Partner Institute(s) shall maintain shared responsibility for updating and developing the course.(Ultimate responsibility for ensuring the curriculum is up to date shall reside with the University).
Option C: The Partner Institute(s) shall be primarily responsible for updating and developing the award.
N.B.The University shall approveall proposed changes to the Coursein accordance with its quality assurance procedures.
A3. Liaison with and involvement of employers. / Option 1A: The University shall be responsible for maintaining on-going employer involvement in the development of the Course.
Option 1B: Both Parties shall be responsible for maintaining on-going employer involvement in the development of the Course.
Option 2A: The Partner Institute shall be responsible for maintaining on-going employer involvement in the delivery of the Course. (e.g. guest lectures and employer forums).
Option 2B: Both Parties shall be responsible for maintaining on-going employer involvement in the delivery of the Course. (e.g. guest lectures and employer forums)
B. Programme Management
B1. University Personnel / The following University personnel shall be responsible for the supporting the delivery of the programme at the Partner Institute:
University Link Tutor
Course Leader
University Module Leaders
B2. Partner Personnel / The following personnel shall be responsible for managing the Course at the Partner Institute (i.e. job title/role):
C. Regulations and Procedures
C1. Regulations and Procedures / The Courseshall operate in accordance with the following University Regulations and procedures:
- Academic Award Regulations
- Assessment of Students
- Procedure for Dealing with Breaches of Assessment Regulations – Academic Misconduct
- Procedure for a Student to appeal against the decision of an Assessment/Award Board
- Academic Dress
Option A: The Courseshall operate in accordance with University Regulations relating to non-academic misconduct (including issues relating to abusive or unreasonable behaviour, damage to property, use of computing facilities etc.)
Option B: The Courseshall operate in accordance with Partner Institute regulations relating to non-academic misconduct (including issues relating to abusive or unreasonable behaviour, damage to property, use of computing facilities etc.)
Supplementary Option: The Courseshall operate in accordance with the award specific regulations outlined in the Programme Specification.
Complaints. Complaints shall be handled in accordance with the Partner Institute’s complaints procedures until they have been exhausted.
Where a Student has exhausted the Partner Institute’s own complaints procedure and the complaint relates to the delivery of the University course, the Student may submit a formal complaint to the University in accordance with University policy.
Appropriate and relevant complaints made by Students to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for HE shall be the responsibility of the University.
In the event of an investigation regarding: academic misconduct, non-academic misconduct or a complaint relating to any aspect of the Course, the investigating Party shall immediately inform the other Party of the commencement of any such investigation, and keep the other Party informed throughout the investigation process. If either Party is not satisfied that the other is carrying out the investigation in a satisfactory manner, the issue shall be referred immediately tothe Vice Chancellor of the University.
If either Party makes any material changes to its regulations, which shall have a significant effect on Students, the Party making such changes shall notify the other Party as soon as possible.
C2. Recognition of Prior Learning / Applications for the Recognition of Prior Learning shall be considered in accordance with the University’s RPL Scheme.
Option: Decisions regarding the operation of the Recognition of Prior Learning Scheme shall be delegated to the Partner Institute (with the Module tutor and Award Leader supporting the application being based within the Partner Institute; and the APL Committee being held locally at the Partner Institute)
Option: Decisions regarding the operation of the Recognition of Prior Learning Scheme shall be made jointly by the University and Partner Institute. Please detail operation of RPL process:
D. Admissions
D1. Student recruitment and selection. / Option 1A: The admissions process shall be undertaken jointly by the University and Partner Institute in accordance with University procedures.
Option 1B:UK full-time Students:The University shall manage the UCAS admissions and applications process.
Option 1B:UK full-time Students: The Partner Institute shall manage the UCAS admissions and applications process.
Option 1C: The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for the admissions process for applications made directly to the Partner Institute.
Option 2A: The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for submitting recommendations regarding admissions decisions to the University. Recommendations shall be made in accordance with the admissions criteria contained within the Programme Specification. Ultimate responsibility for the admission of Students on to the Courseshall reside with the University.
Option 2B: The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for undertaking admissions decisions, made in accordance with the admissions criteria contained within the Programme Specification. Details of admissions decisions shall be made available to the University on request.
Any non-standard admissions decisions that are not referenced within the Programme Specification shall be referred to the University Link Tutor in the first instance.
Option 2C: The University shall be responsible for undertaking admissions decisions, made in accordance with the admissions criteria contained within the Programme Specification.
N.B.Ultimate responsibility for the admission of Students on to the Courseshall reside with the University.
D2. Criminal Convictions / Option A: The University shall manage the criminal convictions process for all applications through the University UCAS admissions or Online University Application Form (OLAF) and applications process in consultation with the Partner Institute.
Option B: The Partner Instituteshall manage the criminal convictions process for all applications direct to the Partner Institute in consultation with the University.
D3. Reasonable adjustments for Students with disabilities. / The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for advising applicants on the process for securing an independent disability assessment.
The Partner Instituteshall respond to the recommendations from the assessment report in respect of the delivery of learning and teaching. Details of any adjustments shall be made available to the University on request.
The Partner Instituteshall liaise with the University regarding the approval of any reasonable adjustments relating to Student assessment.
D4. Enrolment of Students. / Students shall be enrolled with the University and the Partner Institute.
Students shall be enrolled as students of the Partner Institute and registered with the University.
E. Programme Delivery
E1. Responsibility for delivery of the Programme. / Option A:The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for the delivery of learning and teaching for all Modules in accordance with the Programme Specification and Module Descriptors.
Option B: The Partner Institute and University shall be responsible for the delivery of the course. Please provide further information of responsibilities of both parties:
E2. Provision of Teaching Materials. / Option A: The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for the production of learning materials (for use within that Institute)
Option B: The University shall make available core learning materials for use by the Partner Institute. These shall be supplemented by materials produced by the Partner Institute.
F. Assessment
F1. Setting assessment questions. / Option A: The University shall be responsible for the production of assessment briefs and examination papers.
Option B: The University shall be responsible for the production of assessment briefs and examination papers in collaboration with the Partner Institute.
Option C: The Partner Institute shall be responsible for the production of assessment briefs and examination papers, for use in that Institute, in collaboration with the University.
F2. Approval of assessment questions. / The University shall approve all assessment briefs and examination papers prior to use.
F3. Sending assessment questions to External Examiner. / Option A: The University shall be responsible for submitting assessments for approval by the External Examiner prior to use.
Option B:ThePartner Instituteshall be responsible for submittingassessments for approval by the External Examiner prior to use.
F4. First marking of
Student assessments. / All assessments shall be first marked by the Partner Institute.
F5. Moderation or second marking of assessments. / Option A:The Partner Institute shall second mark all assessments.
Option B:The University shall second mark all assessments.
Option:The University shall moderate assessed work second marked by the Partner Institute.
F6. Liaising with External Examiner about moderation of assessments. / Option 1A: The University shall be responsible for making Programme Documentation (including Programme Specifications, Course Handbooks, Module Handbooks and Module Descriptors) available to the External Examiner.
Option 1B: The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for making Programme Documentation (including Programme Specifications, CourseHandbooks, Module Handbooks and Module Descriptors) available to the External Examiner.
Option 2A: The University in conjunction with the Partner Institute shall be responsible for making Student work available to the external examiner in accordance with University policy.
Option 2B: The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for making Student work available to the External Examiner.
F7. Giving feedback to Students on their assignments. / The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for providing feedback to Students on their assignments in accordance with the University Regulations and procedures outlined in C1.
F8. Operation of Assessment and Award Boards. / The procedures for the conduct of assessment and operation of the Assessment and Award Boards shall be those of the University.
The Partner Institute shall make assessment information, marks or grades available to the University prior to the Assessment Board.
The Award Board shall be chaired by a nominated representative of the University.
G. External Examiners
G1. Approval of External Examiners. / The University shall be responsible for the approval and appointment of External Examiners in accordance with procedures set out in the University’s quality assurance procedures.
G2. Collection of and response to External Examiner Reports. / ExternalExaminers shall submit reports directly to the University in accordance with the procedure set out in the University’s quality assurance procedures.
The University shall share copies of the report with the Partner Institute.
The University shall produce a response to the ExternalExaminer report in consultation with the Partner Institute.
Once approved by the University, the University shall submit the formal response to the Externalexaminer.
The contents (including any recommendations and examples of good practice) identified within the External Examiner report shall be included within the annual monitoring report.
H. Review and Monitoring
H1. Completion of Module Monitoring. / Option A: The Partner Instituteshall submit a completed University Module monitoring form to the University within four weeks of the completion of each Module.
All Module monitoring reports must be approved by a designated manager responsible for the quality assurance of HE provision prior to their submission to the University.
Option B: The Partner Institute shall submit a completed Partner Institute Module monitoring form to the University within four weeks of the completion of each Module.
All Module monitoring reports must be approved by a designated manager responsible for the quality assurance of HE provision prior to their submission to the University.
H2. Completion of Award Monitoring. / Annual monitoring shall be undertaken in accordance with the University’s quality assurance procedures.
All annual monitoring reports must be approved by a designated manager responsible for the quality assurance of HE provision prior to their submission to the University.
H3. Consideration of Outcomes from Award Monitoring. / The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for considering and responding to any actions identified through the annual monitoring process assigned to the PartnerInstitute.
The University shall be responsible for considering and responding to any actions identified through the annual monitoring process assigned to the University.
The completion of the annual monitoring action plan shall be monitored by the University Link Tutor. Action taken by the Partner Institute and the University shall be recorded in the Link Tutorreport and subsequent annual monitoring report.
Link Tutorreports shall be considered by the University in accordance with the University’s quality assurance procedures.
H4. Periodic Review of higher education provision (every five years). / Periodic review of the Courseshall be undertaken in accordance with the University’s quality assurance procedures.
I. Staffing
I1. Approval of Teaching Staff. / All Partner Institute staff contributing to the delivery of the Courseshall be approved in accordance with the University’s quality assurance procedures.
I2. Monitoring & Enhancement of the quality of higher education teaching and learning (eg peer observation of teaching). / The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for undertaking observations of learning and teaching in accordance with the PartnerInstitute’s observation policy and procedure.
J. Staff Development & Scholarship
J1. Responsibility for providing staff development and scholarship. / The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for ensuring that its staff members undertake appropriate staff development and scholarly activity to support the on-going delivery of the Programme.
The University Link Tutorshall work with the Partner Institute to implement a programme of staff development.
K. Student Support
K1. Student admission guidance and induction. / The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for providing admission guidance and joining instructions to Students (including start dates and locations).
The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for undertaking Student induction.
K2. Academic and Pastoral Guidance. / The Partner Institute shall be responsible for the provision of academic guidance and support.
The Partner Institute shall be responsible for the allocation of a personal tutor to each Student in accordance with the University'sPartner Institute's personal tutoring policy.
The Partner Institute shall be responsible for the provision of pastoral guidance.
K3. Support for disabled Students. / The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for providing support for disabled Students in accordance with policy and procedural guidance issued by the University’s Student Enabling Centre.
K4. Collecting and acting upon Student feedback. / Option 1A: The Partner Institute shall be responsible for securing Student feedback following the completion of each Module utilising Module evaluation questionnaires made available by the University School.
Option 1B: The Partner Institute shall be responsible for securing Student feedback following the completion of each Module utilising Module evaluation questionnaires designed by the Partner Institute.
Option 1C: The Partner Institute shall be responsible for securing Student feedback following the completion of each Module utilising Module evaluation questionnaires made available by the University School with the addition of Module specific questions the Partner Institute may deem appropriate.
Option: The University shall submit details of Students to be included in the National Student Survey in accordance with the methodology prescribed by the HEFCE and market research organisation commissioned to undertake the survey.
Option 2A: The Partner Instituteshall conduct Student CourseCommittees (staff/Student liaison) meetings in accordance with UniversityPartner Institute policy. Minutes from these meetings shall be recorded by the Partner Institute and be made available to the University.
Option 2B: The University shall conduct Student Course Management Committee (staff/Student liaison) meetings in accordance with University policy. Minutes from these meetings shall be recorded by the University and be made available to the Partner Institute.
Option 2C: The University and Partner Institute shall conduct joint Student Course ManagementCommittee (staff/Student liaison) meetings in accordance with UniversityPartner Institute policy. Minutes from these meetings shall be made available to the University. Minutes from these meetings shall be made available to the University.
Student feedback shall be formally considered as part of the annual monitoring process and associated action plans.
K5. Guidance for progression. / The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for providing progression guidance to Students.
Option: Details of the honours level progression award available to Students completing the Foundation degree shall be included within the Programme Specification and Course Handbook.
Option: University representatives shall visit the Partner Institute to provide information on progression opportunities available at the University.
K6. Course and Module information available to Students. / The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for makingCourseDocumentation (i.e. Programme Specifications, Course Handbook, Module Handbook, Module Descriptors) available to Students.
L. Learning Resources
L1. Learning and Teaching accommodation and facilities / The Partner Instituteshall provide appropriate learning and teaching facilities and access to library, internet and IT resources required to support the course.
L2. Library and learning resources available to Students. / The Partner Institute shall be responsible for the provision of library and learning resources as specified on the Module Descriptors, approved by the University.
The University shall make the following specialist resources available to support the delivery of theCourse:
Option A:Students shall be entitled to access library (physical and electronic) resources available at the Partner Institute and the University.
Option B: Students shall be entitled to access physical and electronic library resources available at the Partner Institute and electronic library resources available at the University.
M. Public Information
M1. Responsibility for producing marketing material. / Option A: The Partner Instituteshall be responsible for the production of marketing materials.
Option B: The University shall be responsible for the production of marketing materials.
M2. Responsibility for approving and monitoring the accuracy of marketing material. / All marketing material produced by or on behalf of the Partner Institute must be approved by the University in accordance with the University’s quality assurance procedures.
All marking materials should make clear the role of the University using the words “awarded by Staffordshire University”.
M3. Responsibility for providing data for Key Information Sets. / Option: The partner shall provide the University with necessary information to facilitate the production of Key Information Sets, as defined by HEFCE.
M4. Responsibility for producing and approving CourseDocumentation. / All Programme Specifications and Module Descriptors shall be approved by the University. Original versions of these documents shall be considered during the initial approval event. Subsequent amendments shall be approved by the relevant University School Academic Committee in accordance with the University’s quality assurance procedures.
Option 1A: The University shall produce Course and Module Handbooks in accordance with guidelines published on the University’s website. The Partner Institute shall amend and supplement the standard University information to reflect the local delivery of the award. Original versions of these documents shall be considered during the initial validation/approval event.
Option 1B: The Partner Institute shall produce Course and Module Handbooks. Original versions of these documents shall be considered during the initial approval event.
Option 2A: Revisions to Course and Module Handbooks shall be made by the University School and circulated to the Partner Institute prior to the commencement of each Academic Year. The Partner Instituteshall amend and supplement the standard University information to reflect the local delivery of the award.
Option 2B: Revisions to Course and Module Handbooks shall be made by the Partner Institute. The University shall review Course and Module Handbooks prior to the commencement of each Academic Year to ensure the content remains accurate, complete and current.
N. Translation
N1. Translation of publicity material. / Option A: Any publicity material produced in a language other than English shall be approved by the University in accordance with the University’s quality assurance procedures.
Option B: All publicity material shall be in the English language.
N2. Translation of Programme Documentation and learning and teaching materials. / Option A: The Translation of CourseDocumentation and assessment related materials (including assessment briefs, exam papers and Student scripts) required to facilitate the delivery of the Courseshall be undertaken in accordance with the University’s quality assurance procedures.
Option B: All Course Documentation and Learning Materials shall be in the English language.
O. Results
O1. Notification of results to Students. / Option A:The University shall be responsible for formally notifying Students of Award Board decisions.
Option B:The Partner Institute shall be responsible for formally notifying Students of Award Board decisions.
O2. Production of final certificate. / The University shall be responsible for the production of the final certificate.
O3. Production of final transcript. / The University shall be responsible for the production of the Student transcript.
P. Validating, Professional and/or Funding Bodies
P1. Validating, Professional and/or Funding Bodies / Option A: The University shall be responsible for liaising with the following professional, regulatory or statutory bodies:
Option B: The partner Institute shall be responsible for liaising with the followingprofessional, regulatory or statutory bodies:
Option C: Arrangements for reporting to enter professional, regulatory or statutory bodyshall be undertaken as follows:
Option D: There are no professional, regulatory or statutory bodies,associated with the Course.