Master Gardener Handbook Quiz on Chapter 13: Turfgrass
1) Cool-season turfgrasses do NOT include:
a) tall fescue
b) bermudagrass
c) the fine fescues
d) Kentucky bluegrass
2) Because it is very susceptible to turf diseases,
____ _____ is not a recommended species in Maryland.
3) Zoysiagrass produces little or no thatch. True______ False____
4) For optimal turf growth, soil pH should be between 5.0 and 5.8.
True______ False_____
5) In new turfgrass seed, the percentage by weight of weed seed should be less than ______ percent.
6) Grass seed can be installed any time of the year as long as the ground is not frozen and daytime temperatures are below 95 degrees.
True______ False________
7) Lawn fertilizers should contain low or no phosphorus.
True______ False____
8) According to Maryland law- The Fertilizer Use Act of 2011- homeowners cannot apply fertilizer to their lawns after _________ and before _______.
a) December 1, February 15
b) July 1, March 30
c) December 15, April 15
d) November 15, March 1
9) When mowing a lawn, remove no more than ___-___ of the grass blade each time.
10) The practice of letting grass clippings decompose on the lawn is called ________.
11) Lawns should be dethatched when the thatch layer is 1 inch to 2 inches thick.
True_____ False_____
12) Never aerate a lawn when it is ______.
13) If 85 lbs. of lime are needed to maintain a healthy lawn, apply _____ lbs. immediately and wait 6 months to apply the rest.
14) Mushrooms should be removed from the lawn immediately because they harm the grass.
True_____ False_______
15) The most damaging turf insect in Maryland is the ____ ____.
Answers on next page
Master Gardener Handbook Quiz on Chapter 13
Page in Handbook
1) b. bermudagrass (warm season) 315
2) perennial ryegrass 317
3) False (produces abundant thatch) 317
4) False (6.0 to 6.8) 319
5) O.5 percent 321
6) False (sod can be installed any time…) 321
7) True 323
8) d. November 15, March 1 327
9) one-third 327
10) grasscycling 328
11) False (1/2 inch to 1 inch) 329
12) dormant 329
13) 50 330
14) False (mushrooms are unsightly
but do not harm the grass.) 333
15) white grub 333
Revised for 2012