David McClure Ed.D.

David McClure has always been on the lookout for the next adventure.

He was raised in a working class neighborhood, in the city of Worcester, Massachusetts, where there are 9 colleges. It is no wonder that he sought the educational avenue.

Receiving his Bachelor of Science and Master’s Degree from Worcester State University, he then completed a Doctoral Degree from California Coast University. David was the first in his extended family to attend college.

Since his father and two older brothers were Navy veterans, it is no surprise when he enlisted in the Navy Reserves at the age of 17. This was during the Vietnam Era and thinking it was wise to promote himself to an E-4 Radarman, through what we now call Distance Learning, he was called to 2 years of active duty as a college sophomore since he now held a “Critical Rate”.

When he returned home he had a new, more mature look at life. He also had a wife, son and two years of college to complete.

David began his career in education as a “Traveling Speech Pathologist” and later moved to a classroom position. It was an interesting experience working with 34 female teachers in a school and being the only male. He later taught grades 3-6 as a math/science teacher. A vice-principal position was offered in a 750 student middle school that was out of control. Bringing the staff and students into a common sense discipline format took a year of effort, resulting in a Doctoral thesis based on Administration of School Discipline. A few years later David became the principal of a K-4, 600 student school.

Since teachers were paid little in the 70’s and 80’s, he decided to seek an additional part-time job. This was accomplished as a police officer in the town where he taught. He would teach school during the day and work evenings and nights in the cruiser.

He and his wife Carolyn, also an Auxiliarist, raised a son and daughter and now have 5 grandchildren. David retired from education in 2005. His retirement meant that he would be able to volunteer more time in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. His wife was thrilled he would have an outlet for his boundless energy.

David has served as a Vice-Flotilla Commander, Flotilla Commander and Division Commander. He is a member of Flotilla 65 in the First Northern District. It is the largest flotilla in the country with 456 members, where he is the Member Training Officer.

Among his other accomplishments are an appointment as a National Ski Patroller and USCG Auxiliarist since 1991. He has qualifications and experiences such as Keeper of Boston Light, Coast Guard Academy Admissions Partner, National Branch Chief Public Affairs Training Coordinator, CG Food Service, Public Affairs AUX 12 C-School Instructor, Station Cape Cod Canal Watchstander and Boat Crew. Add to this list his qualification as a Massachusetts. Environmental Police Boating Safety Instructor.

AUXLAMS is his new adventure combining the skills and experiences that he has gathered to share with developing leaders.