Ephesians: Sit. Walk. Stand.

8 – Can I trust the promise of God?

(Part 1 of 2)

People have always wanted assurances. Because the promises of others are frequently unreliable, we often require more: We demand oaths, sworn affidavits, guarantees, warranties, written contracts, and many other means of trying to guaranteethat what is promised is received.

But what about God’s word? What about the promise of God? When God promises to forgive our sins—Can I trust the promise of God? When God promises to make us His very own children—Can I trust the promise of God? When God promises to take us home to heaven—Can I trust the promise of God? When God makes a promise—I should always, without fail—trust the promise of God! God’swordisenough! And yet, in His grace—God makes His promiseeven more certain—if that were possible—by also giving us a guarantee. In the verses that we’ll read this morning, Godguarantees His promise, then He sealsHis promise.

Ephesians 1:13-14(NIV) 13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

I Can Trust the Promise of God. . .

1.Because I was included in Christ. (Vs. 13a)

And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation.

Do you remember the word “we” in vs. 12? Let me refresh your memory: “…in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.” “We” in vs. 12 refers to Jews, while “you” in vs. 13refers to Gentiles. Gentiles have been incorporated along with Jewish believers as members of the body of Christ. Jews and Gentiles have been set on equal footing! There are no second-class believers—aren’t you glad?! When Jesus came, we Gentiles were in the throes of wickedness. Mired in a squalor of sin, our race was no better than dirty cobblestones—not worth picking up—good only for walking on!

But then, God took us into His spiritual laboratory. And by the chemistry of atoning grace He processed us, turning us into His own precious jewels. If you are in Christ, do you realize that you belong to Christ?!

This inclusion of Gentiles repulsed many Jews and turned them away from the Gospel. We often criticize first century Jews for being cliquish and exclusive, but let me ask you a question: Have we done any better at extending the Kingdom of God to outsiders? Our meetinghouse is filled with“we’s.” Where are the “you’s”? I fear that they are not here because we have not invited them. I fear that they are not here because we don’t care enough about outsiders to help them become insiders. I fear that we spend too much time debating side issues—while people continue to go to Hell! I fear that we are guilty of the same exclusivityfor which we condemn the Jews of Jesus’ day!

“We-to-you” is still the ongoing dynamic of the Gospel. “We” who know— should carry the message to the “you’s” who need to know! Are we doing that? Are you doing that? Jesus came to seek and save the lost. May God’s mission be our mission, and may we not be deterred from God’s mission!

Fortunately, certain converted Jews shared the Gospel withlost Gentiles! May I state the obvious? The message of salvation must be shared! You can think about sharing the Gospel, you can read about sharing the Gospel, and you can talk about sharing the Gospel.ButIf you and I do not share the Gospel—no one will be saved! Why do we always think that someone else will do it?!

I was included in Christ when I heard the word of truth—and responded unto salvation. You were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth— and responded unto salvation. One must hear the word of truth— and respond in faith and repentance unto salvation.

Satan usesthree different strategies to try to stop the proclamation of the Gospel. We must refute himat each turn:

  • DOUBT not “the word of truth.” As truth indeed, the Word of God need not everbe questioned. The word of truth comes from the God of truth. The Word that is revealed in Jesus, and the Word that is recorded in holy writ is emphaticallyand entirely true. Scripture is fact, not fiction. Our Bible is “The” Book above all other books. It is the HolyBible—unique, inerrant, and set apart like no other book. Next…
  • DESPISE not “the word of truth.” Ours is not “a” word of truth—it is “the” word of truth—and yet, many people in our culture today despise it.

Have you noticed? The Bible is not politically correct! The Bible says that Jesus is the only way of salvation—people despise that! The Bible says that we should be sexually pure—that fornication is sin, adultery is sin, homosexuality is sin—people despise that! But—ask the current residents of Hades what they think about God’s Word. Ask them this question: “If you could leave Hades and go back to the earth, would you still despise the word of truth?” Now they know better—but it’s too late. Next…

  • SILENCE not “the word of truth.” A believer can talk with an unbeliever about many truths. A believer can talk about truths of history, truths of science, truths of mathematicsand more. But the most important truth that one could ever talkabout with an unbeliever is the truth of the Gospel— whereby people can be saved.

Imagine yourself on the shore of a raging river with a rope in your hand. Nearby, a man is caught in the rapids and is about to be swept over a waterfall. There are many truths you could shout to this man at this moment:

“Sides of an equilateral triangle are congruent!”

“The earth is round—not flat!”

“Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President!”

But to a man rushing toward destruction, these truths are meaningless. [Lifesaving ring] Only one truth matters enough to be voiced: “Catch the rope!”

To snatch men from the raging rapids of spiritual lostness, what is the rope that God threw to us?“The word of truth, the gospel of your salvation.” The “we” who have clutched it and have been drawn to shore must now toss the ropeto the “you’s” who haven’tyet been rescued. “Hey! Catch the rope! It’s suicidal to take the time to debate secondary issues at this point. Death is certain if you pause at this point to debateanything! Catch the rope!

Whatever excuse one uses to go to Hell really doesn’t matter. Hell will be Hell for whatever reason one goes there. Do not be foolish! Catch the rope— and come safely home to Jesus! I can trust the promise of God because I was included in Christ. What else? I can trust the promise of God…

2.Because I was sealed with the spirit. (Vs. 13b)

Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit…

“Having believed…” There can be no salvation, no sealing, and no assurance without believing in Jesus as revealed in “the word of truth.” Faith comes first.

Denominations which teach salvation by works downplay assurance of salvation. A major flaw in the teaching of many Christian groups is the absence of assurance. They believe that a person can come to Christ by grace through faith in Christ, can be loyal to Christ for a lifetime, can serve the Master faithfully, can grow in their relationship with Christ, and yet—can never be sure of Heaven. This is sad, but explainable. Where works are advocated for salvation, assurance is impossible to possess. One can never really know when “enough” works have been done. Many think that salvation depends on them, when in truth, salvation depends on Christ. Assurance is meant for every believer, but it can only be found in salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone.

Continuing in vs. 13: “…you were marked in him with a seal…”

Seals are official marks placed on possessions, letters, contracts, bills of sale, and important documents. In Bible times, a seal usually consisted of hot wax. After being placed on an object, it was stamped with one’s own unique signet ring. Seals performed at least three significant functions:

  • Seals authenticated a completed transaction. Treaties and contracts became operative once the seals of the agreeing parties were attached. Once the document was sealed, there was no going back. The transaction was finished, completed, and impossible to nullify. The indwelling Holy Spirit is proof that a great transaction has been completed in a believer’s life. The Holy Spirit is the seal which authenticates salvation in a person’s life.
  • Seals marked ownership. Unique, personalized seals provided sufficient evidence of ownership and settled all disputes. When Jeremiah bought the field at Anathoth, he sealed the deed before witnesses, thereby becoming the land’s new and rightful owner. The Holy Spirit’s presence within believers is proof that we belong to God. By sealing us, God says loud and clear, “Bought and paid for. Mine forever!” Dear believer—know that you are precious to God! Seals were only applied to highly valued things. 2 Timothy 1:12(NKJV)says this: I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committedto Him until that Day. Christian: What have you committed to God? Your life and your soul! And according to this verse: Who hangs onto whom? Next…
  • Seals provided security. Seals guaranteed that messagesarrived untampered with. Also, Darius sealed the stone which closed Daniel in the lions’ den. Pilate sealed the stone on Jesus’ tomb. Anyone who dared break a seal bearing the authority of Rome would quickly forfeit his life. A seal provided security. The Holy Spirit who lives within us is God’s seal of everlasting security.

The bond between God and a believer cannot be broken. In Revelation 5, no one—including angels—dared tamper with the seven seals on the scroll of God! Because they wereGod’s seals, they were sacred and untouchable by all— except for the Lamb of God—the only One who was worthy to open the scroll.

Fear not, dear believer. You are sealed, and the very purpose of a seal is to remove doubt and provide security. In Christ, you will reach your ultimate destination. No one—not Satan, and not even you—can break the seal of the God’s Spirit that God has placed on your soul. Even when you are too weak to hang onto God, God hangs onto you!

God always keeps His promises. You can trust Him. And you can trust His Word. The precious, indwelling Holy Spirit is the One whom Jesus promised would come, the One whom Jesus said would comfort and seal us. God would not have said it—if it were not a promise that you could trust.

The Spirit indwelling us is holy. He is also the source of our holiness. Just as the signet ring imparts its likeness to the hot wax, even so the Spirit seeks to impress His image more and more upon soft, impressionable hearts. God’s seal cannot be broken, but the image of His Spiritcan be faint within us. Callousness and disobedience retard the work of God’s Spirit within us. Continue to ask God to soften your heart that His Spirit may make His imprint more deeply and more indelibly upon your life. So—all of this brings us to a question…

“Can I be sure that my life has been sealed by the Holy Spirit?” The answer is “Yes!” It is possible to be sure of having been sealed by the Holy Spirit. The proof is in the ongoing ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life. As the Spirit’s image is impressed deeply upon your heart, His image manifests itself outwardly by conforming your life to the image of Christ. The evidence of sealing is those traits which show that you increasingly bear the likeness of your Father— your heavenly Father. You increasingly walk like your Father walks. You increasingly talk like your Father talks. You increasingly value what your Father values. More and more and more—you are being transformed into the image of the Father—and His Son. Why? Because “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, [Did you hear that? Those who are in Christ belong to God! You are God’s own possession!] that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)

So test yourself. Examine your own life. Seek to know for sure that you’re sealedby the Holy Spirit. One word of caution—be sure that you use the right test.

James 1:22(ESV)But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. Note the phrase “of the word.” Be doers—of the word. We are to judge ourselves by God’s standard—the Bible. As you search your life, examine yourself in light of God’s Word.

Being sealed with the Spirit, and realizing it, is one of life’s most precious treasures. It’s good to be saved. It’s better to know for sure that you’re saved. Best of all—it’s good to know for surethat you’re saved forever.

1 John 5:11-13(NIV) helps us with assurance of salvation: 11 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.

I want to emphasize the word know. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. It doesn’t say hope—so that you may “hope” that you have eternal life. It doesn’t say wish—so that you may“wish” that you have eternal life. It’s says know. In Christ, because you are sealed with the Holy Spirit, you can knowthat you have eternal life—both now—and forever.

Follower of Christ: By the grace of God, you are His and He is yours. Do not walk to Heaven under adark cloud of fear. Instead, walk in the Son and rejoice!

Next week, Lord willing, we’ll continue with Part 2 of this message:

“Can I Trust the Promise of God?”