Test Security Checklist

To help ensure fair and accurate test results, use the following recommendations. For detailed software instructions, see the Proctor Guide.

Testing Room Guidelines

Ensure a quiet area, protected from distracting noise and disturbances

·  Consider a "Do Not Disturb"sign

·  Use only one door for entrance and exit

Shade or cover all windows to maintain uniform lighting and to prevent distractions

Remove or cover any posted information related to the test content

Ensure there is an unobstructed visual line of sight for the proctor(s) to observe all students

Position monitors so that answer choices cannot be easily viewed by other students

Student Guidelines

Students may not:

·  choose their own seats in the testing room

·  bring personal electronic devices, bags, and other belongings

Students who finish testing should leave the test area or do quiet work as directed by a proctor

Students should discard used scrap paper prior to leaving the test area

Proctor Guidelines

Limit assistance to only those actions related to the testing procedures and mechanics

Limit adults in the testing room to only proctors and other authorized personnel

Monitor students continuously during testing, including periodically walking around the room

Avoid all other activities and give students your complete focus

Avoid leaving the room, or arrange for an alternate if you do

Record and report testing anomalies and potential security breaches a soon as possible

Breach of Security

Record all details including who was involved and report all incidents to: ______

Preserve any evidence of a potential breach

·  Examples:instructional material, scratch paper, or devices

·  Confiscate or photograph items according to district policy

If the problem involves a single test question, skip it using the following steps

How to Skip and Report a Problem Question:

Note: This feature is not available on iPads.

1. On your proctor computer, hover over the Proctor Interrupt PIN to reveal the code:

2. On the student computer, type:Ctrl +Shift +P (or Ctrl+Shift+L).

3. In the window that appears, type the PIN code.

4. Type a description of the problem with the test question.
Note:The MAPsystem captures the test name and question number for you.

5. Click Resume Test.
The MAPsystem sends the report to NWEA to be addressed (a "problem item report"), and the test resumes with the next question.

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