Environmental ScienceTextbook: HoltEnvironmental Science

Mrs. Graves Room 152

Classroom Expectations:

  1. Respect self
  2. Respect Others
  3. Respect Property.

Examples of Respect in My Classroom

Come to class on time.You must be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. The third tardy results in an after school restriction and a call home. Be respectful of the few minutes we get to spend together and let’s use our time wisely.

Leave cell phones, Ipods, Ipads, ear buds and other electronic devices packed away. Scientific research has shown students perform better without the distractions during class. Respect yourself and others by keeping them out of site.

Begin the warm up activity before or within one minute after the tardy bell. Directions will be on the projection screen or the board. Please do not wait for me to remind you to begin.
Attend to personal needs before coming to class. Spend your time learning not thinking about potty breaks.

Study! This class may not be rocket science, but it does require your attention and time.
Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up. Throw scraps away at the end of the period on your way out. Sharpen pencils before the tardy bell rings.
Do not eat anything in class unless you have been given special permission.

Bring required materials every day unless you are otherwise directed. If you need copies of materials you are expected to obtain them before the bell rings or within the first two minutes of class. Please do not sit there without the necessary materials and do not interrupt class to get them.
Talk only when permitted. Be aware of the situation since quiet talking is allowed in some situations and speaking to the entire group without raising your hand may be allowed in others. I will remind you once and expect compliance.

Use polite speech and body language. Unkind teasing and impolite behavior is unacceptable.

Avoid cheating and plagiarism. Students caught cheating will receive a zero and a phone call home. Both the student who shares his work for an independent assignment AND the person who copies it will suffer the same consequences. I expect you to do your own work and to be sure no one can copy it.
Follow the teacher's directions immediately. Keep me happy and I'll do a better job for you!

Consequences. Students will be held accountable for their actions based on the schools policies. Violations of the policies will be met with appropriate consequences and adherence will be rewarded with appreciation and improved teamwork, equaling greater success for everyone.


You will need the following items as soon as possible but before Tuesday August 23:

For student use:

  • Three ring binder (2 or 3 inch recommended)
  • Tabbed dividers or insertable folders to divide units
  • Notebook filler paper (100-200 sheets to be restocked as needed)
  • 2-3 highlighters (any color)
  • Pencils or pens (at least 24 for student use)
  • Colored pencils

Turn in to teacher

  • Pencils (at least 12 to leave in the classroom)
  • 1 box of tissues
  • 1 container of sanitizing wipes OR a bottle of hand sanitizer
  • 1 pack of 3x5 notecards
  • Signed parent/guardian contact form

Points will be assigned to this first assignment and failure to turn in these supplies and the signed contact form before the 23rdwill result in a 0 being posted in the gradebook unless arrangements have been made with me otherwise.

Parent/Guardian Contact Form

Thank you for the privilege of teaching your student this year. Please help me to do my best by allowing me to stay in contact with you as much as you would like or as much as time will permit. Please tell me anything you feel I should know about your student and how I may serve your family best this year.

Best number or email (and general time of day) to actually reach you: ______

The website has pretty much all upcoming events on it. Do you still wish to be notified of upcoming tests or other events and if so which email or phone number would you like me to use? ______

Do you have access to a computer and printer at home? ______

Do you have access to power school from a computer or phone? ______

What challenges has your student faced in the past or presently that might impact how he or she views challenges in school? ______

What about your student’s learning style would be most helpful to know upfront? ______

Other things the teacher should know: ______

Please read through the examples of respect with your student and sign so I know you have done so and are aware of the policy and my website. I cannot compete with electronics in the classroom and find most parents support me in expecting electronics to be put away during class and only brought out when part of a classroom activity. Respect and open communication are the foundation for a successful year. Please let me know if there is anything specifically I can do to help you and your family be more successful this year.


Student signature.Parent/ guardian signature