Matt West ND INC
1305 NE Broadway Salem OR 97301
Environmental Medicine Treatment Plan
Goal of treatment:
Avoidance of toxins to reduce body burden.
Supplementation to help the body mobilize and eliminate.
Cleansing to reduce load.
Foods: Eat mostly organic produce and meats, especially milk products.
Avoid large fish, swordfish, shark, tuna and hal ibut.
____ Vitamin C 4,000-6,000mg in divided dose, powder.
____ Chloragen 2-caps 2 times a day (metagenics)
____ Biopure whey protein 1 scoop a day (metagenics) follow smoothie reciepe.
____ Psyllium husk powder 1 tsp 3 times a day before meals in small amount of amount of water follow with 8 oz of water.
____ advaclear ( metagenics ) 1 cap 3 times a day only when on metalloclear.
____ Cod liver oil 1 T a day.
____ PhytoMulti 1 tablet 2 times a day (metagenics) this is a multi vitamin so if you are taking one now that is great.
____ Probiotic daily, spectrum 1 capsule 2 times a day (metagenics)
____ Chemet 1 capsule 2 times a day days 1-5 then off for 9 days. Best to start on a Monday.
____ IV high dose vitamin C 3 in one week and the off for 9 days
____ Cal apatite with magnesium 1 tablet 3 times a day.
Reduce Re-absorption:
____ Infared sauna 2 times a week (this is not a must but can really make you feel better, simple bliss in town has infared) during on DMSA weeks do enemas 2 times a week (fleet enemas are ok but not preferred, bag enemas are better, see handout)
____ Castor oil packs, dry skin brushing and hydrotherapy 5 x a week.
____ Blood tests in 6 weeks, continue on treatment plan for 4 months then re-test heavy metal numbers.
____ Diet 5 small meals a day of 300 calories, water to 80 oz a day
Smoothies are an easy and practical method of adding more protein to your diet. The can b e used for breakfast or lunch or as an energy boosting snack in between meals. Ingredients listed below are only suggestions and amounts can vary to your preference. Feel free to be creative!
In a blender combine any or all of the following and blend until smooth.
8-12 oz. / Soy, rice, almond, or oat milk2-4 Tbs. / Biopure protein
¼ cup / Fresh or frozen berries (blue, black, marion, logan)
1-2 Tbs. / Flax seeds, ground (buy whole seeds, then grind in coffee grinder or in blender before other ingredients)
1-2 tsp. / Soy lecithin
Aiding the Organs of Elimination
The main organs of elimination are the skin, kidneys, liver, lungs and colon. These natural routes of elimination may not be active and functioning at all times leading to an unnatural accumulation of toxins. These toxins in the body may be considered to be the cause of many different symptoms and diseases. That is to say that your present health concerns may be the result of toxic accumulations in your tissues. Below are some simple tasks that can be performed during a cleansing diet or at any time to aid these organs in eliminating toxic accumulation. It is important to do all of these tasks during a cleansing diet so that the cleanse brings you closer to health, rather than just freeing up toxic build-up without a way to exit the body. Six tasks are described below. With the exception of the enema, done only on days specified by your physician and the type of cleansing diet you are doing, all other tasks should be done each day.
Dry Skin Brushing (1 minute): Obtain a loofa sponge or natural sea sponge from the medicinary or the local health food store. Before each shower, gently rub your dry skin with the dry sponge. Start at your hands and work towards your chest. Then rub from your feet, up your legs, abdomen and towards your heart. Don’t forget your back and buttocks. Use light pressure. Now you are ready to follow the hydrotherapy instructions for your shower.
Hydrotherapy (10 minutes): This is the simple application of alternating hot and cold water in the shower or bath each day. Perform three cycles of three minutes hot and 30 seconds cold. End the third cycle on cold just before you get out of the shower. You do not have to use extremes of temperature for this to be helpful. Use temperatures that you can tolerate. You may also want to start by just applying cold to certain parts of the body (arms and legs). Oddly enough, you may find the cold very invigorating.
Enema (1 hour): This is to be performed when advised by your doctor. It is specific to the type of cleanse you are doing. Purchase an enema bag from the your local drugstore.
· Fill the enema bag with warm water (about 4 cups)
· Apply a lubricant to the tip of the plastic catheter that is to be inserted into your anus.
· Hang the enema bag near the showerhead to help facilitate the flow.
· Take off your clothes
· Get into the tub on your hands and knees
· Insert the catheter into your anus and open the flow of the water (see instructions on enema bag)
· Try to hold the water in
· Close the flow when you feel like you cannot hold in any more water.
· Shortly thereafter, eliminate the contents in your colon into the toilet.
· Repeat until all the water has been emptied from the bag.
Stay close to the toilet for the next ½ hour, as you will need to empty the remaining contents without much warning.